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Example sentences for "voiage"

Lexicographically close words:
voevoda; voglia; voglio; vogue; voi; voiages; voice; voiced; voiceful; voiceless
  1. A true report of the gainefull, prosperous, and speedy voiage to Iaua in the East Indies, performed by a fleete of 8.

  2. Notwithstanding, if I had here so much readie money as the commodities are woorth, I would not doubt to make a very good profite of this voiage hither, and to Balsara, and so by Gods helpe there will be reasonable profite made of the voiage.

  3. A briefe description of the voiage before handled, in manner of a Iournall.

  4. The eighth a pinnas that had been in the former voiage called the Pidgeon, now the Ouerijssel, of the burden of fifty tuns.

  5. To conclude this voiage was performed in one yeare, two monethes, and nineteene daies.

  6. The performance of this long and daungerous voiage in so short time we ascribed to Gods deuine and wonderfull prouidence, hauing sailed at the least 8000.

  7. We will that Steuen Burrowe doe proceed on his voiage to discouer.

  8. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Knt.

  9. But the way is dangerous, the passage doubtfull, the voiage not throughly knowen, and therefore gainesaid by many, after this maner.

  10. But first the Generall dispatched a boat to giue them knowledge of his comming for no ill intent, hauing Commission from her Maiestie for his voiage he had in hand.

  11. Since then, there is arriued at Texell another ship of war, whereof one Cater of Amsterdam was captain, the wich was seuered from the fleet in this voiage by tempest, and thought to be lost.

  12. Nouember I Roger Bodenham Captaine of the Barke Aucher entered the said ship at Grauesend, for my voiage to the Ilands of Candia and Chio in the Leuant.

  13. The woorthy voiage of Richard the first, K.

  14. Also another gret armee and voiage fordone for defaut and lak of spedy payment this yere of Crist M^l.

  15. William the duke of Guien died bethout heire masle, uppon his voiage he made to seint James, havyng .

  16. With full promise that vppon my retourne from my voiage of S.

  17. In this meane time that sir Robert Knols made this voiage through the realme of France, the prince of Wales laid siege to the citie of Limoges, which was reuolted to the Frenchmen.

  18. Northbourgh the kings confessor describing the kings voiage into France.

  19. This voiage had beene in preparing for the space of three yeares before.

  20. The commodities of the shippes which come from Bengala bee fine pauillions for beds, wrought quilts, fine Calicut cloth, Pintados and other fine workes, and Rice, and they make this voiage twise in the yeere.

  21. Among our Merchants here in England, it is a common voiage to traffike into Spaine: whereunto a ship, being called The three halfe Moones, manned with 38.

  22. A voiage made out of England vnto Guinea and Benin in Affrike, at the charges of certaine marchants Aduenturers of the Citie of London, in the yeere of our Lord 1553.

  23. Hawkins with his consorts and company of the Minion hauing now both the Brigandines at her sterne, weighed anker, and set saile on their voiage hauing a prosperous wind thereunto.

  24. Sidenote: Pinteado first perswaded our men to the voiage of Guinea.

  25. Item, that if any man shall practise by any deuise or deuises whatsoeuer, to alter the voiage from the true purpose and intent of the owner, viz.

  26. The voiage of John Newton and John Bird to Benin.

  27. A briefe description of a voiage before handled, in maner of a iournall.

  28. Some of our men of good credite that were in this last voiage to Guinea, affirme earnestly that in the night season they felt a sensible heat to come from the beames of the moone.

  29. Thus may you plainely perceiue the successe of my fift and last voiage to Virginia, which was no lesse vnfortunately ended then frowardly begun, and as lucklesse to many, as sinister to my selfe.

  30. The men of name that died and were slaine in this voiage as I can presently call to my remembrance, are these.

  31. Nicholas in Russia, in which the factors and merchandise for the Persian voiage were transported, departed from Grauesend the 19.

  32. First it is to be vnderstood, that the ships for the voiage to S.

  33. Therefore allowing in a discouery voiage for one day with another but 50.

  34. Touching the pompe had and vsed at the setting forward of this ladie on hir voiage it is a note worth the reading; and therefore necessarilie here interlaced for honours sake.

  35. In this meane time, king Richard being now at rest from troubles of warre, studied busilie to prouide monie, meaning to make a new voiage into the holie land.

  36. The Voiage of the bishop of Winchester to Ierusalem, in the sixt yeere of the reigne of Henry the fift, which was the yeere of our Lord, 1417.

  37. A description of a Voiage to Constantinople and Syria, begun the 21.

  38. The voiage of Thomas lord Moubray duke of Norfolke to Ierusalem, in the yeere of our Lord 1399.

  39. And this was the end of the ridiculous voiage of Caligula attempted against the Britains.

  40. The voiage of the right honorable George Erle of Cumberland to the Azores, &c.

  41. A true discourse written (as is thought) by Colonel Antonie Winkfield emploied in the voiage to Spaine and Portugall, 1589.

  42. The 28 and 29 dayes we met diuers of our English ships, returning from the Portugall voiage which my lord relieued with victuals.

  43. Hauing in this maner described the Ouze, and such riuers as fall into the same: now it resteth that I proceed in my voiage toward the Thames, according to my former order.

  44. It was first ruled by a seuerall king, and afterwards wonne from the Britons by Vespasian the legat, at such time as he made a voiage into the west countrie.

  45. But when after another voiage it was found to be but drosse, he gaue ouer both the enterprises, and now keepeth home without anie desire at all to seeke into farre countries.

  46. Burien, in performance of his vow made when he enterprised this voiage for his safe returne) nor anie tempest of weather in those parts that could annoie our passage.

  47. And heere we ended our voiage from the Auon, which conteineth the whole coast of Dorcester, or Dorcetshire, so that next we must enter into Summerset countie, and see what waters are there.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voiage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.