Possibly," said Richard, in the same low, husky voice.
After a while Robin looked around him with tear-dimmed eyes and said, in a husky voice, "Now, I swear that never again will I leave these dear woodlands.
Brazilian, in a husky voice, dropping on to a sofa.
Then it is a secret drawer," said Fred, in a low, husky voice.
Master or Captain Scarlett Markham," he said, in a husky voice, "you have taken advantage of your position as a prisoner to strike me twice in the presence of my men.
In a husky voice, he exclaimed: 'I happened to pass along the quay, on the other side of the way, and I saw that gentleman at the window.
Then he answered in a husky voice: 'No; I hadn't time.
I fear the worst," he said to Betty, in a husky voice.
I was cold, I was shivering as though I were in a fever, and spoke with difficulty in a husky voice.
He heard the crack of a quirt, cruelly applied, and a man's husky voice.
I've got tuh be special careful," whispered the woman in a husky voice.
Oh yes, he is still here," said Mrs. Clarke's husky voice.
As he went into the spare room, Dion remembered the exact tone of Mrs. Clarke's husky voice in speaking it, the exact expression in her eyes.
Then he heard a husky voice say, "My friend, it will have to come.
Ah, no," he said, in a husky voice, and he broke from her embrace.
There was a pause then for a few minutes, when, in a thick, husky voice, I once more tried to speak.
Pig and Whistle'," grunted Dollops in a husky voice, glad of an excuse to hide his pleasure at Cleek's appreciation of his character.
Brellier, suddenly, in a husky voice, as the clerk rose to quell the interrupted flow of oratory, and the court banged his mace for quiet.
There was a moment of painful silence, and then the Pope sat down again with rigid limbs, saying in a husky voice: "Go on, my daughter.
He was stammering in a husky voice, and she said quite calmly: "I mean to tell you that in substance and in fact what you implied was false.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "husky voice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.