A Proper Diphthong is where both the Vowels are sounded together; as, oi in Voice, ou in House.
A Diphthong makes always a long Syllable, unless one of the vowels be droped.
An Improper Diphthong, or Digraph, is a diphthong in which only one of the vowels are sounded.
Or: "A diphthong is the meeting of two vowels in one syllable.
A proper diphthong is that in which both the vowels are sounded.
A diphthong is a union of two vowels in one syllable, as in bear and beat.
We abound more in vowel and diphthong sounds, than most languages.
Therefore, the expression ought to be changed; thus, "Our language abounds more in vowel and diphthong sounds, than most other tongues.
An Improper Diphthong, (sometimes called a Digraph,) is a diphthong in which only one of the vowels is sounded.
And if you can find a diphthong or a triphthong, be pleased to point that out too.
An improper Diphthong is one in which only one of the two Vowels is sounded.
A diphthong consists of two vowels put together in one syllable; as ea in beat, oi in voice.
An improper diphthong is a diphthong in which the sound of but one of the two vowels is heard; as, eo in people.
Two letters forming a diphthong or digraph are not to be separated.
How do we treat the parts of a diphthong or digraph?
This diphthong hardly occurs, except in Gael a Gaul or Highlander, and Gaelic the Gaelic language[8].
The only dialect which kept the whole diphthong in one syllable was Aeolic.
A fancy struck me that I would cast an English air over my name, and therefore I substituted, in the place of the French diphthong ou, the w of the English, which has the same sound.
E may be said to form a diphthong by reduplication, as agree, sleeping.
O coalesces into a diphthong with a, as moan, groan, approach: oa has the sound of o long.
In determining the number of syllables the general rules of syllabic division are followed, and each vowel or diphthong involves a syllable.
When two or more vowel sounds other than mute e come together within a word they are sometimes treated as a diphthong and make but one syllable, sometimes separated and counted as two.
The words Schaeffer, Saeger, and Steinhaeuser appear without the diphthong on the same page with the word Reinoehl, yet they passed unchallenged by the editor.
In the word “Reinoehl” (a proper noun), should the diphthongbe used?
I stated that it should not be used, and was contradicted by the editor of this same publication, who said that the president of the college maintained that the diphthong was correct.
In the present compendium the chief points of divergence from the general American understanding of the 'Roman' method are in respect of the diphthong AE and the consonantal U.
In the case of this diphthong as well as in that in name, pail, etc.
A fairly close [e] is in standard English the first element of the diphthong in laid, tame, late, etc.
What is the quantity of the [ei] when the diphthong is final?
It is heard on the stage and in public speaking generally; in ordinary conversation it suggests the speech of a foreigner, especially if the [ɑ] element of the diphthong is lengthened.
In both cases we have a laxly articulated short sound, and a diphthong in which the tongue rises towards the end.
The diphthong is long when a voiced sound follows it, short before a voiceless sound.
In uttering a properdiphthong both vowels are pronounced; the sound is not simple, but the two sounds are so blended as to be considered as forming one syllable, as in void, bough.
The term improper diphthong is applied to the union in one syllable of two or more vowels of which only one is sounded, as in bean.
And for the diphthong ow let the two letters be united by a small stroke, or both engraven on the same piece of metal, with the left hand line of the w united to the o.
Classicists prefer to write the diphthongoe separate in Latin words.
Classicists prefer to write the diphthong oe separate in Latin words.
The second case is where the vowel or diphthong ending the first word in the synalepha bears the stress, and the initial vowel or diphthong of the second word is unstressed.
The weak vowel of a diphthong is ignored for riming purposes; thus vuelo rimes with cielo.
Consider, for example, the pronunciation of the diphthong /oi/.
Even when no accent betrays it, the foreign diphthongis under hard pressure.
The Scottish diphthong ae always, and ea very often, sound like the French e masculine.
The sound of the English diphthong oo is commonly spelled ou.
The Scottish diphthong ey sounds like the Latin ei.
The sound of this diphthong is exactly like the long slender sound of a; thus, pail a vessel, and pale a colour, are perfectly the same sound.
The French u is also a diphthong compounded of a and oo, as aoo.
Consequently there is no need to suppose that οι was a real diphthong either.
It will be seen from the above, leaving out of consideration the diphthong ou and ai, that the character of a large number of the loanwords is Norse.
Stoup has the Norse diphthong which has been simplified in Gael.
A diphthong whose second element was a dark vowel was simplified generally to a dark vowel (Lindelöf), e.
Thus 'anæsthetic' is spelt with the Latin diphthong and the Latin c.
We have however fiat, and pius was pronounced exactly as we pronounce 'pious', while for a diphthong we may quote Shelley, Mid the mountains Euganean I stood listening to the paean.
In the pronunciation of Cato the stage regained the English diphthong in the mouth of Garrick, whose good sense was often in evidence.