No tumultuous thoughts, which, as they are too often excited by licentious excess, must be lost and drowned in wine.
Whatever appears licentious or vicious in men, in your sex becomes so in a tenfold degree.
Though I doubt there is hardly decency enough left in this part of the world, that vice need wear a mask; yet do not people give a greater scope to their licentious inclinations while under that veil?
In the hands of her creole owner, who held her as a price for licentious purposes, she associated with gentlemen of polite manners-of wealth and position.
Society has established the licentious wrong,--the law protects it, custom enforces it.
On this occasion, purporting to be a very great one, the inducements held out were no less an incentive of gambling propensities than an aim to serve licentious purposes.
Oft and fervently has she invoked the All-protecting hand to save her child from the licentioussnares of slavery; and now that she is rescued, her soul can rest satisfied.
She lived happily with her husband for eighteen years, and wrote some good, bustling, but licentious plays.
In vain Settle eulogised the mercurial and licentious spendthrift.
While Dudley lived, she wallowed in licentious love with Christopher Blount, his groom of the horse.
From Pepys's memoranda of visits to Drury Lane we gather a few facts about the licentious theatre-goers of his day.
And when his bloody vengeance was at last glutted, Sulla ruled as an extravagant, conscienceless, licentious dictator.
The queen of Egypt felt bitterly the scorn with which she was popularly regarded as the representative of an effeminate and licentious people.
Licentious painting or literature; especially, the painting anciently employed to decorate the walls of rooms devoted to bacchanalian orgies.
The most attractive theatrical performances came to be comedies, from the Greek and Latin plays of the same order, where scenes were introduced from the licentious stories of the Greek mythology.
It was in the worship of this divinity that the coarse and licentious side of the Semitic nature expressed itself.
He was a miracle of mercy and grace, for a very few years before he had borne the character of an impure and licentious man--an open enemy to the saints of God.
To be laughed at, to be made a fool of, to have my best schemes thwarted--all for a base, licentious woman!
A king who suffers the licentious in his ante-chamber, may be certain that their libertine tongues will make free with himself.
He since loudly declaims for public morality--against the prostitution of the press; but his early works were the most licentious of any that have swarmed from the fertile French genius of social protestantism.
Instead of displaying the frivolous and licentious tastes of Aben-Humeya, his private life was without reproach.
Bred in the seraglio, he showed the fruits of his education in his indolent way of life, and in the free indulgence of the most licentious appetites.
Even twenty years later Captain Marryat records: "The press in the United States is licentious to the highest possible degree, and defies control.
The Experiment, with its foundations laid on universal Suffrage and an unfettered and licentious Press is of too violent a nature for our excitable People.
Under the licentious Abbot Pontius, who on account of his base conduct was deposed in A.
All these sects were accused by their Catholic opponents with entertaining antinomian doctrines and practising licentiousorgies and unnatural abominations.
Some of their greatest authors, even Montesquieu himself, have varied their deep reasonings on the origin of government, and the most profound problems of philosophy, with licentious tales tending to inflame the passions.
But the inspired text has been depraved in the same licentious way throughout, by the responsible authors of Cod.
Indeed, even when our LORD is not the speaker, such licentious depravation of the text is not to be endured.
Here once more his rationalistic, critical spirit brought him into trouble with the bigoted, licentious monks.
What, but a rabble of licentious vagrants, set free from the common restraints of decency, exempted from the necessity of labour, betrayed by idleness to debauchery, and let loose to prey upon the people?
Their most sacred mysteries, carried on under the patronage of these licentious deities, were so abominable and infamous, that it was found necessary, for the preservation of any remnant of good order, to prohibit them.
Its ancient cathedral is in good preservation, notwithstanding it became a prey to the licentious fanaticism of the republicans.
In early youth he had entered into the pleasures and dissipations of life, and licentious habits seem to have been retained to the end.
In India the bisexual form of Çiva, which seems to be late,[764] connects itself with the licentious character of his rites.
To him is assigned as wife the frightful figure called Durga or Kali (and known by other names), a blood-loving monster with an unspeakably licentious cult.
The most definite formulation of this conception appears in Çaktism, the worship of the female principle in nature as represented by various goddesses, often accompanied, naturally, by licentious rites.
The cult is attached to the worship of a deity (Elegba or Legba), who appears to be a patron of fertility; the phallus occupies a prominent place on his temples, and its worship is accompanied by the usual licentious rites.
Whatever his origin, his cult spread over Greece, he was identified with certain Greek deities, licentious popular festivals naturally attached themselves to his worship, and his name became a synonym of sexual passion.
The sentiments are mischievous in tendency, profligate in principle, licentious and irreverent in the highest degree.
Eleven hundred and sixty-three years after the foundation of Rome, the Imperial city, which had subdued and civilized so considerable a part of mankind, was delivered to the licentious fury of the tribes of Germany and Scythia.
The licentious commerce of the sexes may be tolerated as an impulse of nature, or forbidden as a source of disorder and corruption; but the fame, the fortunes, the family of the husband, are seriously injured by the adultery of the wife.
Throughout his career he desired, says Swift, his intimate friend, to be thought the Alcibiades or Petronius of his age, and to mix licentious orgies with the highest political responsibilities.
The licentious Contes, published under the name of his brother D'Ouville, are often attributed to him.
But the last scene of it represents Don Giovanni, the hero of the piece, seized in the midst of his licentious career by a troop of devils, and hurried down to hell.
Many of the young men who maintained their character as freelicentious livers, yet professed some degree of moderation and restraint in their indulgences.