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Example sentences for "seedy"

Lexicographically close words:
seedlings; seeds; seedsman; seedsmen; seedtime; seegar; seein; seeing; seeinge; seek
  1. Archie took it good-naturedly and kept usually cheerful, though seedy and often hungry.

  2. When the formalities had been completed, the young Irishman called in from the outer office one of the hangers-on who happened to be a seedy minister of the gospel and who looked as if he were in Paris by mistake.

  3. Seedy toe, an affection of a horse's foot, in which a cavity filled with horn powder is formed between the laminæ and the wall of the hoof.

  4. When a man’s coat begins to look worn out and shabby he is said to look SEEDY and ready for cutting.

  5. At any mock or sham auction seedy specimens may be seen.

  6. It was then that I looked more attentively at his seedy companion and recognized--Don Ignatius!

  7. Seeing him so threadbare, so wan, so seedy and leaning upon his staff, I had not the courage to remind him of me.

  8. Mr SEEDY is about to fold up the papers.

  9. For the same reasons, it may be pickled at a stage of its growth when other more seedy and pulpy sorts would be comparatively worthless.

  10. It is a good early garden sort, and is very productive; but is not well adapted for pickling, on account of the soft and seedy character of its flesh.

  11. Glad to hear it--though you look pretty seedy this morning.

  12. With one glance of her woman's eye she recognized a large breast-pin in the worst possible taste; thence her eye went up and recognized the features of her seedy follower, though he was now dressed up to the nine.

  13. This inexperienced girl, who had missed seeing many things our readers have seen, observed in merely passing her window a seedy man in the courtyard of the hotel.

  14. A seedy man passed the window rapidly with a busy air.

  15. In short, she told him plainly she would not marry till she was above the world; and the road to above the world was through that great battered house and seedy garden in Chancery.

  16. The cab door was opened for her by a seedy man she fancied she had seen before.

  17. They will shrink from carrying their own carpet-bag, and from speaking to a person in seedy raiment, whilst to matters of much higher importance they are shamelessly indifferent.

  18. All my host could find was a seedy red curtain and an old cocked hat (had it been a nightcap I should have been complete as Caudle).

  19. If the young Zouave of the family looks smart in his new uniform, its respectable head is content, though he himself grow seedy as a caraway-umbel late in the season.

  20. He was dressed in the seedy frock-coat of the book merchant, but the rest of that individual lay in a pile of white hair and old books upon the table.

  21. He had thrown off the seedy frock-coat, and now he was the Holmes of old in the mouse-coloured dressing-gown which he took from his effigy.

  22. Twice a seedy man with a gnawed yellow mustache had come in to ask Eliphalet's whereabouts.

  23. He himself had been present one day of the sittings of the court-martial when one of the witnesses on the prices of mules was that same seedy man with the straw-colored mustache who had bid for Virginia's piano against the Judge.

  24. The owner was a seedy man with a straw-colored, drunkard's mustache.

  25. Some of the dresses were luxurious, and triumphantly bore the test of sunshine, which is inexorable for what is worn or seedy or imitation.

  26. At this the seedy old man in uniform eagerly said: "Americanos!

  27. Tommy Sharpe and Seedy Saunders had saddled their horses and gone in search of the girls as soon as the storm threatened, but not knowing in which direction they had headed, it was like hunting for a needle in a hay stack.

  28. Call it a well if you want to," she said patronizingly, "but don't let Tommy Sharpe or Seedy Saunders hear you say it.

  29. Kit and Bet recognized Seedy Saunders and Billy Patten, who had gone out by themselves to search for the professor.

  30. The professor was like a child in his eagerness to stay at the camp, and finally toward morning the Judge left him there in charge of the boys and Seedy Saunders.

  31. Maybe I'll be a cowgirl and learn to ride like Kit, and rope a steer like her friend, Seedy Saunders.

  32. I think it might be a good idea for me to go back to the ranch and get Tommy and some of the boys to move the professor's tent up here and Tommy and Seedy Saunders might stay for a few nights to guard your claims.

  33. Guess you'd better take a walk down there and see what's keeping the old chap," advised Seedy Saunders.

  34. Seedy Saunders, the old cowboy who was now staying with Judge Breckenridge.

  35. A very seedy looking vagabond passenger got out of the stage a moment to wait till the usual ballast of silver bricks was thrown in.

  36. He looked so seedy and forlorn, so homeless and friendless and forsaken, that I yearned toward him as a brother.

  37. About this time there arrived in Virginia a dissolute stranger with a literary turn of mind--rather seedy he was, but very quiet and unassuming; almost diffident, indeed.

  38. His nose was red and his eyes were dim, unshorn was his swollen face, and I thought it queer such a seedy bo would come to so smooth a place.

  39. He has been seedy for some time and may have mixed up dates.

  40. I'm not content with third-rate earls and rather seedy dowagers.

  41. She'd been seedy and gone to the doctor's.

  42. Fancy those seedy scamps, who in thousands and tens of thousands flock upon every race-course,--fancy them and their harlotic companions possessed with the idea of anything fine or noble!

  43. His seedy exterior was the remains of the past, existing in the present, and existing prospectively in the future.

  44. Long, black hair, parted in the middle, was soaped down until the oleaginous ends reposed upon the unctuous collar of his seedy coat.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seedy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bad; base; bedraggled; careless; cheap; cheesy; chintzy; coarse; common; debilitated; decrepit; derelict; dilapidated; dingy; disreputable; dowdy; down; draggled; drooping; droopy; enervated; enfeebled; faded; fagged; faint; fatigued; flagging; footsore; frayed; frazzled; frowzy; grubby; heel; ill; indisposed; inferior; informal; irregular; jaded; languid; loose; mangy; mean; messy; mussy; negligent; paltry; patchy; poky; poor; punk; ragged; rocky; ruinous; sagging; scraggly; scrubby; seedy; shabby; shoddy; sick; slack; slatternly; sleazy; slipshod; sloppy; slovenly; sluttish; sordid; squalid; tacky; tattered; threadbare; tinny; tired; torn; unkempt; unrefreshed; unsightly; untidy; unwell; wayworn; weak; weakened; weary; worn