A further modificationof this takes place in the Swedish padlock, figs.
By this means we arrive at the ordinary hinge of the padlock which with further modification of form and mechanism is in use on carpet bags in this country at the present day.
The principal modification in the matter of school furnishings is the abolition of desks, and benches or stationary chairs.
But he was deeply anxious to have Hamilton's views and plans for his guidance, even if modification were necessary.
Then their modification would call for the modification of other characters.
Peter and Paul they should behold the very origin of Christianity; and this at a time when there is a question of the renovation and modification of Christian society.
Diseases peculiar to certain localities, heights, and climates have also played their part in the modification of animals and plants.
Owing to it, a modification seldom arises in any portion of the organism without involving a corresponding change in another part.
The existence of a plurality of races or varieties necessarily implies the unfavorable modification of some of the parts or characters of some of the members of the species.
But some part presents a modification in advance of its fellows.
If this is the case, is not the scope of reversion sufficiently wide to cover every favorable modificationwhich has arisen, or may arise, under domestication?
Here we find a variety formed by the appearance of a modification not observable in the species under nature, and there a variety formed by the total or partial suppression of one or more characters.
It will be seen that the more correct assertion would be, those survive which have undergone less modification or none.
Are we not, after this, justified in ascribing to reversion every favorable modification which has arisen or may arise?
Otherwise, how are we to account for the due tempering and modification of the forces implied in the deposition of each of the atoms of the accretion?
It is often not a little difficult to determine which part first varies and induces the modificationof the other.
A modification of the metallic thermometer, invented by Mr. Joseph Saxton, of the United States office of weights and measures, for the use of the coast survey, may be thus described.
This has been remedied by the same gentleman, by the modificationof the pumps by which the air is forced in the reservoir.
As a structural modificationpossessing this character we saw the fold in the Cyclostomata, Selachians and Dipnoeans (Figs.
This colic modification is found in its highest degree of development in the ruminant Ungulates, whose caecal pouch proper is also enormously developed.
One of the most marked examples of this secondary modification of the colon is presented by the intestinal canal of another Rodent, Lagomys pusillus (Fig.
A second modificationof the intestinal canal, suggesting the same physiological interpretation as the ileo-colic caecum, is presented by the so-called pyloric caeca or appendices of many Teleosts and Ganoids already referred to (p.
If fuller investigation of the New Guinea tribes requires some modification in regard to their origin, his observations, as broadly outlined then, remain true still.
The third I did not realise till I read Weismann, I have never seen the sufficiency of normal variability for the modification of species more strongly or better put than in your letters to Bates.
In almost all cases I have made some modification in accordance with your suggestions, and the book will be much improved thereby.
Variation, as I understand it, can only be a slight modification in the offspring of that which exists in the parent.
This is very clear; but it was exceedingly difficult for me to understand at first, without some modification or reserve which would justify my position.
That the friends of Colonel Ingersoll may know just how infamous this is, we will give a brief history of the repeal or modification movement.
The only reason a modification of the postal laws is necessary is that at present, under color of those laws, books and pamphlets are excluded from the mails simply because they are considered heterodox and blasphemous.
A petition was sent to Congress praying for the repeal or modification of certain postal laws, to the end that the freedom of conscience and of the press should not be abridged.
At this Congress the League left the matter of repeal or modification of the laws open, taking no action as an organization, either way, but elected officers known to be in favor of repeal.
We shall thus see that a large amount of hereditary modification is at least possible, and, what is equally or more important, we shall see how great is the power of man in accumulating by his Selection successive slight variations.
On a small island, the race for life will have been less severe, and there will have been less modification and less extermination.
It may be asked how far I extend the doctrine of the modification of species.
In their new homes they will be exposed to new conditions, and will frequently undergo further modification and improvement; and thus they will become still further victorious, and will produce groups of modified descendants.
Correlation of growth has no doubt played a most important part, and a useful modification of one part will often have entailed on other parts diversified changes of no direct use.
For some of these species are so distinct, that we cannot suppose that there has been time since the commencement of the Glacial period for their migration, and for their subsequentmodification to the necessary degree.
Already he had accepted one modification of his contract, and his takings for new circulation were now twenty-five cents per unit per year instead of fifty cents as formerly.
To neither his chief editorial writer nor Russell Edmonds had the proprietor so much as hinted at the modification of scheme.
This modification of cloud is most frequently seen on bright summer days, and is appropriately called “the day cloud†and “the summer cloud.
For use in tropical climates, where, as has been shown, the rainfall is excessive, a modification of this instrument is supplied by the instrument makers, having an extra large receiver and tap for drawing off the collected rain.
That the cylindrical form of the bee grub and caterpillar is the result of modification through descent is evident in the caterpillar-like form of the immature Caddis fly (Pl.
At the same time, and while such a modificationin the law seems to be reasonable, the change effected would be less considerable than may appear at first sight.
In other words, inversion is bound up with a modification of the secondary sexual characters.
It can be expected, however, that the material, interpretations, and conclusions are subject to modification in the light of new information and developments.
Planning for these complexes has been concentrated at the highest government level, and anymodification of the obligatory plans requires the approval of the Council of Ministers.
This system continued with only slight modification until the Communists took over in 1944.
A game at cards, a modification of seven-up, or all fours.
As a modification of this stitch the wrapping of the loose reed is omitted, and the long stitch only is used.
The Samoan Stitch is a modification of the Mariposa Stitch, the only difference being in the space between the reeds and the passing of the thread around the long stitch two, three or more times, which gives the lace effect.
And of course it is needless to say that this is precisely the law to which the process of descent with adaptive modification would of necessity give rise.
Now I have chosen the case of the whale and porpoise group because they offer so extreme an example of profound modification of structure in adaptation to changed conditions of life.
The theory of evolution by natural selection supposes that hereditary characters admit of being slowly modified wherever their modification will render an organism better suited to a change in its conditions of life.
Let us, then, observe the evidence we have of such adaptive modifications of structure, in cases where the need of such modificationis apparent.
Of course the theory of descent with adaptive modification has a delightfully simple answer to supply, viz.
Perhaps it shows a modification towards the crocodilian direction.
It is a modificationof the cup-and-ball form of vertebral articulation, which at the present day is eminently reptilian.
The most remarkable modification of structure at the extremity of the tail was made known by Professor Marsh in a vertical, leaf-like expansion in this genus, which had not previously been observed (p.
And therefore we are led to the conclusion that any other fundamental modificationof brain--such as distinguishes the class of Birds--might also be associated with forms and structures of the skeleton which would vary in similar ways.
No modification such as that which derives the one-toed horse or the two-toed ox from ancestors with a larger number of digits.
There is no modification of the noun to express case, but the equivalents of cases are shown by suffixes.
There is no modification or grammatical difference to mark gender.
The wind cast is a modification of the switch cast, but easier to make.
Much has been said, and profitably said, with reference to the modification of the general type of Christian teaching in the writings respectively of Paul, Peter, James, and John.
He speaks (with a slight modification of the word employed) of Jesus Christ as being 'to them that believe, precious.
However, if the so-called volatile alkaloids are suspected, this modification is to be omitted.
The former modification corresponds to red hexagonal phosphorus (red phosphorus having been recently proved by the author to be crystalline), and the latter to yellow phosphorus, which crystallises in the regular system.
Gatehouse suggested the use of aluminium and sodic hydrate as a modification of Fleitmann's test, for the purpose of distinguishing between arsenic and antimony; and this is now the usual process adopted.