Herbert Spencer has tried his hand at it, but failed to express life under any higher correlation than "molecular force;" nor can he definitely inform us whether either force is third or fourth cousin to the other.
The London "Times" tried its hand on it, but only in a playful way.
He was tried and convicted, and is now expiating his crime at Norfolk Island.
This, however, was not the opinion of the judges who tried him.
But in those days tradesmen only tried their wings for the flight.
Major-General Lawrance stated that the system had been tried in some garrisons with excellent effect, of providing a room where the men could procure papers, coffee, and a pipe.
I tried to get lodgings in the house, but there had been a horse-fair, or something of that sort, and it was full.
From what I have seen of Mr. Stewart, I should conclude that nothing could be better;" and when I tried to stammer my thanks, he waved his hand to me kindly and rang for wine.
The officers spurred their horses into the mob, and tried in vain to form the men in some sort of order.
I think her old fear of my claiming the place came on her again, and though she always tried to treat me civilly, the effort in the end proved too great for her overwrought nerves, as you shall presently hear.
They tried to make the crossing on a raft, but were caught in the drifting ice and nearly drowned before they gained an island in the middle of the river.
He turned an imploring gaze on me, and tried to speak, but could not.
So soon as he recovered consciousness, he tried to get up to follow us, and was persuaded to lie still only when the general promised he would send for him in order that he might be present when we meet the French.
I tried to stanch the blood, and as I raised his head, saw his eyes staring up at me.
I tried to raise my hand to take hers, but it lay there like a great dead weight, and I could scarcely move it.
Indeed, perhaps she has already done so, for I gave him leave to speak to her this morning," and she smiled again as she noted my trembling hands, which I tried in vain to steady.
Oh, it was hard, and I was only a child, but I sat upright on his knee and tried to dry my tears.
The trenches filled with water, and we tried in vain to keep dry the powder in our cartouch boxes.
T is said that on her deathbed she tried to soften her husband's heart against their boy, but with such ill success that she fell sobbing into the sleep from which she was never to awaken.
He tried to run away," he added, "but I thought you might have something to say to him.
The soldiers flung away their guns and accoutrements, their helmets, even their coats, that they might flee the faster, and I saw one strike down a young subaltern who tried to stay them.
I had tried in vain, all the morning, to corner Dorothy so that I might say good-by with no one looking on, but the minx had eluded me, and I had to be content with a mere handclasp on the steps before the others.
He tried to speak, clutched at my sleeve, and then his head fell back, a great sigh shook him, and he was dead.
As always, any inclusive statement must be prefaced by the warning that generalization is impossible of application to all the nations of North America; only a few very broad rules can be laid down, and these are tried by many exceptions.
It had tried its strength in various ways, and now it knew its powers.
For patriotism, though sometimes not easily distinguished from selfish delight in the romance which precedes war, it was on both sides--a patriotism which was to be sorely tried and never to fail.
Mistress Hibbins was tried before Endicott, and we may be sure that that stern old Puritan paid no attention to the social position of the accused.
Jaeger ever tried washing woollens scientifically, so as to take out the grease and perspiration, and not to harden the material at the same time.
She recognised him instantly, and, fearing that he might know her, tried to brush past him with averted head.
I tried in past times to apprise Karna of his brothership with thee.
But al moot ben assayed, hoot or colde; must be tried A man moot ben a fool other yong or olde; must be, either I woot it by myself ful yore agon: For in my tyme a servant was I on.
I have tried to tone down the grotesque as much as may be, but a general dazzle and confusion of colour is inseparable from the scene, vivid, violent, and exciting as it was.
I have tried all That earthly hope holds out to satisfy The longings of man's nature.
People tried to get me to quit my wife 'cause dey say de Democrats would bring back slavery.
After a while I tried to move and sho' 'nough I was dere all right.
De carpetbaggers dat come to our place tried to make me believe dat de white man was our enemy, but I found out better.
I recollects I tried to eat some goat one time en it swell in my mouth.
