She was always unstudied and unaffected, and in her person and appearance were combined ease and elegance, with the irresistible charm of the most engaging feminine softness.
Slowly, one by one, he turned up his cards, never even deigning to glance downward, his entire manner that of unstudied indifference.
She was seated with unstudied grace on the edge of the bank, her hands clasped about one knee, her sweet face sobered by thought, her eyes downcast, the long lashes plainly outlined against the clear cheeks.
I have been willing to sacrifice the more purely literary value which would undoubtedly grace the record, were the author to revise it, that I may retain its homely, unstudied human value.
From the impromptu character of my writings come both their merits and their defects--their fresh, unstudied character, and their want of thoroughness and reference-book authority.
Doctor Murphy allowed me to examine some of the heretofore unstudied collections of sea birds of the Whitney South Sea Expedition.
With very little action of the body, there was often an interesting and obviously unstudied display of facial expression.
When such a subordination is announced, it corresponds with feelings we all possess, falls in with the natural course of our judgments, with our habitual and unstudied language.
His face was seamed with suffering; he wore a humble mien; his habitual posture was a pattern of unstudied modesty.
Poliziano did no more than treat it with his own facility, sacrificing the unstudiedraciness of his popular models to literary elegance.
His chronicle is a masterpiece of naïve, unstudied narrative.
The freshness of their phrases, the spontaneity of their sentiments, and the melody of their unstudied cadences, are inimitable.
The whole of this graceful manoeuvring will be effected readily and artlessly, in an apparently unstudied manner.
They bear all the marks of a sudden, unstudied impulse, immediately and unhesitatingly expressed.
He reads and muses; and as something in the pages stirs some distant association, suggests some brighter image than its own, he half leans over to the table, and scrawls it in unstudied but inspired verse.
It followed that he was much taken with a preacher who could answer so appositely to the needs of his soul as did this impressive young man in a chance sermon of unstudied eloquence.
These exhibitions of an instinctive and unstudied magnanimity won the hearts of the people as rapidly as his transcendent abilities and Herculean toil secured for him renown.