Its crew, unable to see the fugitive dinghy without turning their heads, and having no one to steer for them, were placed at a disadvantage that Bonny was quick to detect.
He could not have got home and dressed in the time, for I had taken the nearest route to the castle while the fugitive would be compelled to make a wide detour.
The man behind her was the same who had entertained me on board the Lola--the man who was said to be the lover of the fugitive Muriel Leithcourt.
But the agility of whoever the fugitive was, man or woman, was marvelous.
It seems very evident that the telegram was a warning to Leithcourt of the man Chater's intention of calling, and that the last-named was shown in just at the moment when the fugitive was on the point of leaving.
Overton was convicted, sentenced to death; he escaped before the sentence was carried out--became a fugitive without a name, who if he ever reappeared would be handed over for execution.
Whatever it may have been Warden certainly investigated further; his investigation revealed to him the full particulars of the injustice done to the nameless fugitive who had been convicted as the murderer of Matthew Latron.
It was a journey to catch fugitive Indians who had fled from the rubber-working, and was soon after Sealey had gone to Abisinia; he thinks it was in June, 1908.
The answer smote the heart of the Apostle, and turned the cowardly fugitive into a hero; and he followed his Lord, and went gladly to his death.
In the arrangements made, the fact of the nurse being away had not been contemplated; there was no one to keep on the track of the fugitive while the officer was notified.
Something may occur to send the fugitive flying again.
The return from exile, and martyrdom of Beckett, disarranged and delayed the projects of the English King; nor was he able to lead an expedition into Ireland until four years after his reception of the Leinster fugitive in France.
They were, however, soon disarmed of their fears, and agreed to supply the fugitive King daily with provisions for 300 persons, the whole number who accompanied or followed him into exile.
The fugitive garrison finding themselves unpursued, halted to breathe on the Kilkenny bank of the river, were rallied by the veteran Johnson, and led back again across the bridge, taking the surprised revellers completely unprepared.
The French king approved of these recommendations, for in fighting James's battle he was fighting his own, and a squadron was prepared at Brest to carry the fugitive back to his dominions.
One portion of the fugitivesurvivors fled to Galway, the larger part, including all the cavalry, to Limerick.
The loyalty of the fugitive lords, and their readiness to prove their innocence before their sovereign, were stoutly asserted.
This Lord Kildare was Gerald, the eleventh Earl, the same whom we have spoken of as a fugitive lad, in the last years of Henry VIII.
O'Donnell pursued the fugitive to Athenry, and de Burgh sent him away secretly into Thomond.
Among them was the fugitive King of Bohemia, the Palatine Frederick V.
Munich itself opened its gates to the invincible monarch, and the fugitive Palatine, Frederick V.
They were now called on to choose between treason and duty, between their legitimate sovereign and a fugitive abandoned rebel; and though the latter was their common benefactor, the choice could not remain for a moment doubtful.
The Swedes and Hessians poured like a torrent into the territories of Mentz, of Wurtzburg, and Bamberg, and three fugitive bishops, at a distance from their sees, suffered dearly for their unfortunate attachment to the Emperor.
The pealing of the alarm-bells set the inhabitants of all the neighbouring villages in motion, and utterly lost was the unhappy fugitive who fell into their hands.
It had been my privilege to live in the best society all my life--namely that of abolitionists and fugitive slaves.
GRAY Released from further responsibility for his fugitive wards, and wearing the laurels of his recent adventures, Brown began the reorganization of his forces for the final hazard.
The Fugitive Slave Law, enacted by the Thirty-first Congress, provided for the use of all the forces of the Department of Justice, to effect the arrest of fugitives from slavery, and the restoration of them to their masters.
But the fugitive slave law, at this time, had become a grievous thorn in the political flesh of the northern Democracy.
The letter to his wife reflects the general sense of compassion that was felt for the negroes, by all humane people throughout the North, because of the distressful condition in which they were placed by the terms of the Fugitive Slave Law.
But the activities therein undertaken were strictly defensive in their character; they were not directed against slavery, but for the personal protection of fugitive slaves and free negroes living in the Northern States.
It would indeed have been difficult to find a person living in the North at that time, who would have refused a poor fugitive slave the measure of assistance asked for in this case.
Brown conceived the idea of uniting the free negroes and fugitiveslaves in an organization to resist the enforcement of the provisions of this law.
Subsequent search for, and locating of the fugitive "by the sound of the beating of his heart!
Thou hast come to my father's house, as well as I can guess, a fugitive and an exile, and thy first greeting to its inhabitants has been that of contempt and injury.
I am at this instant a fugitive from my father's house, from my mother, and from my friends, and I bear on my head the blood of a man who injured me but in idle words, which I have thus bloodily requited.
And at times when, on waking, we have no such consciousness, we can never perhaps be sure that the shock that waked us, had not the effect of driving away these fugitive and unsubstantial images.
One of the most obvious features however that attends upon popularity, is its fugitive nature.
The songs of the Rhapsodists, the Scalds, and the Minstrels, which once seemed as fugitive as the breath of him who chaunted them, repose in libraries, and are embalmed in collections.
M^r Butler and M^r Pinkney moved "to require fugitiveslaves and servants to be delivered up like criminals.
Fugitive river crafts carried the news up to the Highlands that the frigates were already before Tarrytown in the Tappan Sea.
It is music and poetry to the soul and as elusive as they, wrapping us in dreams and yielding fugitive glimpses of that which we may never grasp, but which skirts, like a beautiful phantom, the mind's horizon.
Let us first endeavour to restore the lovely fugitive to her deserted home, and then let not the shadow of compulsion actuate her future determination.
Whenever I wrote in my journal, I had no other motive than the preservation of some of those fugitive ideas which present themselves to a naturalist, whose life is almost wholly passed in the open air.
On the day of our arrival we saw three fugitive negroes brought back; they were slaves newly purchased.
This fugitive will come like Thersite, shedding those fat tears of which Homer speaks.
In his thirst for revenge he pursues his brother across the plains and through the forest, both in friendly and hostile villages, only to fall a prey to bitter remorse when, after many months, he overtakes the fugitive and slays him.
This only is discoverable, as a general tendency, that the aeon, or generic period of evil, is constantly towards a fugitive duration.
Naturally, all evil is fugitive and allied to death.
I dwell in the depths of these waters, incorporeal like them, fugitive and transparent; I speak with their murmurs and move with their undulations.
This too often meant that some fugitive had been run down by his cruel pursuer, who listened to no pleadings for mercy.
She was about to reply, when the sound of footsteps reached them from the port alley-way, and, before they had set foot upon the first step, MacAndrew and the fugitive stood before them.
Madame Bernstein had recognised the fugitive as Katherine's father, and the man himself had rejoiced at being with his daughter again after so long a separation.
They had barely an hour in which to make up their minds on this point, and to stow the fugitive away before the man-o'-war's boat would arrive.
Needless to say there was no sign of any fugitive there.
Barcroft, never for a moment taking his eyes off the fugitive monoplane.
His observer was replying to the machine-gun fire converging upon the fugitive craft from three different points.
To become a fugitive now was to plead guilty as charged--to open the door to chaos.
Thereupon arose a determination to demonstrate practically that it was quite as possible to create an inerrant fugitive as to conceive an infallible detective.