We triedto swing her by grabbing to a big willow, and we broke a lot of limbs in trying, but we did swing her and she run a 100 yards widout steering, and de boat landed on a little mountain of land.
She tried as hard to make de slaves happy as she did to make her own white friends happy, it seem lak to me.
Well, they tried to lead all the niggers after the war was over.
He sho' has turnt dis country 'round and tried so hard to make things right wid de people.
I 'member seein' one big black man, who tried to steal a boat ride from Charleston.
We knew only too well what that meant, and tried hard to rouse him.
From its beginning the association worked for the Federal Suffrage Amendment, although it tried also to obtain from the Legislature the submission of a State amendment to the voters.
The leaders of the two political parties admitted that they could not control their legislators and tried to hold the Spanish-Americans responsible.
They went to Jefferson City in September and tried to get a suffrage plank into the platform of the Democratic State convention.
The bill was twice killed in committee and received less than ten votes, amid derision and laughter, when its author tried to have it placed on the calendar.
Leading Republicans in and out of Congress tried to impress upon those in Connecticut that this was no longer a State but a national issue.
Everything which had been tried out in any campaign was done.
The very day the bill passed the House a committee of anti-suffrage legislators called upon Governor Dunne to urge him to veto it and tried to influence Attorney General Patrick J.
The Assembly Chamber was filled to the utmost and surging crowds outside tried to get in.
For five years, therefore, they tried to get some form of partial suffrage that could be obtained without amending the constitution.
As suffragists throughout the nation gave their help, so the opponents outside the State tried to defeat the amendment.
After 1900 there was a period of depression which the National American Suffrage Association tried unsuccessfully to relieve.
The former method was tried first but the latter was found to be necessary.
They always tried to reach a settlement or hospitable ranch house for the night.
The suffragists triedto get the Federation of Labor to withdraw their amendment, which had no chance of being adopted, but were unsuccessful and it did fail at the general election.
I nodded and triedto show by my countenance how much I approved of people being shot dead with primitive weapons.
The cooling unit in my armor was acting up a bit; and, also, three Terran city guerillas had tried to ambush me on the way.
The duties were incredibly dull, of course, but the danger of sudden death had receded, since only a few fanatics still tried to pick off us occupation troops.
I tried being sick, but following sick report one found oneself doing a full day's training--after the understanding medics had shoved some pep pills into you.
I looked into the first paragraph and then decided that I had better get up and dress and have a cup of coffee and a single egg before I tried to read it.
She died before she ever even saw him, and I've always tried to do what I could to make it up to him.
I didn't even enjoy the thinness, but took a kind of already married look in my glass and tried to slip the egg past my bored lips and get myself to chew it down.
I tried my best, but failed to respond to my own remonstrances with myself, and tears were slowly gathering in a cloud of gloom when a blue gingham, romper-clad sunbeam burst into the room.
The King was so impressed with his powers that he would not let him go until he had tried the organ, in the playing of which Wolfgang achieved a further triumph.
This was destined to be his last visit to these shores, and when he departed, after fulfilling a round of engagements which tried his strength to its uttermost limits, it was with the haunting shadow of coming illness.
Mozart's affection for Haydn was equally warm, and now, on hearing that the latter contemplated a journey to England, he tried to persuade him against it, urging that he was advanced in years and unacquainted with the English language.
One little instance will serve, perhaps, to bring out clearly this marked difference between these two great men: Bach was truly desirous of making Handel's acquaintance, and tried on several occasions to gratify this wish.
Coming to the difficult work, he struck into it very boldly, but after proceeding a little way he came to a stop, then tried it again from the beginning, and once more halted at the same place.
Canlan, too, had had too much of it, or he would never have tried to irritate me with his remark.
I hung my head and studied the planking of the verandah, then looked upward and gazed at the far-off glacier glittering under the blue sky, tried to wear the appearance of a deaf man who had not heard this altercation.
I triedto josh a man myself this afternoon, and do you know what I did?
