We see anarchy raising his rascally head above the water (most likely adorned with a liberty cap), and the brave soldiers instantly driving it down again.
The rebels have possessed themselves of the Acordada, and given liberty to those who were imprisoned for political opinions--a good loophole for the escape of criminals.
Companions in arms:--No one has ever resisted a people who fight for their liberty and who defend their sacred rights.
No, the soldiers of the people are not robbers; the cause of liberty is very noble, and its defence will not be stained by a degrading action.
This was a sort of liberty which a French pit would not have tolerated.
Talma played the Moor; and, bred as he had been in the shadow and the sunlight of the English stage, he was disgusted with the liberty taken with Shakspeare.
The liberty of English audiences has never been dealt with so harshly as that of audiences in continental theatres.
If this was rather taking a liberty with an actor, the actors often took liberties with the audience.
On the night of his benefit, the most memorable of his career in New York, with a house crowded to suffocation, he abused public confidence, and had nothing to say but that Cato had full right to take liberty with his senate.
They were seated in the front of the stage; and it was necessary that the son of the goddess should smile in his mother's face,--but Tom was too much cowed to take any liberty of that sort.
Other girls of our age are at libertyto indulge in a little pleasure, to attend balls, concerts, and parties, where they see new faces and interesting persons.
Sire, I only take the liberty to state that she would not have written such a letter.
Bothmar, "should I assume the semblance of one of your most trusted confidants, and take the liberty of speaking to you about your most secret plans.
How can I permit it, I ask, and how am I to bear it, if this fellow without a pedigree should some day take the liberty to call me his dear father-in-law?
I do not know, and even though I did, I am not at libertyto tell you.
Whole pages had been cut out, and on those remaining were to be found black spots rendering whole lines and words illegible--a liberty which the mistress of ceremonies is in the habit of indulging in, in reference to all the books we read.
When you are the son-in-law of an emperor or a king, you will believe that you are at liberty to do every thing with impunity.
We shall try to become good friends, and, as a token of this friendship, I take the liberty to offer you this flower, which bears so striking a resemblance to you.
In the middle of it a skull was to be seen, and under it the inscription of "Liberty or Death!
We are alone; our children are dead, and, therefore, we are at liberty to pursue such a course.
He is not at liberty to lay down his crown any more than we to destroy voluntarily the life we have received from God.
In that event Great Britain reserved to herself full libertyof action.
For the Finns were a people to whom liberty was as dear as life or even dearer and no particle of it would they give up except if an overwhelming power forced them to do so.
It is true that our military and naval arrangements leave complete liberty to your majesty's Government, and that, in the letters exchanged in 1912 between Sir Edward Grey and M.
In full hope of this I will take no measures for the present that will not leave me at liberty to decide from circumstances and the best lights I can obtain on the subject.
You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.
To this resolution I have invariably adhered, and from it (if I had the inclination) I do not consider myself at libertynow to depart.
The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty of nations has been the victim.
It must suffice man and woman to "Walk this world Yoked in all exercise of noble end," of a more practical character, while woman is at liberty "To live and learn and be All that not harms distinctive womanhood.
But the mediaeval romancers disguised that form of the story, and the process of idealising Arthur reached such heights in the middle ages that Tennyson thought himself at libertyto paint the Flos Regum, "the blameless King.
Wakley, upon the comical way in which he turns his Cap of Liberty into a Wellington-Wig and back again at the shortest notice.
We are with you in behalf of right and justice for all and for the untrammeled liberty of every American citizen.
The question of individual liberty was brought home to them in such a manner that they could not ignore it.
You, gentlemen of the Master Masons' association, and all you who have nailed our banner of liberty upon your walls, have strength also.
Individual liberty is not incompatible with associations, and associations are not incompatible with individual liberty; on the contrary, they should go hand in hand.
This stroke at personal liberty was strictly in furtherance of the "advantage" sought to be taken of the employer.
John—Because liberty was dead, and the people starving, and sorely oppressed by tyrants.
Four wives, with theliberty of changing them at pleasure, (Sale's Koran, c.
It was not yet known to the apostles that they were at liberty to propose the religion to mankind at large.
But so far as your father's business is concerned, I may tell you that it is likely to take a turn for the better--at present I am not at liberty to say more.
I should hate to see it carted around like the Liberty Bell, although we were glad enough to have it in Chicago.
She had not come upon the drawer by accident, and therefore she was at liberty to look at anything that attracted her attention.
But there must be a discipline in all these things, and nature must often give way and be broken in; frankness must not degenerate into boorishness, and liberty must not be the power of interfering with the liberty of the friend.
