Mrs. Peckham laid her large, flaccid arm in the sharp angle made by the black sleeve which held the bony limb her husband offered, and the two took the stair and struck out for the parlor.
Flaccid as they were, they had been capable of resolute perseverance there.
Now, in swift collapse, he was as flaccid as a sick hound and as disgusting as an aged drunkard.
And now that she had done what she had to do, she lost control of her body, and reclined flaccid and inert.
She thought of the strange flaccid daily life of those two women, whose hours seemed to slip unprofitably away without any result of achievement.
A pleppit dud, a garment become quite flaccid by wearing or tossing, Ang.
Applied to flaccid food, in swallowing which a noise is made by the throat, S.
I will drown it to-morrow morning," replied Phoebicius with perfect indifference, but with an evil smile on his flaccid lips.
Those flaccid half-pronounced syllables in which he had declared that he had resigned,--had been studiously careless, purposely flaccid.
Mr. Daubeny could be fiery or flaccid as it suited himself;--and now it suited him to be fiery.
Dryads with star-flowers in their woolly hair Dance to the flaccid clapping of their own Black dangling dugs through forests overgrown, Platted with writhing creepers.
The acid fermentation evolved neutralises the lime, while bacteria multiply and rapidly reduce the rubbery limed hide to a soft, flaccid condition.
He was flaccid with terror as he fell screeching on his knees.
There is no obvious tumour; constipation is present, the abdominal walls are flaccid at first, but if no relief is obtained become tender when peritonitis ensues.
The abdomen is soft and flaccid and the affected coil is rarely to be felt.
Even as these words escaped his flaccid lips a roll of thunder louder than any previous one came echoing from behind the Aventine Hill.
He multiplied his intellectual force by detaching from it all flaccid interests.
Of yon wild cave, whose jaggèd brows are fringed With flaccid threads of ivy, in the still And sultry air, depending motionless.
Then there is the eye, sunken, with glairy surface, flaccid cornea, and dilated insensitive pupil.
The penis was semi-erect in one case, flaccid in the other, retracted and shrunken in the third.
The laughter of William and Joe Bullitt, designed to express cordiality, suddenly became flaccid and died.
His flaccid cheeks appeared to fill, to grow firm again, a smile finally widening them.
In this case the urine dribbles away constantly, and the oiled hand in the vagina or rectum will feel the half-filled and flaccid bladder beneath and may easily empty it by pressure.
If these symptoms are seen, the oiled hand should be introduced into the womb, which will be found open and flaccid and containing large blood clots.
The people in the crowd pressed closer, closing around the tired horse, which stood with its head drooping, its flaccid sides heaving.
Of the living pictures there were three, all of them in green garments, which hung loosely upon flaccid thighs.