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Example sentences for "voice broke"

  • A wandering Indian possibly, or--The girl’s voice broke on his speculations.

  • The judge's voice broke, a thick sob rose chokingly in his throat.

  • The boy's voice broke when he spoke his Uncle Bob's name, and his eyes swam with tears, but the judge did not notice this.

  • But Ormiston's voice broke in upon the inquiries with a determination to claim her attention.

  • MacTavish's voice broke in upon the pacing and the discordant song.

  • I am thinking of that little girl in London," said the divisional commander, and for the first time his voice broke.

  • Oh, damn it all," the doctor's voice broke at this point.

  • As he stood there in the darkness, hearing that music in his heart, a voice broke in, swearing hard and deep oaths.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voice broke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    catch hold; cider vinegar; early settler; false teachers; general literature; great store; highly prized; hydrogen sulphide; monsieur will; obtain possession; perfectly pure; still water; sulphuretted hydrogen; talking about; upon conviction; voice broke; voice calling; voice came; voice cried; voice culture; voice full; voice like; voice production; voice saying; voice was; you believe