Pretty soon he came up and bore a beaming countenanceto supper.
The master gnawed his knuckles again, and his countenance was dark.
In the morning one was in Switzerland, with a black collar, a rusty chin, and a countenance in keeping with its appointments.
It was one by Hills and Sanders, of a tall youth in flannels, armed with a long-handled racket, and the sweet open countenance which Robin Evers had worn from his cradle upward.
Burke, his countenance rigid with determination, sat with his frightened eyes riveted upon the witness.
There were several minutes of hand-shaking, his countenance the while expressing the satisfaction at the turn affairs had taken, and then, with his friends and counsel, he left the court room.
To-day we have the "pi" man who sternly refuses to countenance such evil things as fresher's wines; who has signed the pledge and eschews tobacco.
Hearne himself was pleased to countenance bell-ringing, yet when a proposal was afoot to found "an academy of exercise in the university such as riding the great horse, fencing, etc.
While he was doing so a thin, emaciated man "with a sallow and diseased countenance who, I have now reason to believe was one of the forty thousand, stepped forward and elucidated the mystery in a moment.
Never shall I forget the countenance of the chief, as he rushed forward at the head of his destroying crew!
When this was reported to George, he immediately came to us, and with a most doleful countenance told us we must take care of ourselves; for, if the report proved true, he was much too weak to protect us.
Atoi received us in his usual manner; and his handsome, open countenance could not be imagined to belong to so savage a monster as he had proved himself to be.
All were fully equipped for war, and each countenance looked fierce and wild.
They had also brought with them several heads, which they have the art of preparing in their native ovens, so as not to disfigure the countenance nor injure the figure tatoo'd upon them.
In the course of the action, a chain-shot took away part of his breeches, without disconcerting the steady countenance of the wearer.
After the death of both, our poet continued to enjoy the countenance of their successor, James, second Duke of Ormond, son of the gallant Ossory, to whom he has dedicated the Fables.
Tis true, his countenance did imprint an awe, And naturally all souls to his did bow; As wands of divination downward draw, And point to beds where sovereign gold doth grow.
An engraving of the doctor, now before me, bears witness to this last peculiarity, and does justice to the cherubic plenitude of countenance and chin mentioned in the text.
His countenance fell, however, when, having entered the gate, he looked round and saw the hunters whom he supposed to be at a distance, standing on either side with arms in their hands.
The chief appeared to be pacified, his countenanceassuming its usual calm expression; and after he had cast another look of admiration at Sybil, he walked with a dignified step towards the gate.
The old hunter looked up at the countenance of the young Englishman, without speaking for a few seconds.
Though he is one of the greatest of the great in the Turkish Empire (ranking with a Cabinet Minister or Lord Chamberlain here), his fine countenance was clouded with care, and savage with ennui.
If the countenance is bloated, venesection may be performed.
The body is generally livid, the countenance pallid, or sometimes livid and bloated, the jaws firmly closed, and the hands clenched.
The countenance is usually flushed, and the pupils are dilated, but in cases of acute poisoning the patient may be deadly pale.
As the poisoning progresses the breathing becomes slow and stertorous, the pulse weak and feeble, and the countenance livid.
The countenance is not always bloated, sometimes being calm and pale.
So also the countenance may be either ghastly or placid, the pupils may even be dilated, and the pulse may be unaffected, or so small and frequent as to be scarcely appreciable.
The countenance is anxious and expressive of great suffering; death speedily occurs, the intellectual faculties remaining clear to the last.
I shall never see a real ballet, with a composed countenance again.
It was in vain that old and discreet counsellors implored the royal brothers not to countenance this bad man, who had nothing to recommend him except his fine person and his taste in dress.
You ask me," said William to one of the King's agents, "to countenance an attack on my own religion.
James read the petition; he folded it up; and his countenance grew dark.
He had seen with still deeper displeasure the countenance given by a large section of that party to the pretensions of Monmouth.
Both endured the pain of reading displeasure and distrust in the countenance and demeanour of their master; yet both were by their country held responsible for those crimes and errors from which they had vainly endeavoured to dissuade him.
The traces of severe bodily and mental suffering were discernible in his countenance and deportment.
To those who are acquainted with his countenance it will not seem wonderful that the writer in whom he most delighted was Montaigne.
Then the gentleman looked up and displayed the expressive countenance of Valentin de Bellegarde.
In some cases this character was written in good round hand upon the countenance of the wearer; in others Newman was thankful for such help as his companion's impressively brief intimation contributed to the discovery of it.
Newman had never seen the marquis so exhilarated; his pale, unlighted countenance had a sort of thin transfiguration.
The marquis almost succeeded in looking untroubled; the breaking up of the ice in his handsome countenance was an operation that was necessarily gradual.
Few specimens of the human countenance had ever given him such pleasure as these, lighted in the lurid fashion I have hinted at, and he was disposed to sip the cup of contemplative revenge in a leisurely fashion.
