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Example sentences for "chin"

Lexicographically close words:
chimneypiece; chimneys; chimnies; chimpanzee; chimpanzees; chinaware; chinch; chinchilla; chinchillas; chinchona
  1. Not man enough yet," he said, tying the ribbons under her chin with clumsy fingers.

  2. She brought them to him, and stood watching as, chin forward, he trimmed his beard.

  3. In its corners and in the firm line of the chin beneath it there lurked, too, more than a hint of imperiousness.

  4. His suit was pressed, his shoes gleamed brightly, and his chin was smoothly shaven.

  5. It came off in her hands, leaving a square chin behind it.

  6. Miss Trimble scratched her chin caressingly with the revolver, and remained for a moment in thought.

  7. The blow under the chin had temporarily dulled Jimmy's mentality.

  8. He had a strong, commanding face, with broad, square chin and a blue eye which bespoke friendliness, and yet hinted of inexorable sternness.

  9. Above his pinched, cleanshaven chin his lips shot out with an angry twitch.

  10. With lifted chin and reddened cheek she shot this sentence at me from the edge of a lip disdainfully puckered: "There are such things as 'successes of esteem,' sir!

  11. It was a winter evening when he rode up to Kerfol and, walking into the hall, found her sitting listlessly by the fire, her chin on her hand, looking into the fire.

  12. One day, however, his attention was arrested by a familiar contour, a pair of bright prominent eyes, and a chin insufficiently shaved.

  13. He stood drumming on the writing-table till he heard the servant go out; then he threw himself into a chair, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his locked hands.

  14. He took his chin in his hand and stared at these blank shutters through half-closed eyes.

  15. The mantle slipped from Miss Boyle's shoulders, showing her pale, shining dress, and the tender curve of her chin and throat.

  16. The brilliants under his chin sparkled in an incongruous fashion.

  17. His eyes were not idle, but excited and bright, though his attitude was slack and his chin rested on his tumbled cravat.

  18. Ishmael flogged his gate and bounced up and down till the latch rattled in its socket and the wide collar of his little print shirt blew up under his chin like two cherub wings supporting his glowing face.

  19. She ate her supper in a state almost too placidly joyous for excitement, and afterwards went up to her room and sat with her elbows on the window-sill and her chin on her hands, looking out.

  20. She dropped her chin into her cupped palms and sat staring ahead, her eyes shining for all their smarting lids.

  21. She stared at the mouth that, with its more generous curves, was yet so like her own, at the square brow that never came from her side of the family, at the narrow chin that in its delicacy seemed to her girlish.

  22. Not only the lips but the planes of the chin and cheeks immediately around them were good, very tender in colour and curves, with the faint blur of fine golden down to soften them still more.

  23. When he came to the top of the cliff above his plateau he turned off down the narrow goat-track that led to it, and when there flung himself on his face upon the turf, chin on hands, and brooded.

  24. He shielded his face somewhat by holding his chin close to his chest and hunching his shoulders up; but Danforth landed some blows.

  25. They emerged from the blot presently, Carrington staggering, his chin on his chest, his eyes glazed--Taylor crowding him closely.

  26. Carrington rested his chin in the palm of his right hand and scowled into the street.

  27. Parsons sat on the porch until long after noon; for, after Marion and Martha had vanished into the haze of distance, Parsons dropped into a chair and let his chin sink to his chest.

  28. Carrington's chin was thrust out belligerently; his eyes fairly danced with a rage that he could hardly restrain.

  29. Norton's disgust was complete and bitter; he had slid down in the chair, his chin on his chest, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his trousers.

  30. He was hunched up in the chair, his shoulders were slouched forward, his chin resting on the wings of his high, starched collar, his lips in a pout, his eyes sullen and gleaming with malevolence.

  31. The big man's brain was befogged; and yet he still retained presence of mind enough to shield his chin from another of those terrific blows.

  32. Apparently none of these creature-comforts dwelt in the desires of the baron, who sat sideways to the table, his chin resting on his hand, gazing upon vacancy with an intenseness bespeaking deep pre-occupation.

  33. His chin was on his chest; the lowered head and the droop of the broad, spare shoulders showed the impact of some heavy burden.