With folly's headlong haste you would rush in Where well-tried wisdom treads with fear and trembling.
They advised painters to paint fewer pictures upon canvas, and to burn more of them on plates; and they tried to persuade sculptors that a candlestick might be as beautiful as a statue.
I felt indignant with Matthew Arnold because he complained that somebody, who had translated Homer into a ballad measure, had tried to write epic to the tune of Yankee Doodle.
At first I tried to distinguish between symbols and symbols, between what I called inherent symbols and arbitrary symbols, but the distinction has come to mean little or nothing.
I had read Shelley and Spenser and had tried to mix their styles together in a pastoral play which I have not come to dislike much, and yet I do not think Shelley or Spenser ever moved me as did these poets.
Arrows were drawn from their quivers, bow-strings tried and thrummed, lances poised, and every eye directed to the spot on which the chief fixed his earnest and flashing gaze.
In vain I tried to forget the fact; in vain I held my hands over my mouth to prevent my shouting out these words.
Philosophers have often tried to explain why a cat runs after a mouse; the reason undoubtedly is, because the mouse runs away from the cat.
It is impossible to say how foolish and sheepish they all looked, nor how slinkingly each tried to creep off.
And first one pair of trowsers was tried on, and then another--and one waistcoat, and then a second, and then a third.
We knew that the same fear was in both our minds, and we tried to avoid it.
Had it been a great plain in a mountain tract, the attempt might almost have appeared practicable; at least, I had often seen fellows who would have tried it.
He triedto console her, but his own tears fell fast with hers.
I would have given worlds to know; but there I was, a prisoner, and I feared that if I tried to give any alarm, I might only make bad worse.
She tried the little wicker chairs one after another.
She triedto drag Minnie to the door, but Minnie pulled back.
They would get good and spanked if theytried any funny work with their mothers.
When they had finished the wonderful five minutes, they tried the chariots.
She tried to put the cookies back on the table but Myron clung to them stubbornly.
When she was talking about workingmen I tried to tell her about my father working for your grandmother.
Reaching her room, she sat down on the side of her bed and tried to think it out.
Dora and Susie helped her to her room, and though they tried every simple remedy of which they had ever heard, to reduce the rapidly swelling arm, all seemed equally unavailing.
He tried to join in it, but the glitter of his blue eyes betrayed his anger.
He never had tried the horse, but it was from the English ranch, where he knew they were bred and trained to jump.
He urged her to be patient, and tried to comfort her by saying: "We have only to wait, Susie.
I be better pretty soon," was all she would say, and tried to smile at Susie.
Oh," and she rocked to and fro in misery, "if only I never had tried to improve Smith's mind!
It's claimed that it's double by people what have tried to work me over.
He had wanted Susie's help, but each time that he had tried to conciliate her, his overtures had ended in a fresh rupture.
He tried as hard as he could, but it was difficult.
But when Sami tried to do this, the hoe was too heavy for him, and he could do nothing.
But she held him fast and tried with great difficulty to express herself in his language, for she had only a scanty knowledge of it.
She tried to raise herself up a little, then took Sami by the hand and said in a low voice: "Sami, listen to me, I must tell you something.
Sami now tried to explain to the woman that it had not happened so, but she said she knew enough, threw his tied-up bundle beside his bed, and went out.
Such talk was insolent from Sami, and it had been known for a long time how upright they were in his house, before such a scamp had come there and tried to show them the way.
He stepped up to Mary Ann's bed, and tried to encourage her, as that was his way.
Sami did not understand a word that was spoken around him, although several times one and another tried to talk with him a little, for the softly weeping boy had indeed awakened their sympathy.
But as each tried to outdo the others in showing off his knowledge, a struggle ensued and the tricks were immediately applied; one threw another over the third, Sami was knocked and thrown around by all three.
Jacquelin missed him sorely and tried to imitate him in many things; but he knew it was a poor imitation, for often he could not help being afraid, whilst Steve did not know what fear was.
She tried the door on which was the name of “Allen and Gray,” and, finding it locked, slipped her envelope under it and crept quickly away.
