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Example sentences for "immoderate"

Lexicographically close words:
immobilised; immobility; immobilization; immobilize; immobilized; immoderately; immoderation; immodest; immodesty; immolate
  1. The final cannonading, immoderate as it might be, did not arouse me; and as the smoke of the powder dispersed, and the sound died away, so had all this glory vanished from my soul.

  2. There were to be no 'immoderate great sleeves, immoderate .

  3. Whether Donne's 'hydroptic immoderate thirst of humane learning and languages' extended to Persian I do not know.

  4. When a Law-student he was 'diverted by the worst voluptuousness, which is an hydroptic immoderate desire of humane learning and languages'; but his legal studies have left their mark in his Songs and Sonets.

  5. Neither the prayers nor the threats of Richelieu, who wished indeed to destroy Spain but not Catholicism, nor the death of Gustavus Adolphus at Lutzen (1632), could repair the evils caused by this immoderate ambition.

  6. Then he altered his note, and became as intemperate in his chagrin, as he had been before immoderate in his mirth.

  7. Miss Dimpleton burst into an immoderate fit of laughter.

  8. Siva's throat is blue, and it is sometimes said that this is on account of his immoderate consumption of bhang.

  9. The Akalis do not, it is true, drink spirits or eat meat as other Sikhs do, but they are immoderate in the consumption of bhang.

  10. Its very peculiar characteristic is the immoderate length of its neck, and the unexampled number of vertebrae of which it is composed.

  11. From its immoderate use they account for the decrease of population in their provinces, that were so numerously peopled before this berry was introduced among them.

  12. The mischiefs of which his immoderate thirst for .

  13. He interdicted immoderate luxury, and an extravagant number of slaves.

  14. Immoderate frenzy made him leap upon his arms, and he dashed outside.

  15. His beard and nails had grown to an immoderate length, and he swayed himself from right to left with that continual oscillation which is characteristic of captive animals.

  16. By consequence, the perpetual, unmeasured waste of saliva induced by using such immoderate quantities of this weed must speedily have exhausted a constitution not endowed with unusual vital energies.

  17. That,' said he, 'arises from the immoderate quantity of OPIUM he takes.

  18. Mahaffy, more than a quarter of a century ago in Social Life in Greece, points out the dangers of immoderate specialisation in bodily exercise, and how alien it was to Greek education.

  19. No doubt, the moral aspect of comedy is here marked with what must be called immoderate stress.

  20. It must be admitted that the Restoration critics had an immoderate passion for classing authors according to their supposed rank in the scale of literary desert.

  21. We both, in the same instant, burst into an immoderate fit of loud laughter, when Will had the good sense to leave us.

  22. The construction of German prose tends to such immoderate length of sentences, that no effect of intermodification can ever be apparent.

  23. But it is very expedient that by moral instruction, they should be taught, and by their civil constitutions they should be compelled, to put many restrictions upon the immoderate exercise of it, and the inordinate desire.

  24. They proved, however, to be friendly disposed; and when we spoke of the bell, and the negro had explained the nature of our enquiry, they all broke out into a most immoderate fit of laughter.

  25. But if every immoderate greed of possessing any created good be termed avarice, in this way avarice is contained under the pride which is in the demons.

  26. For some virtues are directed to curb passions: thus immoderate concupiscence is restrained by temperance, and immoderate fear by fortitude.

  27. Meanwhile the father took God's holy Book And read such portions as teach fortitude To us, that all immoderate grief may be subdued.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "immoderate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abandoned; acute; bibulous; boundless; cutthroat; cutting; dizzy; drastic; egregious; enormous; exacting; exaggerated; excessive; exorbitant; expensive; extortionate; extravagant; extreme; fabulous; fanatical; fancy; fierce; furious; gigantic; gluttonous; gouge; great; gross; high; immoderate; incontinent; indulgent; inflationary; inordinate; intemperate; intense; irrepressible; keen; large; lavish; lax; licentious; loose; monstrous; outrageous; overgrown; overmuch; overweening; piercing; preposterous; prodigal; profligate; profuse; prohibitive; promiscuous; radical; rampant; rigorous; riotous; rough; severe; sharp; spiraling; splitting; steep; stiff; supernatural; swinish; tough; towering; unbridled; unchecked; unconscionable; unconstrained; uncontrolled; uncurbed; undisciplined; undue; unforced; ungoverned; uninhibited; unlimited; unmeasured; unmitigated; unmuzzled; unreasonable; unreserved; unrestrained; unruly; unwarranted; usurious; vehement; venomous; violent; virulent; wanton; wild