Had lightning struck the building, or a grenade dropped hissing through the ceiling, the effect could not have caused so fierce an explosion as that which followed this infelicitous discovery.
This infelicitousarrangement forced the thoughts of all present upon the exalted rank of the parties which could dictate and exact so unusual an assortment.
Yet even here they cannot abstain from putting in the margin the peculiarly infelicitous alternative,--"Why didst thou forsake Me?
You will please to remember however, that the phenomena will remain,--however infelicitous my attempts to explain them may seem to yourself.
It is presumed that the major had forgotten himself in this infelicitous selection of epithets, but the stranger's face only relaxed into a grim smile.
And Charles Sylvester's infelicitous proposal recurred to her, and she was forced to ask herself whether, after all, it was quite so infelicitous as it seemed.
A written record preserved by these miserable and most infelicitous ones gives the names and history of their organisation, known as 'Captain Conroy's Party,' a copy of which is annexed below.
Spoken like a politician, Hathaway," said Judge Baker, with an effusive enthusiasm, which he hoped would atone for the alarming results of his infelicitous speech.
The name of the gentleman who enjoyed this infelicitous distinction was Tretherick.
The shouting and yelling, which had gained the camp its infelicitous title, were not permitted within hearing distance of Stumpy's.
Miss Milly had never before seen the man designated by thisinfelicitous title; and as he stepped backward, in half courtesy and half astonishment, she was, for the moment, disconcerted.
The captain bore the infelicitous reputation of being a notorious duellist and a dead-shot.
But these infelicitous forms, which disguised the most tender and imaginative genius, could not deprive it of its "better parts.
He often felt that curse of an infelicitous poet, that his diligence was more active than his creative power.
The patriotic bard fell a victim to its infelicitous but glorious conception; and posterity may discover a grandeur in this labour of love, which was unfelt by his contemporaries.
It will be recalled that the young man frequently expressed himself with regrettable inelegance; that he habitually availed himself, indeed, of a most infelicitous species of metaphor.
They left him at these times with the suspicion that this bare fact meant enough with them to carry a man of infelicitous exterior.
I have all the Rights I want Sense Enough to Vote An Infelicitous Epithet The Rob Roy Theory The Votes of Non-Combatants Manners repeal Laws Dangerous Voters How Women will legislate Individuals vs.
The Moderns infelicitous in their attempts to account for their omission (p.
Some of the foregoing instances of infelicitous tampering with the text of the Gospels are, it must be confessed, very serious.
As Fairley had that infelicitous tendency of most weak natures, to unconsciously exaggerate unimportant details in their talk, the Postmaster presently became convinced that the butcher was a constant and assiduous suitor of Flip's.
Lance smarted a little at thisinfelicitous speech.
Milo Milton, his imitation of Ariosto His practice of dating his poems followed by Lord Byron His dislike to Cambridge His infelicitous marriage His disregard of painting and sculpture His politics kept him down His 'material thunder.
Infelicitous the general direction of our affairs may be; but the individual Englishman, whenever and wherever called upon to do his duty, does it almost invariably with the old energy, courage, virtue.