To the southeast the same green hills, with the same deep hues and mysterious veils, lead your enraptured sight to where the distant peaks of the Adirondacks with theirhazy indistinctness seem like the far- off shores of another world.
We wound among picturesque scenes that were softened by the hazy clouds and reveled in the unsurprising riches of the charming landscape.
Before and below the point where the bridge spans the river, the dim outlines of vessels melt into hazy indistinctness in the gathering twilight.
Back of it the serried ranks of the Alleghanies rise in hazy indistinctness and blend imperceptibly with the blue along the far horizon.
They sat there and listened to what was said, but they had but a very hazy conception of what it was all about.
The sky was dull and hazy and a steady, drizzling rain fell.
Tom looked at the spy-glass which Archer had thrown into the net and the net seemed all hazy and tangled for his eyes were brimming.
The night was dark--a hazy atmosphere, through which the stars gleamed sparely, and the sea like ebony.
After that he remembered little, though he had a hazy recollection of stopping somewhere and helping Tom to make a fire, for there was wood in abundance everywhere.
Again the rifle flashed, and he wondered vacantly whether the twinkle that perplexed his hazy sight could be lights that blinked at them.
Seaforth had afterwards a hazy recollection of helping him to twist the strip of fabric about the firm white flesh, and that his hands made red smears on Alton's deerskin jacket when he stooped and lifted him a little.
As it happened, he could not find the tobacco, and having a hazy recollection of laying it on the ground the last time he filled his pipe, he shook his aching shoulders and trudged on.
It was just these distorted and hazy notions that swayed the minds and guided the movements of the great discoverers, and went on reproducing themselves upon newly-made maps for a century or more after the time of Columbus.
But after all, a large number of people whose mental processes are not normal, have only themselves, their poor emotions, their lazy wills, their hazy thinking to blame.
Jeff had only a hazy idea of what the old judge meant by that, but in all his professional life Jeff had never intentionally disagreed in conversation with any white adult--let alone a generous employer.
She was due Tuesdays, but generally didn't get in until Wednesdays, and old Captain Rawlings would be the first to see her smoke coiling in a hazysmudge over Livingston Point and say the Belle was coming.
Fruit stalls proved even more fascinating with the hothouse grapes, red, white, and dark purple, showing a hazy bloom.
I think he had a hazy idea of writing some time to Canada to get in touch if possible with Mother's relatives.
Definite instead of vast and hazy duties are to be desired for him, I think.
He languished for a phrase to describe the hazy things.
He invariably talked of Beauchamp with kindness, deploring only that he should be squandering his money on workmen's halls and other hazy projects down in Bevisham.
The gray barns looking from their hazy hills, O'er the dun waters widening in the vales, Sent down the air a greeting to the mills On the dull thunder of alternate flails.
He walked to the door and gazed out into the hazy silver autumn air.
His eyes wandered away beyond the yellow mound of earth, and in the hazy distance he saw his City of Hope.
He flung the door open and disclosed the hazy features of Kelly Jones, peering at him through the November fog.
Sometimes in the hazy distance might be detected a string of circular stains of a blacker colour than the rest--tarns in the moorland, home of the silver trout.
She spent her time in daydreams, drifting about in her coracle for hours, to return dripping wet, but, in a hazy way, more than half content.
He had still more than an hour to while away, and a hazy thought in the back of his mind guided his steps in the direction of Doctor Bimble's house.
Well, the cop won't do any talking for quite a long stretch, and when he comes to things will be kind of hazy in his coco.
He had a hazy impression, however, that the opening was in a diagonal line with the foot of the stairway.
But his glance was not concerned with that hazy horizon; it went no further than a fine white-sailed ship that, close-hauled, was beating up the straits some four miles off.
Thereafter followed a spell of racing, the Spaniard ever lessening the distance between them, and the land dropping astern until it was no more than a hazy line above the shimmering sea.
I beg ten thousand pardons of Miss Depeyster; she is our warm friend and advocate.
Not one in fifty, perhaps, ever attempted to reduce the current hazyconceptions to a concrete form.
Hullo, chaps," said I, with some hazy idea that supper was on.
I went down to the wharf, with some hazy idea of being able to stow away aboard one of the boats.
That first day always remained more or less of a hazy recollection.
I can't just make out what she is--sort of misty and hazy just now.
We all are granted glimpses of our imperfections, perhaps in the form of twinges of conscience, or dreams, or as you would say in the form of hazy memories inherited from earlier imperfect lives.
Remote but splendid creeds, mere hazy memories of mankind, were reconstructed upon these foundations.