When the person is adorned with gold, jewels, costly or gaudy array, or immodest clothing, we must needs look for the root in the heart.
I have never worn--I will not wear--one of those dreadful, immodest gowns.
You take damned good care--posing as a prude with your fad about immodest dress--that the world sees nothing; but you have never troubled to hide it from me.
Such a scientific analysis would, I think, be an immodest discourtesy towards any lady of my acquaintance, especially towards one for whom I bear considerable affection.
Speak unto the true believers, that they restrain their eyes, and keep themselves from immodest actions: this will be more pure for them; for GOD is well acquainted with that which they do.
Ebn Shohnah has given us part of the conversation which passed at the interview between those two pretenders to inspiration; but the same is a little too immodest to be translated.
This passage was revealed to reprove an immodest custom of the pagan Arabs, who used to encompass the Caaba naked, because clothes, they said, were the signs of their disobedience to GOD.
The general complaint was that immodest dress was not confined to balls and chambers of entertainment, but that women brazenly appeared in similar costume at church, braving all criticism to satisfy their morbid desire for observation.
There was a class of votaries of fashion, in contrast to the mass of society, whose only notion of dress was display, and toward the middle of the eighteenth century these imported the most extravagant and immodest of French styles.
My selfe on euery Post Proclaym'd a Strumpet: With immodest hatred The Child-bed priuiledge deny'd, which longs To Women of all fashion.
Be thou asham'd that I haue tooke vpon me, Such animmodest rayment; if shame liue In a disguise of loue?
But this gay life was rotten at the core; the immodest and shameless conduct of the women in particular shocked and surprised all visiting foreigners; and as time went on, the social evil increased and became more widespread.
It is time that there were an end and surcease made of thisimmodest and deformed manner of writing.
A distorted expression of the face, or an indirect glance of the eye, conveying a sinister or immodest suggestion.
It is from this poem that we get the often quoted lines, Immodest words admit of no Defence: For Want of Decency is Want of Sense.
Who knows not that the Difference between obscene and modest Words expressing the same Action, consists only in the accessary Idea, for there is nothing immodest in Letters and Syllables.
On one occasion a daughter of Aurangzeb was reproached on entering the room for her immodest attire, through which her limbs could be seen, and excused herself by the plea that she had on seven folds of cloth over her body.
On one occasion a daughter of Aurangzeb was reproached on entering the room for her immodest attire and excused herself by the plea that she had on seven folds of cloth over her body.
Yet there was not the least wanton smile or immodest gesture amongst them.
At that precise moment Bones was winding up a most immodest recital of his accomplishments with a less immodest footnote.
I must repeat the lines: "Immodest words admit of no defense, For want of modesty is want of sense.
Immodest words admit but this defense, That want of modesty is want of sense.
They are very modest, retiring fellows, rather shy of girls and would be shocked at immodest language.
Does the arrangement of the letters form an immodest word?
Tis a power that never lies In the fair'st immodest eyes!
For whate'er it seem at first, If you bring a modest mind, You shall nought immodest find!
The movements are no more immodest than knitting or quilting a comfortable--and are just about as exciting.
They talk a good deal in public how onwomanly and immodest it is for wimmen to talk in public.
Lorinda hated the idee of Polly's jinin' in what she called onwomanly andimmodest doin's, but I looked beamin'ly at her and gloried in her principles.
And why is this meetin' any more onwomanly or immodest than the camp-meetin' where you wuz converted, and baptized the next Sunday in the creek?
Don't think me immodest in thus talking about our wedding, for really I have my heart, all that I am, at stake.
She stole a glance at Martin, who was busy putting the boat about on the other tack, and she could have hated him for having made her do an immodest and shameful thing.
Either by joining together in riotousness, or wronging your masters, or secret revelling, and then in lying to conceal it; or lest immodest familiarity draw those of different sexes into a snare.
Lawksamercy, doctor, cried the young blood in the primrose vest, feigning a womanish simper and with immodest squirmings of his body, how you do tease a body!