But I find I am not so happy with this approbation and this calm as I expected to be.
After all my anxiety while abroad, here is the most perfect approbation and calm of mind.
I see by your bashful seriousness, in place of that smiling approbation which you always shew when I utter any thing you entirely approve, that I have said something which would rather meet with your acquiescence, than choice.
And highly delighted I am for having obtained your approbationof my conduct to the child, as well as of my behaviour towards the dear gentleman, on the unhappy lady's score.
The most that I apprehend a first-sight approbation can do, is to inspire a liking; and a liking is conquerable, if the person will not brood over it, till she hatches it into love.
See an analogous argument of Berkeley for the Recent Origin of Man, quoted with approbation by Mr. Lyell, vol.
There were things which Miss Nightingale valued more highly than the approbationof the people.
That this proposed hospital nurse-training scheme has not met with the approbation or support of the medical profession is," he wrote, "beyond doubt.
Her services had received sympathetic support andapprobation from the Queen and the Prince.
I am sure your approbation will stimulate them to increased perseverance.
But the English press was open to them; and they were sure of the approbation of a large part of the English people.
He declared that his approbation of the Athanasian Creed was confined to that part which was properly a Creed, and that he did not mean to express any assent to the damnatory clauses.
Both Rosen and Avaux, therefore, were, with many soothing assurances of royalapprobation and favour, recalled to France.
He would have been a more sagacious politician if he had sympathized more with those feelings of moral approbation and disapprobation which prevail among the vulgar.
A formal approbation by the pope of a person nominated to an ecclesiastical dignity.
Conscience is the reason, employed about questions of right and wrong, and accompanied with the sentiments of approbation and condemnation.
It is impossible for me to describe with what fire and persuasive eloquence he spoke, and how the Speaker in the chair incessantly nodded approbation from beneath his solemn wig, and innumerable voices incessantly called out, "Hear him!
Sir Francis has in no manner expressed his approbation of your future marriage with his son; and I cannot consent to your going, unless Sir Francis himself were to wish it.
This is his great work, and, being entirely a work of description and classification, was received with the unanimous approbation of the scientific world.
He may be sure of every woman's approbationwhile he writes with such gallantry.
It was all general approbation and smoothness; nothing delineated or distinguished.
Harriet repeated expressions of approbation and praise from him--and Emma felt them to be in the closest agreement with what she had known of his opinion of Harriet.
I bring a new proposal on the subject:--a thought of my father's, which waits only yourapprobation to be acted upon.
She had an opportunity now of speaking her approbation while warm from her heart, for he stopped to hand her out.
At the end of a fortnight my father returned it with his approbationand a gift of the sum I had asked.
The lowest menial might properly take pride in her approbation and set great store by a token of her approval.
The overflowing, smothering approbation which they heaped upon him was loud-mouthed, unceasing, extravagant.
It caught the Sultan and his Young Turks, Anglophile and Francophile, in its toils, and gave its warm approbation to the massacre of the Armenians.
He was also initiated by Bülow into the scheme by which that covenant was to be set aside and Italy made to break her faith, and he signified his approbation of it.
The report simply declared that in no case should the United States accept a mandate without the agreement of France and Great Britain and the formal approbation of Germany and Russia.
This cursory manner of hinting approbation or dissent would make but a lame figure at present.
After hearing these at length he desired that, to use own words, the approbation of a dying statesman might be declared to the most glorious war and the most honourable peace that this nation ever saw.
In 1139 the Tenth General Council, the Second Lateran, gave in its eleventh Canon its official approbation to what must be considered one of the most beautiful institutions of the Middle Ages.
Necessity will oblige me to proceed in a method which is not generally thought fair; that of treating with a ward before obtaining the approbation of her guardian.
How this last revolting principle came to obtain our approbation I do not remember.
His bust of the General has arrived, and meets the approbation of those who know the original.
It has obtained the approbation of fifteen or sixteen centuries, and is therefore preferable to any design which might be newly contrived.
At the election, the people re-elected every man of the former Assembly, as a proof of their approbation of what they had done.
To merit the approbation of good and virtuous men is the height of my ambition, and will be a full compensation for all my toils and sufferings in the long and painful contest in which we have been engaged.
The truly virtuous Man, and real Patriot, is satisfied with the approbation of the wise, and discerning; he rejoices in the contemplation of the Purity of his Intentions, and waits in humble hope for the Plaudit of his final Judge.
I hope they will always be too knowing and too just, either to pay servile Hommage to the weak and wicked, or to withhold the Marks of their Approbation due to the wise and good.
He who gains the Approbationof the Virtuous Citizens.
He, however, expressed his warm approbation of the measure.
A letter addressed to me at Cincinnatti, Ohio, may possibly reach me on my route, when I hope to receive your approbation of my conduct.
During this time, and in both situations, her exemplary conduct, and the fidelity with which her duties were performed, gained the approbation and confidence of the officers.
The Corporation declared in strong terms theirapprobation of the result, and enlarged their donation, with a view to promote the same undertaking for the succeeding winter.
At which words the bard whipt off the player's wig, and received the approbation of the company, rather perhaps for the dexterity of his hand than his head.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "approbation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.