The fact that it was so signed affects our liberties, the knowledge only affects us, if it inspires us to fresh desire of liberty, whatever liberty may be.
If not "the gintleman that pays the rint," the pig contributes a good deal towards it, and short of liberty to walk in at the front door and take his place in the family circle he has every consideration paid him.
On the contrary," interrupted the judge, "they will allow you the fullest liberty after I have spoken to them.
Neither of these men would have consented to receive a single sou of the money promised to the betrayer; but to exchange their life andliberty for the life and liberty of Lacheneur did not seem to them a culpable act, under the circumstances.
Who could it be that enjoyed such liberty in the prison?
From this moment, he is at liberty to leave Poignot's farm-house and return to Escorval.
Then aloud: "The business can be terminated at once, for the justice of the peace is at liberty to-day, and he can go with us to break the seals this afternoon.
Intense joy filled his breast; he raised the letter that promised him life and liberty to his lips, and enthusiastically exclaimed: "To work!
Liberty ought to make use of simple and open means, which justice and morality will never disavow.
The French people, to whom liberty is now new, are like the waves of the sea, which roll long after the tempest has ceased: and of which the agitation is necessary to depose on the shores the scum which covers them.
A nature like Falkland's could not seeliberty clearly even through John Pym--how much less through nasal psalm-singing butchers and brewers building a scaffold for the king.
These men struggled and fought and progressed in civilization and liberty until the time came when again the bars were let down and we had the Revolution, and the colonies became a nation.
The chief object of the American military forces will be to overthrow the armed authority of Spain and give the people of your beautiful island the largest measure of liberty consistent with this military occupation.
I congratulate you all on beginning your public life under new auspices, free from governmental oppression, and with liberty to advance your own country's interests by your united efforts.
Such a thing as libertyof the press was utterly unknown.
When the natives found that they were being slain or deprived of their liberty they naturally became exasperated and turned against their dastardly oppressors.
She suffered for many years the evils of error, neglect and persecution, but she had men who studied the question of government, and who saw in America her redemption and a guarantee of life, liberty and justice.
She was quite at liberty to do this, as Maurice was seldom at home, and gave her always carte blanche to do as she would with all that belonged to him.
For the more useless military intervention appeared, the greater was their confidence in being able to maintain their self-constituted liberty unmolested.
He might have written it yesterday, for with the bear only does the Huzul share the sovereignty of the mountains, and his very freedom is no better than the liberty of the bear--yet liberty it is!
A hajdamak while he lives is held in some respect, inasmuch as he has gained the liberty sighed for by others--the dead man is nowhere.
Don't you know that I am not at libertyto order my men about in that fashion?
In this respect things, to be sure, went as ill with the Huzuls, but for the rest theirs was a life of liberty on the mountains, acknowledging no nobleman and no officer of the crown.
He would have submitted to the kicking willingly, so long as it left him at liberty to remount those stairs after the performance.
I admit, then, that were I addressing the Salvation Army or a miscellaneous popular crowd it would be a misuse of opportunity to preach the liberty of believing as I have in these pages preached it.
To connive at the liberty of a person who admits crimes that have from time to time startled the world!
Enslaved as I was, my thoughts were always of liberty whereby I might deliver Zoraida's message to the imam, and I now saw in this knowledge of the attempt on the Sultan's life a means to regain my freedom.
Its possession might in some mysterious way have secured her liberty had she been still held in bondage by Hadj Absalam.
The song itself is as old as the hills, but I have taken the liberty of appending a glossary, in order that my readers may be spared the trouble of making out the meaning of some of the words.
I take the liberty of saying that in our little hamlet there is peace and goodwill 'twixt rich and poor at Christmas-time.
I have taken the liberty of waiting upon you, knowing of your great capacity as an artist.
You would hold, then,' said Henry Sydney, 'that the progress of public liberty marches with the decay of personal greatness?
But the majority will always prefer public liberty to personal greatness,' said Lord Marney.
He makes so discreet a use of his liberty that a little durance will not be very injurious.
It must be said that the lawbreakers and defilers of liberty were not Emma Goldman and her harassed followers but the sworn guardians of the law and leading local citizens.
Together with other immigrants she had dreamed of the United States as a haven of liberty and equality.
Alexander Berkman, who had been enjoying uneasy liberty since 1906 and who worked closely with her despite their intermittent personal and ideological differences, at once joined her in the attack.
The worship of the goddess Liberty had left with him room also for the adoration of a human being, and in a boyish chivalrous way he had tried to make things easier for Arithelli.