I could not do that," he added more firmly, "I would sooner face the fires of the Inquisition than those of hell.
There," he added more lightly, "will you not deign to sit here a moment?
If Shattuc were not as obstinate as a mule," he added more lightly, "I should ask you to convert him to the principles of sound currency.
And I should not have ventured even so far on dangerous ground," he added more lightly, "if it were not quite probable that five hundred people are ranging the forest this minute.
But," he added more emphatically, "if at any time it appears to you that he is turning back with the lady toward Haarlem come upon him at once with your men and seize him together with any companions he may have with him.
I only ask," headded more humbly, "that you will remember a poor Ojibwa in your prayers.
I know not whether the charm I bear will protect them also," he added more doubtfully.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "added more" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.