Something about the fine clean touch of it caused coquettishness to fall from Daisy like a flimsy wrap cast aside.
But this idea, while it brushed aside the flimsy attempts he had been making to harden his heart towards her, left him rather more unhappy than before.
Jerry gave a kick to the basket, which betrayed the flimsy nature of its contents by rolling over with a wobble on its side.
In this village he has got them to substitute for the flimsy Indian cabins houses of the type usual among the poorer field laborers and back-country dwellers in Brazil.
They were stark naked as usual; they had no hammocks or blankets, and their huts were flimsy shelters of palm-branches.
The men used their immense leaves, some of which were twelve feet long and two and a half feet broad, to roof the flimsy shelters under which they hung their hammocks.
Laure drew her flimsy wrap closer; she was shaking wretchedly.
Yes; lovely and long and flimsy as a rainbow," I remarked.
Thereupon came a rush like cavalry, the donkey was knocked from under him and he was lying amid the wreckage of his flimsy crates with his poultry scattered abroad.
Suddenly, in the fumes, a figure was vaguely outlined as of a dainty woman, flimsy and thin, a shade that moved to and fro.
The sun was sinking perilously low, thought John, and with each moment his heart also sank, while his good resolutions showed the flimsy fibre of their fabric and were rent asunder by the fear that she might not come.
He also censured Elder Taylor for yielding up his office on so flimsy a pretext; but palliated it on account of his youth and inexperience.
Old Death's eyes glared with a kind of savage joy as they caught a glimpse of the yellow metal and the flimsy paper through the net-work of the purses.
The partition was flimsy and Alonzo addressed his Maker in the loud voice of one accustomed to talking across wide out-of-door spaces.
Before it, beckoning it on, were tons of confetti, board walks, dry as tinder, and flimsy structures of stucco and lath.
Had this flimsy Italian influence been lacking, doubtless French opera to-day would be a different thing from what it actually is.
Born in 1792, at Pesaro, in Italy, he wrote many operas of the flimsy Italian style while still a boy.
In addition to our sufferings from the wind and rain penetrating our flimsy huts, we were attacked by myriads of tormentors in the shape of ants, mosquitoes, fleas, and worst of all, jiggers.
There goes my warrant,' thought Siegmund, watching the flimsy bit of paper under the post-mistress's heavy hand.
They dwell for the most part in walled enclosures known as kampongs, in flimsy houses built of bamboo and thatched with grass or leaves.
In twenty minutes the flimsy structure looked more like a sieve than a dwelling.