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Example sentences for "unlock"

Lexicographically close words:
unlit; unload; unloaded; unloading; unloads; unlocked; unlocking; unlocks; unlooked; unloose
  1. A little man with a beak of a nose was waiting in the corridor and hastened to unlock a door marked "Private," and the colonel went in, and the little man locked the door and tiptoed down the corridor to the general offices.

  2. Unlock your little door so that Rosemarie may walk on the cool grass beside the canal.

  3. I feared that he would speak and I miss the words; I feared that the very noise about him would remind him, would suggest to him, would disclose to him, anyhow would unlock his lips.

  4. They took the precious key which could unlock the drawer and display this marvellous fairyland of delight, and hid it under a portion of the carpet which went straight under the bed in which they slept.

  5. She could place herself so as to conceal completely the box under the bed; but if the girl's key would unlock her attic door, how was she ever to leave it for a moment in safety?

  6. Now you unlock his handcuffs, and tell him what happened to him back in nineteen thirty-three just as if you'd seen it.

  7. If I unlock your leg, you'll unlock the cupboard?

  8. Truly, Andersen had the key to unlock all hearts!

  9. In the morning I lay on my bed reading the adventures of D'Artagnan and the rest, until Mr. Parsons was pleased to unlock my door and let me out of the bedroom, when I made no complaint of his conduct in turning the key.

  10. I own his does not appear likely to be the hand to unlock the penetralia.

  11. Their young mistress should not be carried to the overseer's;" and Aunt Judy, the keeper of the keys, hurried off to unlock the house doors.

  12. When you are rested, we will unlock our budget of news.

  13. He was startled, yet he went on trying to unlock the door.

  14. It might turn out that she could unlock the door that had shut between me and Maida Odell.

  15. I would please to unlock the door of a closet near where I was sitting, as she could not turn the key.

  16. So saying, Laura went to unlock the box which contained her treasure, but unfortunately her key was not where she had supposed it was.

  17. This can unlock the gates of joy; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic tears.

  18. Let me glide noiselessly forth; With the key of softness unlock the locks--with a whisper Set ope the doors, O soul!

  19. Quicken'd so, will I unlock Every crypt of every rock.

  20. That little piece of paper can unlock doors where golden keys fail.

  21. This was all proper and right then, but the progress of reform has developed the fact that suffrage for woman is the great key that will unlock to her the doors of social and political equality.

  22. We have often been told that the golden key can unlock all the doors.

  23. Not only is our welfare as a great nation at stake, but the oppressed of the world look anxiously and hopefully to us as holding the key to their prison doors, which we may unlock if we will.

  24. I thought he did not get away: he was unable to unlock the church-door.

  25. She rose to unlock a drawer, took from it a small blue box in the shape of a trunk, and unlocked that.

  26. When I heard you unlock it on coming in this evening, I can tell you I shivered in my shoes.

  27. Unlock the wicket, Frank--and then slip over to the Fortune of War, and try if you can get any intelligence.

  28. Taking a key from her bosom, she proceeded to unlock a strong cupboard built into the Avail of the apartment, and, from external appearances, formed for a place of security.

  29. LV The Vine had struck a Fibre; which about If clings my Being--let the Sufi flout; Of my Base Metal may be filed a Key, That shall unlock the Door he howls without.

  30. He is about to unlock the casket, when enters Lay-Brother, and he hastily conceals it.

  31. She attributed it to the fact that Heath had a reserved nature and that she happened to hold a key which could unlock it, or unlock a room or two of it, leaving, perhaps, many rooms closed.

  32. Sooner or later the Cargo-master would find a key to unlock the Salariki.

  33. Suppose this was the key which would unlock the Koros trade?

  34. We have merely to unlock those folding doors and throw his apartment into mine, making one long suite of rooms.

  35. Taking no time to look about, Penny scurried to unlock the door.

  36. Then you can unlock the door and let me in.

  37. By the memorable events which happened in the Cathedral Church in Boston, a key was given us to unlock prophecies, which have been before either entirely locked, or only in some measure unlocked.

  38. At that moment a key was given to commence to unlock them.

  39. My grandfather went off to unlock the tool-shed, and the Parson back to comfort Mrs. Polwhele--which was no easy matter.

  40. But Parson dear, you're never going to unlock that door!

  41. That'll unlock the tool-shed in the garden.

  42. Or shall these early, fragrant hours Unlock thy bowers, And with their blush of light descry Thy locks crowned with eternity?

  43. I pressed Heaven with a lazy breath; but fruitless this Pierced not; love only can with quick access Unlock the way, When all else stray, The smoke and exhalations of the breast.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unlock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    allegorize; answer; bare; clarify; clear; crack; decipher; decode; demonstrate; detach; disclose; disengage; disentangle; divine; doff; dope; elucidate; enlighten; exemplify; explain; explicate; expose; expound; fathom; free; get; guess; illuminate; illustrate; interpret; liberate; loose; loosen; manifest; open; plumb; popularize; psych; puzzle; rationalize; ravel; release; remove; resolve; reveal; riddle; show; simplify; solve; unbind; unbuckle; unbutton; unchain; unclasp; uncork; uncover; undo; unfasten; unfold; unlace; unlatch; unleash; unlock; unravel; unriddle; unroll; unsheathe; untangle; untie; untwist; unveil; unwrap; work