  34. To his amazement, the chin at which he had aimed seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

  35. Already I begin to fancy I see her before me, with her nose and chin meeting like a lobster's claws, with hardly room enough between them for a decent-sized hazel nut.

  36. Apply it to the head and chin after being clean shaved.

  37. Rub the head and chin with this mixture, after they have been shaved.

  38. The few teeth that kept her nose and chin apart having disappeared, her mouth has also vanished, though there is a decided mark which tells where it was--especially when she speaks or smiles.

  39. Ned just gave him time to get his head out of the way when he let the trap fall with a clap like thunder, and then began to pace up and down his little room with his hands in his pockets and his chin on his breast.

  40. But Mrs Twitter had put her little finger under Mrs Frog's chin when her lips were about to go under water, and so, figuratively, she kept her from drowning.

  41. Yes, that is true," the Chief of the Quahadas spoke, and his head sank so that his chin rested on his breast, while his eyes were fixed on the ground.

  42. Songbird's sobs finally stopped, and she raised herself slowly until she was sitting with her knees drawn up, her elbows propped upon them and her chin resting in her palms.

  43. He also exacted from them three thousand sequins for permission to retain the chin and tongue of St. Antony, which works miracles still, and are preserved in a splendid chapel with immense brazen doors.

  44. I felt my face flush from my chin to the roots of my hair; and I knew, moreover, that Delia Beaseley was reading that sign with keen accustomed eyes; she knew there was sore need for just that help.

  45. She leaned nearer, her elbows on her knees, her chin resting in her palms.

  46. He leaned his elbows on his knees, resting his chin in the palms of his hands.

  47. Next second he sank back again into his chair with his chin upon his breast, rigid and motionless as one dead.

  48. He remained silent, his chin almost resting upon his breast.

  49. From the set of her little chin you saw that protest and argument were useless.

  50. Only her chin was left clean and decided.

  51. Her face puzzled you; it was so broad across the cheek-bones that you would have judged it coarse; it narrowed suddenly in the jaws, pointing her chin to subtlety.

  52. She shook her little head; and from the set of her chin he was aware of the extreme decision of her character.

  53. Miles had aimed, he thought, at the man's breast, but the bullet entered under his chin and went crashing into his brain.

  54. The Saiyids were soon overthrown, their ruin being equally desired by Chin Kulich, the head of the Turkish party, and Saadat Ali, the newly-arrived adventurer from Persia.

  55. The first sign of this precarious tenure of greatness was afforded by the death of the aged Nizam Chin Kulich, Viceroy of the Deccan, which took place immediately after that of the late Emperor.

  56. Muhammad Shah — Chin Kulich Khan, his retirement from Dehli — Movements of the Mahrattas — Invasion of Nadir Shah — Ahmad Khan repulsed by the Moghuls.

  57. Chin Kulich was especially brought to his knees in Bhopal, where the Mahrattas wrung from him the cession of Malwa, and a promise of tribute to be paid by the Imperial Government to these rebellious brigands.

  58. Thus straitened, the Nizam, for by that title Chin Kulich was now beginning to be known, took counsel with Saadat, the Persian, who was still at Dehli.

  59. I rested my chin on my knee and looked before me on the ground.

  60. He put the exercise down, leaned his chin upon his hand, and looked at me with clear, severe eyes.

  61. Put your wig straight On your bald pate, Keep your chin scraped, And your figure draped.

  62. I did it once when I jumped wrong and hit my chin on my knee.

  63. Chin and knees knocked together as she fell in a heap on the grass below.

  64. She knew well enough the backward inclination proper for her head, what the relative positions of her knees and chin should be, and if she had taken the least forethought might have redeemed the declining reputation of her boyhood.

  65. The chin is full and plump, but nevertheless beautifully proportioned.

  66. Pete announced their decision truculently, his chin thrust out.

  67. A hard elbow bumped up forcefully against his chin as if by accident.

  68. The lift of her round, brown throat to an indifferent tilt of the chin was mere pretense.

  69. The sallow man squirted tobacco at a knot in the floor and rubbed his bristly chin with the palm of a hand.

  70. Yes, there was something royally childlike in that round chin and softly rounded cheek, in that obstinate yet all too sensitive lip, and that clear brow.

  71. Christina spread out Herrick's copies of the two blackmailing letters upon the table and studied them, propping her chin on her hands.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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