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Example sentences for "proxy"

Lexicographically close words:
proximis; proximity; proximo; proximum; proximus; proyecto; prude; prudence; prudens; prudent
  1. He bore with him a dispensation from his royal master to act as his proxy at the nuptial ceremony, and to receive in his name the hand of his fascinating bride.

  2. Proxy farming never was a success and I do not think it ever will be.

  3. In December Maximilian was married by proxy to Anne--whom he had never seen--and not long afterwards she assumed the style of Queen of the Romans.

  4. But though he advanced the arrangements for the marriage of Charles and Mary so far as to have a proxy ceremony performed, the marriage project with Joanna was withdrawn, and his overtures were also finally declined by Margaret of Savoy.

  5. A general meeting of the company was to be held annually at Columbia River, for the investigation and regulation of its affairs; at which absent members might be represented, and might vote by proxy under certain specified conditions.

  6. Mrs. Wright as proxy for my Lady Jemimah, were witnesses.

  7. St. George's day and Coronacion, the King and Court being at Windsor, at the installing of the King of Denmark by proxy and the Duke of Monmouth.

  8. Count Spava has omitted mentioning What proxy is to head these troops of his.

  9. That, tasting joys by proxy thus, you fared [Sidenote: Decides that he needs sympathizers.

  10. But the engagement was broken off almost immediately, and Lucrezia was married by proxy to another Spaniard, Don Gasparo de Procida, son of the count of Aversa.

  11. However, by bribes and threats the opposition was overcome, and in September 1501 the marriage was celebrated by proxy with great magnificence in Rome.

  12. The minister shook his gray head, and Edna saw tears in his mild blue eyes as he answered: "A man's repentance and faith can not be offered by proxy to God.

  13. I study by proxy whether an opportunity offers, for laziness is the only hereditary taint in the Leigh blood.

  14. On the 20th of July she went to Joinville to meet the Dowager Queen of Scotland and stand proxy for Queen Catherine at the christening of Francis of Guise's daughter, afterwards the notorious Duchess of Montpensier.

  15. Here they attended the christening of the Countess's daughter, and Frederic stood sponsor, while his wife was proxy for the French Queen, after whom the child was named.

  16. Six years before the English Princess had been wedded by proxy to the Archduke Charles, and Margaret, whose heart was set on this alliance, vainly pressed her father to conclude the treaty.

  17. But it was time now for Philip to think of the reception of his new child-wife, whom Alba had married as his proxy in Paris five months before.

  18. But it was pretty, that, being a Protestant, a man stood by and was my Proxy to answer for me.

  19. This family having greatly gone down in the world, her engagement was broken, and she was betrothed a year later to a member of the Pico family, and married to him by proxy at the age of fourteen.

  20. Henrietta's entry was followed by that of the two English Ambassadors and the proxy bridegroom.

  21. The selection of a proxy caused some difficulty.

  22. Rucker was introduced as a proxy for the Colorado association and gave its report with a warm personal endorsement of equal suffrage as it had existed in his State for seventeen years.

  23. He simply has the proxy and votes as the woman dictates.

  24. Devlin extended the welcome of the city as proxy for the Mayor, who addressed the convention later.

  25. Warfield, time women ceased to be proxy voters, 153-4; introd.

  26. Jenks, proxy for the president of the New Hampshire association, asked assistance in getting a clause for woman suffrage in the new constitution to be made for that State.

  27. He declared that he had been almost persuaded by the charming words of Mrs. Howe and said his wife was a "convert" and he "had been voting as a proxy for some time.

  28. Aberdeen said he had no hostility to the Government, and no objection to anything but the conduct of foreign affairs, so much so that if Clarendon came to the Foreign Office he would give him his proxy if he would hold it.

  29. His investiture took place at Grottoferrata during the autumn of 1474, and he commissioned his relative Pietro degli Ubaldini to proceed to England as proxy for his installation.

  30. But the proxy paper, properly filled up, must be lodged with the Secretary at least forty-eight hours before the meeting, and no person can be nominated a proxy unless he be a member of the Society.

  31. That Members may vote by proxy at the General Meeting, such proxies to be sent to the Secretary or Treasurer at least forty-eight hours before the time of Meeting.

  32. Those who attend vote in person, whilst all others send in proxy ballots.

  33. Either of himself or by proxy he shall teach the clerics, the church servants, and all the diocesans who wish to learn grammar.

  34. In choir or anywhere else he shall of himself and not by proxy lead [the singers], and correct and amend them.

  35. It was the final note of my quaint and unprecedented torture that I should come in as her husband's proxy for a chiding that should have been his.

  36. To hear one's self proposed to by proxy is quite the most amusing thing that can happen.

  37. I got a sort of pleasure by proxy in watching the delight of these primal people in real food, food which, although to us horribly unpalatable, never gives indigestion.

  38. In these exciting hunts I participated with eager delight, and by proxy mentally engaged in every encounter.

  39. I burned to justify those who had died here; to fulfill by proxy their hopes; to set their calling souls at rest.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proxy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.