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Example sentences for "falsetto"

Lexicographically close words:
falselie; falsely; falseness; falser; falsest; falshed; falshood; falsi; falsification; falsifications
  1. And then he laughed, laughed in a shrill, screechy falsetto key, unnatural, and chilling as an icy breath from the Arctic.

  2. In the very highest falsetto and head tones the furrow is pretty well filled out, and then no more breath at all reaches the palatal resonance.

  3. The only exception is the very highest head and falsetto tones, which are without any palatal resonance and have their place solely in the head cavities.

  4. Called head tone in women, falsetto in men, it is the highest range of all classes of voices, the resonance of the head cavities (Plate C).

  5. Anne of Austria was angry, and her shrill falsetto conveyed an impression of vulgarity.

  6. But her behaviour was consistent; she believed that she expressed the authority of her son's kingship when she raised her high falsetto and shouted to her deputies to hold their tongues.

  7. Take two people who have not seen each other for a week, nor thought of each other, and when they meet they will shrill out spontaneous, falsetto tones--but not so with two people whose spirits have communed five minutes before.

  8. Every one had missed its mark, and up and down the length of the room the typewriters were clicking falsetto notes.

  9. No other human being is capable of soaring to the height of the Chinaman's falsetto modulations, as he heaps reproaches and cuss-words on his enemy's queue-adorned head.

  10. All of the wavered tones, as well as the falsetto at the beginning and the turn at the end are sung with one breath to a single syllable.

  11. The falsetto tone is indicated in the transcription by a tiny circle above the note.

  12. As a demonstration of flexibility, about the middle of the first movement, he takes the quarter note B-natural in falsetto and immediately drops into the waver a tenth below, at the same time assuming his natural voice.

  13. Presently, she lifted a falsetto voice in a Spanish love-song two centuries old.

  14. Carolina's face was grave and her sweet falsetto voice was not raised in song once during the afternoon.

  15. These knocks were not so precisely simultaneous as the shouts had been, and this led to mutual discovery, hailed with peals of falsetto laughter on the part of Captain Puffin and the more manly guffaws of the Major.

  16. Captain Puffin, at the other table, seemed to be behaving with the same impropriety, for the sound of his shrill, falsetto laugh was as regular as his visits to the bucket of red-currant fool.

  17. Puffin added his falsetto cackle to this merriment.

  18. As he stands in his wood-gear, he is as grizzly as an old cedar-tree; and he speaks in a high falsetto voice, which would be invaluable to a boatswain in a storm at sea.

  19. Her materials were then stowed away; the mat at the door was let down; the ladder descended and kicked away; and sadly singing in her soft falsetto voice, she retired into the dirt and dark of her habitation.

  20. The men are mostly baritone and bass, the women alto; but when singing, a falsetto is preferred to the natural voice, especially by the women, and this always without an instrumental accompaniment.

  21. Then the Ainu almost sing their words--the women in a falsetto voice, ending in a singularly mournful kind of cadenza.

  22. The transition also of the registers he has not carefully examined and observed in different voices: the chest register in the male and the falsetto of the female voice.

  23. And this art is by no means so difficult as is supposed, and is not dependent on the natural strength of the first falsetto tones.

  24. Although men do not use the falsetto register in speaking, it is not yet proved to be impossible for the male voice to attain the same results as the female.

  25. The tones of the falsetto and head registers, therefore, require far less breath than those of the chest register.

  26. Of the falsetto register these teachers commonly require only the first series, up to d2 e-flat2, to be sung, and then directly begin the head tones.

  27. He distinguished two different kinds of tones, to which he gave the names of the chest register and the falsetto register.

  28. The second series of the falsetto register, the tones of which are generated by the vibrations of the edges alone of the vocal ligaments.

  29. The length of the glottis necessary to form a falsetto note always exceeds that which produces the unison of the chest.

  30. When the transition is made from the highest tones of the falsetto register to the head register, there is experienced the same sense of relief in the organs of singing as in passing from the chest to the falsetto register.

  31. He halted, turned about and, with a volley of falsetto barks, challenged the offending water to come ashore and fight fair.

  32. But at sight of Lad, the puppy gamboled forward with a falsetto bark of joy.

  33. There, the sylvan stillness was shattered by barks in every key, from Pekingese falsetto to St. Bernard bass-thunder.

  34. Suddenly one of them began to intone in a falsetto voice a sort of Litany, to which the crowd replied in chorus.

  35. The French chorister was not daunted by the Lottchen, but, as my uncle maintained, sang his part, spectacles on nose, in the finest falsetto that ever proceeded forth from a human breast.

  36. This association was a little like the one that later established itself for me between the sad falsetto of the Arab songs, the snowy splendor of their mosques and the winding-sheet whiteness of their lime-washed porticos.

  37. He was uneasy as before, and adopted the falsetto tone of his comic moods.

  38. He laughed a great deal, made boisterous jokes uttered in the falsetto voice he affected when he was inclined to comicality, and, when his jests were turned upon himself, chuckled immoderately in appreciation of his own discomfiture.

  39. When Charles talked he allowed his voice gradually to mount the scales until it broke on a falsetto note.

  40. A lady in a Greek dress richly adorned with diamonds came up to me, and said in a falsetto voice that she would like to dance with me.

  41. You look hot," said my partner, in her falsetto voice, "come and rest in my box.

  42. And his cheeriness was vocalized in a high, piping, falsetto voice, generally gay and nearly always soft and kindly.

  43. Then almost at my elbow I heard that shrill falsetto squeal, and turned just in time to see the captain ascend the after gangplank.

  44. He uttered a shrill falsetto shriek that brought to a standstill every stevedore on the job; and sprang forward to seize his mate by, the shoulder.

  45. Mr. Eagen," its falsetto shrilled, "you are mate of this vessel.

  46. After a pause the falsetto asked deliberately: "Where we goin'?

  47. However, I was sure I could easily recognise that falsetto voice; and I knew where the supplies were to be purchased.

  48. However, I was informed by the captain's falsetto that I was to eat in the cabin.

  49. After waiting a moment for something more definite, the falsetto inquired rather drily: "How long?

  50. The celestial gave one look at the flask, raised his hands to cover his mouth and ran from the room, squeaking in his falsetto voice: "No can do!

  51. There is a hollow ring about it, a falsetto tone in its voice; a fatiguing literary grimace in the manner of its authors.

  52. The fish-hawk utters his weird voice in the morning, as if he lifted up to a friend at a great distance, in a sort of falsetto key.

  53. It is pitched in a high falsetto key, very loud, and seems as if he were calling to some one in the other world.

  54. It is quite true there is a horrid falsetto in some stanzas of the 'Gipsy Child'--it was a very youthful production.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "falsetto" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alto; baritone; bass; bravura; burden; choral; coloratura; croak; crow; dramatic; drone; falsetto; harshness; heroic; high; hiss; hymnal; lisp; liturgic; liturgical; lyrical; operatic; quaver; sacred; shake; singing; soprano; tenor; treble; tremor; twang; vocal; voice