In vain Mrs. Tristram begged him to cheer up; she assured him that the sight of his countenance made her miserable.
The man whose head was thus pledged for our precious lives was a glorious-looking fellow, with the regular and handsome cast of countenance which is now characteristic of the Ottoman race.
His large dark orbs roll slowly and solemnly over the white of his deep-set eyes; his countenance shows painful thought and long-suffering, the suffering of one fallen from a high estate.
But arriving, they find the stone already rolled away, and one sitting upon it, whose countenanceis like lightning, and whose garments are white as the light.
Alone he went; and as he drew near the furnace, his countenancewas marvellously altered, his heart melted in the midst of his bowels, and the very substance of his life pressed through the pores of his skin.
Wearing a heavy fur-collared coat, and with his yellow, malignant countenance grotesquely horrible beneath the shadow of a large tweed motor cap, he stood motionless, looking up at me.
As I sank upon the floor in assumed exhaustion, a Chinaman with a perfectly impassive face, and a Burman whose pock-marked, evil countenance was set in an apparently habitual leer, came running into the room past the girl.
I am not Madame d'Artelle, and therefore not accountable for my actions or movements to you.
In the pause that followed, I heard some one descending the stairs.
I knew I had had to give up what I prized more than anything in life.
Count Karl knows the road which duty compels him to take, and he will follow it to the end.
Is it to be wondered at that the ashes gritted my teeth; that in my hot indignation, I spurned the whole transaction as base and ignoble, and that I vowed rather to forego my supreme purpose than gain it at such a price.
The Irishman started, and for an instant his huge countenance blazed with a look of wrath which was quite majestic, and overawed the boy, bold though he was.
Alric's countenance became grave, then it again relaxed into a broad grin.
He listened with a heaving breast and beating heart indeed, but with his head bent modestly down, while on his flushed countenance there was a bright expression, and on his lips a glad smile which spoke volumes.
Turning his eyes inside his tent again, Solve gazed with the expressionless aspect of a still drowsy man upon the countenance of Kettle, whose flat nose and open mouth gave vent to tones resembling those of a bassoon.
A benignant smile played on his countenance as he replaced it on his shoulder and continued on his way.
Many a battle had Haldor fought since then, at home and abroad, and several scars on hiscountenance and shoulders gave evidence that he had not come out of these altogether scathless; but war had not soured him.
I noticed that the overseer Huckstep laughed at this and called me a fool: and that whenever I spoke of going home with my master, his countenance indicated something between a smile and a sneer.
There was also a lighting up of joy and hope in the countenance of that child of God, as he looked forward to the time when he might become wise to many more tings.
The abolition measures of the English Government were considered a gross outrage on the rights of private property, a violation their multiplied pledges of countenance and support, and a flagrant usurpation of power over the weak.
Certain it is, that the time when southern slavery derived countenance at the North, from its supposed connection with "chivalry," is rapidly passing away.
That Constitution says: "This society will never, in any way, countenance the oppressed in vindicating their rights by resorting to physical force.
His sallow and haggard countenance was flushed, and his step unsteady.
It has seldom been our happiness to meet with a man more illustrious for true nobility of soul, or in whose countenance there were deeper traces of intellectual and moral greatness.
Very far am I from believing, that you would employ, or intentionally countenance violence, to prevent such discussion.
His talents and interesting countenance induced a Mrs Clarke to adopt him, but the slight of a visitor so wounded his pride that he suddenly left her house and went back to his old surroundings.
In like manner, it is still unlawful for any one to make a Covenant either with or for what is evil, in such a manner as to give it countenance or support.
The work which he gives countenance to some to undertake, according to his own good pleasure, he commits to others.
It is foreign to the scope of the ordinance to give countenance to sin.
They ought not to bring in revolution, but neither ought they to continue, by adhering to their oath of allegiance, to give countenance to an unlawful civil power.
Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us.
Laws framed by men in opposition to the will of God, ought to receive no countenance or support, in any form whatever, from the followers of the Lamb.
Those who approve of their polity countenance what is hostile to his government, and thus act as his enemies.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
When he entered, his countenance expressed all the passions that his situation had roused in his mind.
When he came in, HAMET, who always watched his countenance as a mariner the stars of heaven, perceived that it was obscured with perplexity and grief.
HAMET instantly discovered his surprize and emotion by a blush, which the next moment left his countenance paler than the light clouds that pass by night over the moon.
The ears that had recently smarted between another's finger and thumb were now deaf to my lamentations, and the knuckles that I had seen bruised and sore now played on my poor countenance as if it had been a tambourine.
Jim pounded along monotonously, but steadily, with a square front, preserving all along the same regular stroke, the same pace, and the same dogged expression ofcountenance with which he had entered the water.
As my eye ranged over the countenance of one of them, it struck me forcibly that I had seen the man before, but when or where, I could not recollect.
I had recognised Vinson, and as I rode up, I observed the look of agony and despair which overspread the countenance of my former school-fellow.
Did you notice the countenanceof one of the others?