Drayton never, unless the enigmatical sonnet to Idea (see ante) be really his, rose to such concentration of matter and such elaborate yet unforced perfection of manner as here, yet his great qualities are perceptible all over his work.
His religious fervour is of the simplest and most genuine kind, and his poems are a natural and unforced expression of it.
Indeed the chief charm of the piece is the genuine and unforced merriment which pervades it.
And we find in Mr. Bunner's book an unfailing variety, an unflagging ingenuity and an unforced humor, now rich and now delicate.
But sometimes, as it fell accidentally from the lips of Leatherstocking, it was unforced and delicious (see, for instance, at the end of chapter xxvii.
Take the atoms one by one that constitute this mass of pollution and misery, and you will find that each one of them is a self-moving and an unforced will.
The unforced will of a moral being must be held responsible for both its direct, and its reflex action; for both its sin, and its bondage in sin.
But there is no more convincing proof of the position, that the degraded creature of whom we are speaking is a self-deciding andunforced sinner, than the fact that he resists efforts to reclaim him.
It was to come soon enough by the quite unforced operation of chance, the young man's opportunity to ask her the question suggested by Mrs. Assingham shortly before her entrance.
He had had glimpses of moments when to hear her thus, in her absolutely unforced compunction, one would have supposed the special edge of the wrong she had done him to consist in his having still before him years and years to groan under it.
It reminds one of the most forced passages of Artemas Ward's generally fresh and unforced humor.
In observing the blouse wearers of Paris in their hours of ease and relaxation, I have been struck with the great prevalence of a certain unforced courtesy of manner, even among the coarsest.
There is no modern artist who has united in so unforced a manner actuality and fidelity to nature with "the noble simplicity and quiet grandeur" of the antique.
They had a trenchant characterisation and an unforced pose which were striking even in England.
In any case there is food for reflection in the fact that the possibility of such an origin once admitted, the most apparently incongruous, and inharmonious, elements of the story show themselves capable of a natural and unforced explanation.
One must not think here of spirituous drinks or opium; what is rather required is a night of quiet sleep, a cold bath, and all that procures for the brain activity an unforced predominance by quieting the circulation and calming the passions.
The sign by which one most immediately recognises the genuine poet, both of the higher and lower species, is the unforced nature of his rhymes.
I have no doubt your present emotion is unforced and sincere, but it requires time to prove earnestness.
Miss Wildmere saw her laughing and chatting with such unforced geniality that she muttered: "It's perfectly absurd to imagine that her husband is on the eve of bankruptcy.
It is not to rid much Ground, or do much Mischief, that should denominate a pleasant Fellow; but that is truly Frolick which is the Play of the Mind, and consists of various and unforced Sallies of Imagination.
Footnote 29: To make this basic motive clear, natural and unforced is what we call good motivation in fiction and drama.
In comedy you must play faster, work harder, and strive constantly for the natural, unforced laughs.
The writer's hints of the character of what is to come must be unforced and natural, but they must be effective.
Such unforced ornateness is rarely met in the domain of amateur poetry.
And it is worth noting, that we owe to another native of the States, Joseph Jefferson, the best example lately set us of unforced and natural low comedy.
But if they could once be made to feel how immensely true humour is enhanced by the unforced way it drops out of A.
In his utterance are the inflection and accent, the very passion of unforced and independent conviction.
The total aspect and onset and effect of the address, as it looked and worked on the day of its delivery, and as it looks and works today, were of his unforced and free election and intent.