How does it happen that the absolute constitutive and intuitive Thought does such a poor and bungling job that it requires a finite discursive activity to patch up its products?
It utilizes data of perception, of meaning or of discursive ideation as need calls, just as an inventor now utilizes heat, now mechanical strain, now electricity, according to the demands set by his aim.
We find that every more direct primary attitude passes upon occasion into its secondary deliberative and discursive counterpart.
But nothing is settled until these discursive findings have been applied, through action, to things, and an experience has been effected, which either meets or evades the specification conceptually laid down.
But you say, 'you will never trust your discursive faculty so long as you live, if you are mistaken here' (p.
Tell not me of yourdiscursive faculty: The word of God is plain.
In our impulse towards beauty, as in all other affections of our nature, the two extreme points lie outside the limits of the discursive reason, and it is with the intervening space that rational analysis can be most profitably occupied.
Anthony Trollope, in one of the discursivepassages in his early books, has left positive testimony to the distaste with which publishers regarded it.
There had been nothing like it (for Thackeray had been more discursive and less given to small talk) since Miss Austen herself, though the spirits of the two were extremely different.
To illustrate the freelydiscursive character of the work, we give the whole of chapter sixteen--there are chapters still shorter--in Book VII.
We both contrived to get to the affair, and heard a discursive gritty paper on Trusts and one of the most inconclusive discussions you can imagine.
As a writer he was more scholarly than elegant, more learned than profound, more discursive than logical.
But there are many discursive remarks in it worth gathering and considering.
Of his discursive letters, which are immensely long, in a style of florid eloquence, only a few specimen extracts can find room here.
A certain Signor Gabriel, with whom he sojourned months long in the Maremma, introduced him to Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau: his own discursive tastes added others to the list.
The discursive faculty cannot pass over it, because there are in it no various points upon which that faculty may fasten.
The Universe as physical object, the observing Sense, and the discursive Understanding, lie wholly within it.
Custom House matters were scarcely touched upon, and I was not sorry, for while they were my ostensible errand there, they were not half so interesting as the discursive talk of Hawthorne.
But as soon as the work requires time and development the discursive process becomes absolutely necessary: with many inventors one easily perceives the change from one form to the other.
The combining, discursive imagination proceeds from details to the vaguely-perceived unity.
A long anddiscursive dialogue now followed, in which Mabel endeavored to obtain clearer notions of her actual situation, under a faint hope that she might possibly be enabled to turn some of the facts she thus learned to advantage.
As Major Duncan manifested some impatience of manner, Muir had too much tact to delay the sports any longer with his discursive remarks, but judiciously prepared himself for the next appeal.
We saw that the memory-pattern is that of discursive movement within fixed boundaries, the limits set by the fixity of the past occurrence which is remembered.
Memory is discursive movement within fixed boundaries; imagination is progressive movement from a constant source.
It would not displease him, I know, if I were to begin my discursive talk to-day by telling a little incident connected with a famous American poem.
He is such a discursive fellow, and so eccentric in his might, that on a mental review of his pictures I can hardly tell you of them as leading to any one strong purpose.
It was a discursive essay, with perhaps a few marginal notes from his subdued audience.
And just one word, before I close down this over-long and too discursive chatter, on the subject of yonder twin red volumes which flank the shelf.
Pascal is here distinguishing the logical or discursive type of mind, a good example of which is found in mathematical reasoning, and what we should call the intuitive type of mind, which sees everything at a glance.
This is probably a subdivision of the discursive type of mind.
Eve frowned, for she disliked some of these nautical images, though it was impossible not to smile in secret at the queer associations that so often led the well-meaning master's discursive discourse.
Mr. Sharp perceiving that it was idle to pursue his inquiry while the other was in one of his discursive humours, determined to let things take their course, and fell into the captain's own vein.
Discursive observation is the art of noticing circumstances evident to the senses.
Discursive observation and experiment are the sources of facts or particular truths.