Spinoza believes nothing to be contingent save only according to the limitations of knowledge; Kant says that conditioned existence as such, is called accidental; the unconditioned, necessary.
But according to the teachings of the latter, we shall be enabled to recognize the meaning of natural law in the determination of how actual events are conditioned by possible ones.
If the obligation of the one signing as security is conditioned upon anything, it is not the obligation of a surety, but that of a guarantor, no matter by what term designated in the contract.
His obligation is not conditioned upon A's failure or inability to pay.
He is an ill-conditioned cur, so ill-conditioned that I will not stoop to take notice of his insolence.
Then I brought fire for ill-conditioned men, now it is for ourselves.
It was conditioned that if foreign competing lines should increase the speed of their ships the North German Lloyd must do likewise, and without additional subsidy, unless the foreign companies should receive extra payments.
Marriage is conditioned on the consent of both parties and their parents, whether the woman be a maiden or not.
If the marriage has been conditioned on virginity the refund of the dowry and of the expenses incurred may be demanded and the marriage invalidated.
The unfulfilled condition invalidateth that which is conditioned upon it.
Marriage is conditioned upon both parties having attained the age of maturity which is fixed at 15.
And if the marriage had been made conditional upon virginity, doth the unfulfilled condition invalidate that which was conditioned upon it?
Footnote 15: Who knows the conditioned and mythological form of Brahman as here described, sitting on the couch.
Many men whose shoulders are covered with the yellow gown are ill-conditioned and unrestrained; such evil-doers by their evil deeds go to hell.
Thills were attached, in which was harnessed a well-conditioned horse.
West of the Genesee, and beyond the country which had been ravaged by Sullivan, signs of Indian occupancy multiplied; but as yet there was no other food than corn to be had for their ill-conditioned bodies.
The creative act was not conditioned by Time or Space or Matter.
It is a reality which is not conditioned by kind, a reality which is independent of, absolved from, undetermined by any other antecedent or contemporaneous being--absolute reality.
Creation is the work of God, and surely the Divine action can not have beenconditioned by time-measures which did not exist before, but were consequent upon the act of God.
Creation as the free act of God was not conditioned by any thing out of and foreign to the Divine nature.
The Deity himself is conditioned in his action by the eternal and immutable laws of nature, and can not be conceived as a living Will exercising control over and subordinating these laws to higher moral ideas and ends.
The creative act must therefore have been conditioned by something other than God, and independent of God.
We have already seen that it is limited and conditioned by the law of the dissipation of energy, and that in reality "it is merely a kind of movable equilibrium between supply and destruction.
Divine predestination must beconditioned on Divine foreknowledge.
At the same time, the lateness of the appearance of the spiritual life within our realm and the many ways in which this appearance is conditioned force us to acknowledge that the life of the world as a whole has a history.
The fact that we feel ourselves conditioned by it, and have become more closely associated with it, can be fully appreciated and must force us to a radical revision of the traditional form of life.
Spiritual creation is effected in the transcending of the antithesis of subject and object: human endeavour is conditioned by this antithesis.
Irresolution, as a trait of character, is just as much conditioned by qualities of the will as of the intellect.
Synthetic it certainly is; for, analytically, nothing more follows from the conception of the conditioned than that of the condition.
Everything conditioned presupposes nothing but its condition; that this is again conditioned raises a new consideration which is not directly contained in the first.
Only the heart is untiring, because its beating and the circulation of the blood are not directly conditionedby nerves, but are just the original manifestation of the will.
Here it is false that the conditions of a conditioned can constitute a series.
However, it is evident that the existence which is conditioned through a knowing subject is only the existence in space, and therefore that of an extended and active being.
Thus here also we find the will as the substance which is permanent, the intellect, on the contrary, conditioned by its organ, as the changing accident.
It is evident, however, that such emancipation as did take place was conditionedby the supply of free labour, primarily, that is, by the rising surplus of population.
The first was declared to be a sacred right, as it followed from a law of nature; the second is merely conditioned by the reasons brought forward to support it.
Differences of education, and religious faith, however, conditioned the opinions as to the time when this triumphant state would appear and still more the method by which it would appear.
But the security of tenure was conditioned by the reimposition of the dues payable to the State, which had been abolished by Drusus.
It is a method that, from its elastic nature, bears less heavily on the agriculturist than that of a direct impost; for the payment is conditioned by the size of the crops and is independent of the changing value of money.
A military system is conditioned by the necessities of its growth; even that of an empire is seldom sufficiently elastic to be equally adapted to every country and equally capable of beating down every form of armed resistance.
The guarantees which had been sanctioned by Drusus, were therefore respected; but their observance was conditioned by the rule that all prohibitions now created for Romans should be extended to the allies.
The artisans under him worked with a will, and reports and rows were things unknown, except on scrubbing days, when some ill-conditioned hound happened to be temporarily employed.
Conditioned by the experiences of World War I, when the nation had enjoyed a surplus of untapped manpower even at the height of the war, and aware of the overwhelming manpower surplus of the depression years, the staff (p.
This is so certainly the case that I doubt whether any well-conditioned lodging-house matron could be induced to show rooms that were prettily draped or pleasantly coloured.
Why had the foolish fellow been in such a hurry with his hideous ill-conditioned advertisements?
For, the chiefest thing my father required at their hands (unto whose charge he had committed me) was a kinde of well conditioned mildnesse and facilitie of complexion.
The shorn yellow fields, the capacious red barns, the well-conditioned homes, all told eloquently of peace and plenty.
What the pupil will do in the recitation is conditioned upon the skill and power of the teacher.
The success of the recitation is in a large degree conditioned by the attitude of the pupil.