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Example sentences for "shabby"

Lexicographically close words:
sgraffito; shabbier; shabbiest; shabbily; shabbiness; shack; shackle; shackled; shackles; shackling
  1. This is the way to treat many little rock plants that grow themselves shabby in a year or two.

  2. Annuals that have become shabby may be pulled up and thrown away.

  3. But there was something in the haste of the shabby man, a hint of terror in the wide-thrown arms, that made the lawyer forget his tragic environment.

  4. The clean-shaven face, the well-moulded nose and chin hinted at a refinement which his shabby threadbare suit and his collarless shirt freakishly accentuated.

  5. He paced the room for some time, fancying all sorts of things about the owner of the shabby brown greatcoat, but never taking his eye off the curtains, resolved to rush forward on the first appearance of their opening.

  6. Then he felt himself borne through the air by a vulture in a shabby brown greatcoat, which set him down on the top of a high house, and flew away.

  7. He is quite broken down and shabby now, but I should say that at one time he was a gentleman.

  8. As he lifted the shabby lid a stream of living fire flashed out.

  9. One meets many shabby individuals with wild physiognomies, and sometimes one hears an excited, menacing discussion on Louis Philippe, who, as well as his ministers, hangs only by a single hair.

  10. I reply shortly, eating all the dirt I can collect; and I shall try to forget it too; though it is a shabby end of an old friendship.

  11. I am very much obliged to you: if that is all, I will be quite quiet--so that I am not to do any thing shabby or dirty for it.

  12. I would not wear cotton velvet--like the odious, shabby Miss Chattertons, who are infamous for it.

  13. Thus though I made no shabby friends I acquired few genteel ones, and I began to feel keenly the disadvantages of a lean purse.

  14. For days Timothy stayed there; he managed to catch a few stray mice after a long chase, but soon his sides grew thin, his soft gray fur shabby and coarse and dark, while his eyes were furtive and sullen.

  15. Then she looked from him to the old boatman, who was standing a few steps off in his shabby red flannel-shirt, with a stolid brown face and white hair: a not unpicturesque figure standing by the edge of the stream.

  16. But every year the shabby stream of progress rises and engulfs one relic or another, carrying off many and many a landmark and memory.

  17. Raban felt his heart warm towards the shabby face, the thick kindly brows.

  18. The sunlight dazzled through the green, making a pleasant flicker on the walls of the shabby room, with its worn carpet and old-fashioned cane chairs and deal bookcases.

  19. He dined at his club, and drove to the shabby station in Bishopsgate.

  20. He looked round him again in the low, dark, shabby room and in spite of all his grief and all his pain he felt a calm, an assurance which, during his torturing journey, he thought he had lost forever.

  21. Apart from the rest, behind the stove, sat a little lean man in a scant and shabby black coat.

  22. Who was the pale, haggard stranger in the cheap, shabby dress and shawl?

  23. At the foot of the hill stood an automobile--not Mendoza's shabby little Ford--but a big car with two large headlights.

  24. He approached, his shabby old shoes making no sound on the wooden flooring, and read the address written on the pink and scented envelope.

  25. The recognition was mutual, for the priest raised his shabby old hat with a tender care for the insecurity of its brim.

  26. He saluted the General with one finger to the brim of his shabby felt hat as one great man might salute another.

  27. Pardon, senor,' said the old man, coming forward with his shabby hat in his hand.

  28. The colouring was sombre, and the most conspicuous feature was a little cafe with curtained windows and a shabby front of white woodwork, corresponding with the squalor of these poorer quarters bordering the river.

  29. He spent the last of that Easter Sunday in his shabby little bedroom in the Marine Hotel, where with windows open to the wind and sea he sat writing long past midnight.

  30. He rose and crossed the little cobbled courtyard and looked out for a while into the shabby by-street in which the hotel was situated.

  31. Andrew entered his sweltering dressing-room and gave himself over to the little dresser who had just turned out the dog-trainer in his shabby evening suit.

  32. The man was wearing on his shabby infantry coat the white armlet with the red cross.

  33. The good nuns had covered the shabby clothes with an embroidered cloth.

  34. I never dreamed that you would do anything so shabby as to step in at the last moment, just when Nick is coming home, and cut him out.

  35. She was no longer conscious of Grange, as reverently, even diffidently, she opened last of all the little shabby prayer-book that her father had been wont to take with him on all his marches.

  36. The chain attached to it--rather worn and shabby now--was of woven red-brown hair.

  37. Franky reflected, staring after the short black figure in the caped soutane with the worn purple sash and shabby beaver shovel-hat, as it receded from his view.

  38. But into the company of these important hirelings came quite unconsciously a young working-woman in a shabby brown merino skirt and a blouse of white Swiss.

  39. In the shabby side-street where long ranks of private cars stood waiting, von Herrnung had signalled the chauffeur of one of them--could the man have been the German who had leered at her that day at Hendon?

  40. He was with his clerk, Ted Blamy, a feeble, wizen little man, dressed in a shabby tweed suit, covered with white dust.

  41. The old servant looked so shabby that Esther was not surprised that Ginger did not shake hands with him.

  42. You'd sooner stop with me and wear those shabby clothes than go to him and wear a pretty velvet suit?

  43. With such surroundings, no one upon entering Septimus Hardon's rooms would have been surprised to see Mrs Septimus careworn, and lying upon a shabby couch, and the children slight and fragile.

  44. It is only when in company with dirt and squalor that long hair shows to its greatest advantage; and if the hair be long, vain are the efforts made to reform a shabby garb.

  45. Then back to the shabby carriage, whose driver had refreshed himself with gin, which attacked his nose; while the horse yet twisted an obstinate wisp of hay that hung sideways in his bit, and would not be ground into nutriment.

  46. He was a common figure in the streets and lived in some shabby neighbourhood of tenement houses where there were hens and chickens among the cobble stones.

  47. The room was large and lofty, but shabby and dismal.

  48. A shabby press bed, a chair, and table were all its furniture; it was rather a closet than a dressing-room, and had no door except that through which we had entered.

  49. Nothing could be homelier than our equipage, or more shabby than the furniture of the little apartment.

  50. I can't see that you are so frank, sir, as you describe; you have just played a shabby trick to bring about this absurd and most disagreeable interview.

  51. But this application was so shabby and insolent!

  52. She wears her shabby hat awry, Perched on a silly comb; And people laugh at Polly Dibbs As she goes home.

  53. Poor, old, skinny arms White with soapy foam-- At night she takes her shabby hat And goes off home.

  54. It was a very shabby room, nothing like as well furnished as the one she had occupied at Mammy Warren's.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shabby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.