I wrote a letter, therefore, to my poor dear mother, telling her that I was in the house of friends of my father, etc.
Here I live in my own home without a friend, and he is treated like a pariah, my poor dear boy!
It came over her still more than at the time, it came over her that he had been struck with something, even HE, poor dear man; and that for this to have occurred there must have been much to be struck with.
Then she added, seeing Clara looked annoyed, "You think me hard on poor dear Carey, but indeed I am not doubting her affection or her grief.
She said she had been at school with Elvira's poor mamma, "a sweetly pretty girl, poor dear, but so indulged.
Were you thinking how it was all spoilt, Armie, poor dear Armie.
She seemed happier after she came back from London, poor dear; and she told me that her grandfather had left her money, and that she was likely to become quite a rich woman.
He was seized in the night, poor dear gentleman, and it was only discovered when the servant went to call him in the morning.
I knew that nobody but you could settle it for her, poor dear girl; she is so young and inexperienced, and one is so much at a loss without a gentleman.
But don't tell Maria so--poor dear love--she may never have another chance.
Nothing was ever more real than his affection, poor dear boy,' and the tears thrilled to her eyes.
I'm an old woman, and I may be wrong, but my poor dear Mr. Meadows would never encourage a banker's clerk about the house unless he knew what were his expectations.
Poor dear Jolyon," she said, "somebody ought to see to it for him!
And, beside him, Thirza thought: 'Poor dear Ted I how nice for him to be having a complete rest!
True; but, poor dear, she is of a gentle nature, easily led, and seeing only what her affection lets her perceive.
Poor dear child, how one longs for power to breathe into her some such penitence!
Sympathy faded out between them, though she, poor dear, never betrayed it, if she realised it, which I doubt.
Och, then, poor dear shoul, he would be after finding that one was sufficient, if not one too many.
Oh, she's not, thank goodness, at all badly off, poor dear.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poor dear" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.