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Example sentences for "nod"

Lexicographically close words:
noctule; nocturn; nocturnal; nocturne; nocturnes; nodal; nodded; nodder; noddies; nodding
  1. Van Schouten acknowledged Peter Gross's entrance with a curt nod and directed him to take a chair on the opposite side of the table.

  2. McCloud spoke to Wolang, but at a nod from Koyala the chief gave an order to his followers.

  3. Van Schouten inclined his head with a curt nod of satisfaction.

  4. After you, Pollard,” said Kerwick, with a nod towards the targets, to signify that the major should lead off.

  5. Walter looked at the stranger, who made a little gesture of intelligence with a nod and smile; and old Symington followed the look, still with that scared expression on his face.

  6. And this was what Walter felt when he walked away from the railway, having seen with great satisfaction the grizzled head of the old Scotsman nod at him from a window of the departing train.

  7. A nod of his head was all the good-night he gave.

  8. I am very glad,” she said, with a nod of her head.

  9. Dangerfield himself admitted their justice with a curt nod of his head while the canvas went shying across the floor, like a discarded rag.

  10. If it passed the inspection, he would nod contentedly, trill out a gay refrain, and replace it on the easel for further study.

  11. He had known it for weeks and yet now that it lay between them immutably written, forever fixed by the nod of her head, he felt dazed by the suddenness of the blow.

  12. He gave her a reassuring nod and this moment of friendly treachery seemed to bring them into an intimate alliance.

  13. He went so far as to heap the plate of the lad, and would have poured the coffee too, but that his master took the pot from his hand and with a nod and a smile dismissed him; and his master's smile was worth a good deal to Gleg.

  14. She flushed, was embarrassed and piqued, but with a smile and a nod she left him.

  15. Nor are these beliefs restricted to savages.

  16. He swung about on his heel and gave a curt nod to Yancy and Cavendish, who, falling back a step, tossed their guns to their shoulders and covered Murrell.

  17. Having dined with Betty as recently as the day before, he contented himself with a nod in her direction.

  18. A curt nod of the head was his only greeting.

  19. By a nod of her dimpled chin the lady seemed to urge some more extended confidence on his part.

  20. When the wisdom of this was questioned, she said, with emphasis and a nod of her curly head: "No young man for me, thank you.

  21. The leader's nod has been known to guide the judge on the bench.

  22. I gave a nod to my assistant, and in a few minutes the constables were at my back.

  23. I had gone to bed during that time, but M.

  24. You may now imagine my sorrow when I saw that you would win.

  25. A nun, who for the last two months and a half has seen you every Sunday in the church of her convent, wishes to become acquainted with you.

  26. Age, with sapient nod Marking the spot, still tarries to declare How they once lived, and wherefore they are there.

  27. However, in the stranger came, And, the moment he met the eyes of the Dame, Threw her as knowing a nod as though He had known her fifty long years ago; And presto!

  28. I do so like to see that pink rosebud nod itself.

  29. Then I nod unto the willows and they nod unto me.

  30. Jacob had yet some miles further to go; he could therefore only nod and smile, rejoicing that, in a very short time, he should have a pleasure equal to his friend's.

  31. On receiving a nod of assent to this question also, he again capered round the room, and all the way, as they walked home, delighted his mother with his expressive gestures of pleasure.

  32. Then, with a nod of farewell at the sleeping Pepper, and a pat of Trusty's head, he shouldered his broom and ran downstairs.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nod" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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