Major Welch could not help a graver look coming into his face—he felt almost grim, but he tried to choke down the sensation.
He ought either to have let the Ku Klux, who, it was understood, had tried to get hold of Leech, deal with him, or else have let him alone.
She seated herself and tried for a few moments to be light and divert him.
I have tried to hate him, and prayed—yes, prayed to hate him; but I like him better than any man I ever met or ever shall meet, and even when I cut him on the road I liked him.
Ruth looked acquiescent, and as they walked their horses along under the trees the boy tried to explain the matter.
One instant he sat down in the shafts, and the next reared and plunged and tried to go any way but the right way.
He suddenly tried another course, and began to argue with Tarquin.
Resting his head against the tree, he tried to go to sleep; but the minute denizens about in the grass bothered him, the droning of bees in the locust boughs above failed to lull him.
Him they tried to induce to drink too, and when he declined, they hustled him a good deal and finally kicked him out into the road.
Ruth walked down as far as she dared, keeping close beside the fence, and tried to recognize some of the men who were moving about on the tavern veranda or in the road before it; but there was not one that she knew.
They tried the door, and then a voice called him, “Leech, Leech—Colonel Leech!
And when Captain Allen tried to counsel him seriously, he floored that gentleman by saying that he had learned both to drink and to play poker from him.
On reaching the island, these fellows mutinied and tried to kill brave Captain Smollett and the party of gold-seekers.
They thought it very good fun, however, and were laughing and talking, as they tried to keep their feet from slipping.
Dodd, who had kept clear of her so long, went down and tried to reassure her.
I went back to the inn; and when I had washed and dressed, tried to sleep, but in vain, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.
But though his tackle gave him the force of a dozen hands, he might as well have tried to move a mountain: on the contrary, the tremendous sea rushed in and burst the port wide open.
Therefore I hope to be forgiven if I have tried the patience of my readers by any prolixity.
Had not I been afraid of losing them all, I would have tried to catch one alive, they seemed so tame.
My dinner went away almost untasted, and I tried to refresh myself with a glass or two of wine.
I walked to and fro, tried to read an old gazetteer, listened to the awful noises: looked at faces, scenes, and figures in the fire.
She hailed us in French, but receiving no answer, shetried us in English.
He went on working in this way for forty years, and in the whole course of that time never let pass an ill-considered page or an ill-constructed sentence, but always did his best, and tried to make himself able to do better.
The ships tried to get out in vain; the army was able to retreat by land, but only to be harassed by the enemy, and finally placed in such distress that it was compelled to surrender.
I met a Frenchman who tried to make me comprehend how many English people there were at Cannes in winter.
The announcement was made that no more cases would be tried that day, that witnesses should be on hand at the regular hour next morning, and notwithstanding the vigorous protests of Mr. Jacobs the Court adjourned.
Why hasn't some one tried to find this Carden's relatives?
There was only the ordinary number of cases to be tried by Justice Holland the next day, but the Court officers and regular visitors were fairly astonished at the care and time he spent over even a plain, ordinary drunk.
I tried many remedies, but until I began taking Ayer's Pills received no benefit.
Miss Fleming, looked at him in surprise, looked at him reflectively, tried to look wise, and finally shook her pretty head negatively.
I know, because he tried so very hard to tell me all about it just before he went to sleep, and of course he couldn't quite make me understand.
Then I should still think that you had tried to be foolish but I shouldn't be angry.
During that short, exhilarating rush across the lake, and afterward walking up and down on the board platform by the side of the waiting train, he tried his best to ring a little sentiment out of her, but failed utterly.
Have you ever tried to lie on the lawn under a tree and read for an hour or two--incased in all your buffer of clothes?
From time to time they had tried the effect of giving the place a name, but had always come back to "The Camp.
There was a second's pause, while the big trout, pained and surprised, triedto gather his scattered wits.
And she tried to picture in her mind a young man who should look like an angel if his eyes weren't too bold and roving.