The British scientist may tell the British soldier in India that the native is in reality his brother, and that it is wholly absurd and illogical and unscientific for such a thing as "race prejudice" to exist between them.
The reason dreams appear illogical is due to the fact that if the wish were to be expressed in its logical form it would not square with our everyday habits of thought and action.
The illogical thing is not that I feel tired from striking her who had no tangible existence, but that I should be able to reason beyond the reach of my senses.
I think I have said enough to show that Johnnyboy was hopelessly worshiped by an impressible and illogical sex.
Between such a minister to back him, and such agents to carry out his will, Baron Massy remained bravely in his desperately illogical situation, and consoled himself with the omnipotence of his arbitrary will.
Gallicanism was an illogical doctrine, containing implicitly the denial of the papal supremacy.
Döllinger and others of the same stamp took advantage of this toleration of an illogical and erroneous opinion to undermine the doctrine of Papal supremacy and the authority of œcumenical councils.
It prefers rather to take an illogical position than to bow to the authority of reason.
Absurdly illogical in her theology, she followed unerringly, as far as she knew, her instincts of worship, and the opinions that grew naturally from them.
These illogical boys fought for Matey Weyburn in their defence of Lord Ormont.
A man with a grievance is illogical under his burden.
Yet such was his obstinate and illogical disregard of opinion, and of the principles in which he had been trained, that his convictions on the rightness of his course with his wife had not been disturbed.
The white snow, stained with the blood of his fellow-mortal, wore an illogical look to him as a lover of justice, not to say a Christian; but he could not see how the matter was to be mended.
The trees overhead deepened the gloom of the hour, and they dripped sadly upon him, impressing him with forebodings--illogical forebodings; for though he knew that he loved her he also knew that he could not be more to her than he was.
Having made their protest, they subside without scruple into that same absolute assurance of only partially-proved truths, which is natural to the illogical imagination of the multitude.
They are such illogical fools; a logical fool in an office, with a lot of red tape, is conceivable.
The attributes put forth in these eulogies are not only gratuitous, but they are illogical and inconsistent with Brown's circumstances, and incompatible with his environment.
This was, no doubt, the consequence of pottering about the unhealthy swamps, but he must control his illogical impulses and he lighted his pipe while he let the dinghy drift with the tide.
After all, he had made no stipulation and was perhaps indulging an illogical prejudice.
To deny the abstract possibility of such a cure seemed illogical from his own standpoint.
This illogical ground of skepticism Phillida set herself to combat.
I am willing to work for bread, or for the love of work--but not to oblige illogical theorists!
But illogical and unscriptural as it appears to us, it is held by Anglicans with a tenacity, and worked out with an enthusiastic ardour, of which we find too few examples among the believers in creeds of a more Scriptural order.
Rash assertion, hasty generalization, partial and illogical inference, disfigure every page of his Dictionary.
Plato saw the necessity of combating the illogicallogic of the Megarians and Eristics.
Men who habitually build their houses on the sites of abated earthquakes are not in a day to be twisted out of their habit of submitting to illogical things like kings and nobles and Churches.
Working solely with the logical intellect and rejecting as dangerous the aid of those uncontrolled illogical elements of imagination, he produced work that is in its own way excellent.
It was rather an illogical and irresistible instinct to play up to the event.
And I came to the singular and illogical conviction that if I went aboard immediately I would regret it.
But illogicalas it may seem, the influence of my words was much slighter because we no longer stood on an equal footing.
This was incomprehensible to me, having as yet no knowledge of the illogical workings of an artistically poetic and musical temperament.
But when the inevitable typhoid or malaria appears as an inevitable consequence of neglected precautions, the physician can drug without mercy, and, as we contend, on most illogical grounds.
The administering of drugs in sickness is illogical in its reasoning, unsound in its theory, and pernicious in its practice.
In this illogical world we live in your reputation will be far from damaged; a world which dislikes adultery in a woman and is passionately fond of all the gallant sins of a fashionable man.
You, you are at the same time reasonable, then illogical and me?
Still, he recognized that it was, after all, illogical to blame his companion for his own folly.
It had been tolerably evident from her attitude when he had last seen her, that she had very little confidence in him now, but that did not seem to affect the question, and most men are a trifle illogical at times.
It was rather an impulse he could not hold in check, or the result of a prejudice, but he could not explain this, and what was under the circumstances a somewhat illogical bitterness against Devine took possession of him.
But if we desire to become enlightened as to how it is that religion may not alone be denied, but also preserved, we must transfer its origin from an illogical other world into the natural and logical universe.
It overlooks that just as logic is real, so reality is logical, and does not see that the back door which leads to illogical heaven by way of faith deserves the disdain of science.
On the other hand, it is equally illogicalto identify religion after the manner of Lazarus with the conception of natural infinity or infinite nature, because that promotes mental haziness.
The barbarian form of war, of which the Prussians are masters, is not destined to last forever, unless we speak of the illogical eternity of the preacher which opens its doors by leaving the temporal world.
Such an illogical use of the faculty of thought is well illustrated and rebuked by the poet who questions and answers: "And when my life has passed away, What will become of me?
But as this is not the Deity the argument essays to reach, it must be pronounced illogical throughout.
Nothing surely can be more illogical or unscientific than to assert that actions about which we know nothing are of the same kind or nature as actions which are understood, and can be brought about whenever we will.
The work is for the most part composed of pious reflections loosely strung together, dogmatic assertions, and illogical inferences.
It is clearly illogicalto condemn the Infinite as bad or a mistake.
Yet Englishmen prefer to let this curious illogical muddle continue rather than tolerate some symmetrical and authoritative system which would check free speech and individuality.
It means something accidental, irregular, illogical in the occurrence of an event.
If they are, there results an absurdity which is the secretion or excretion of an illogical and confused mind.