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Example sentences for "negligent"

Lexicographically close words:
negli; neglige; negligee; negligence; negligences; negligently; negligible; nego; negociate; negociated
  1. It is true that he must not be very lazy or negligent for fear of being discharged; but if he takes care to be moderately careful and active, it is all that he need do for his own interests.

  2. Incompetent or negligent management will soon ruin the best business.

  3. I got your book not more than five days ago, so am not so negligent as I must have appeared to you with a fortnight's sin upon my shoulders.

  4. My dear Sir--I must appear negligent in not having thanked you for the very pleasant books you sent me.

  5. Dear Wilson Lightening I was going to call you-- You must have thought me negligent in not answering your letter sooner.

  6. I have been so lazy and negligent these last four days, that I could not write to MD.

  7. The loose and negligent administration of that prince had imboldened the Norman barons to affect a great independency; and their mutual quarrels and devastations had rendered that whole territory a scene of violence and outrage.

  8. His courtiers were negligent in performing the last duties to a master who was so little beloved; and every one was too much occupied in the interesting object of fixing his successor, to attend the funeral of a dead sovereign.

  9. Meanwhile, this prince was not negligent in encouraging the vulgar and mechanical arts, which have a more sensible, though not a closer connection with the interests of society.

  10. He rode in easy, slouching, negligent fashion, and seemed to have forgotten he was not alone.

  11. His greeting of McNab was as lukewarm, negligent and friendly as it always was.

  12. Had the Knickerbocker operator been less stupid and negligent than she seemed?

  13. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them, and be established in the present truth.

  14. Nor had the commissary been negligent of creature comforts.

  15. I never knew my lord so negligent of discipline.

  16. Now wine, blunting rather than sharpening many of these passions, doth not make them sots and foolish, but simple and ingenuous; not negligent of what is profitable, but desirous of what is good and honest.

  17. Mozart had been negligent in his correspondence.

  18. I assure you that I frequently spend money unnecessarily because I am negligent of these things.

  19. Those beauties which strike the most negligent observer, and those which only a close attention discovers, are equally familiar to him and are equally prominent in his poetry.

  20. Where a man does his best with only moderate powers, he will have the advantage over negligent superiority.

  21. If she becomes the property of a churlish or negligent husband, she will suit his taste also, for she will not long survive his unkindness.

  22. This consisted of about a hundred Highlanders, in complete dress and arms; at sight of whom the Chieftain apologised to Waverley in a sort of negligent manner.

  23. This is contradicted by the Spanish report, in which it appears that the authorities in Campeache had been culpably negligent in not maintaining the defences with men, powder or provisions.

  24. But these were not in the least negligent either to assault him or defend themselves with all the courage imaginable.

  25. For so negligent were they, that hauing once woone the towne, they ranged abroad ouer the countrie hither and thither at their libertie without any care.

  26. If the officers fail of their duty as housekeepers to see that everything in the camp and tents is clean and healthy, the men fall into negligent habits, and become dirty and sick.

  27. The condition of 26 per cent, was negligent and slovenly, and that of 21 per cent, decidedly bad, filthy, and dangerous.

  28. They are found in the houses and on the bodies of the filthy and negligent everywhere.

  29. Conny, with her negligent manner and her childish treble voice, gave the talk a poke here and there and steered it skilfully, never allowing it to get into serious pools or become mere noise.

  30. In his negligent clothes he looked quite slouchy, she had felt that evening, as if he had long ceased to have any interest in his person.

  31. He had been criminally negligent of Eunice.

  32. It has pleased God to raise up many friends to me amongst my enemies, though they, who ought to have been my friends, are negligent of me.

  33. I am glad to find, by your letter of July 26th, your style, that you are both in health; but wonder you should think me so negligent as to forget to give you an account of the ship in which your parcel is to come.

  34. He is in general negligent in his drawing; so that, with the exception of the two pictures at the Theatines of S.

  35. In design he is more negligent than Vasari, in his motions more energetic; his colours have the same yellow cast, but rather more delicacy.

  36. His profits were great; but he was kept continually in a state of indigence by his losses, which he endeavoured to repair by the too negligent practice of his art.

  37. It has produced also noble designers; although some, like other mannerists, have debased the pencil by hasty and negligent performances.

  38. There was at one time great danger of these excellent colourists being negligent designers; and it is indeed a common opinion, adopted also by Algarotti, that the best colourists are seldom correct in design.

  39. Sir, a man will not, once in a hundred instances, leave his wife and go to a harlot, if his wife has not been negligent of pleasing.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "negligent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apathetic; approximate; bedraggled; blase; botched; bungler; butchered; careless; casual; chintzy; delinquent; derelict; dilapidated; dilatory; disinterested; dispassionate; disregardful; distracted; draggled; easy; easygoing; feckless; forgetful; frowsy; frowzy; fumbled; grasshopper; grubby; heedless; idler; impolitic; impotent; improvident; inaccurate; inadvertent; inattentive; inconstant; incorrect; incurious; indifferent; inexact; informal; lackadaisical; lax; lazy; lenient; listless; loose; malingerer; messy; mindless; misdirected; misguided; mismanaged; muffed; murdered; mussy; neglectful; negligent; nonchalant; nonconforming; perfunctory; permissive; poky; procrastinating; promiscuous; ragged; reckless; regardless; relaxed; remiss; ruinous; scraggly; seedy; shabby; shiftless; shirker; shoddy; slack; slacker; slatternly; slipshod; sloppy; slovenly; slut; sluttish; soft; sordid; spoiled; squalid; tacky; tattered; thoughtless; trifler; unconcerned; undiscriminating; unfaithful; unguarded; unheedful; uninterested; unkempt; unmindful; unobservant; unobserving; unprofessional; unrestrained; unsightly; untidy; untrue; unwary; weak