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Example sentences for "unassuming"

Lexicographically close words:
unassailably; unassigned; unassimilated; unassisted; unassociated; unatoned; unattached; unattainable; unattained; unattempted
  1. All the honors ever bestowed upon herself had not afforded her the joy of this testimonial to her gentle, unassuming but strong and helpful sister, on whom she leaned far more than the world could ever know.

  2. Miss Anthony spoke for an hour in a plain, unassuming manner, but ably and learnedly.

  3. Quiet and unassuming in manner, gentle and persuasive, and withal sympathetic and tender, his natural gifts were supplemented by a thorough knowledge of the most advanced scientific treatment of the insane.

  4. Nature had lavished her richest gifts on this unassuming young Virginian.

  5. And this will be more than our modesty can carry, however plain and unassuming the style in which it is written, especially as I have to enlarge on the munificence of my relatives as well as on my own.

  6. Again, how sparing he is in his manner of life, how unassuming in his dress!

  7. Peter had been made to trim his beard, and, dressed in unassuming pepper-and-salt, looked with his docile eyes and quiet voice a very respectable servant.

  8. I chose the most unassuming shop I could find, where a little boy was taking down the shutters--one of those general stores where they sell everything.

  9. He would have done so, believe me, for he was the gentlest and most unassuming of men, as is proved by all that is written of him and all that we know of his daily life; but impious death forbade.

  10. It was as if this fierce duel, so full of national significance to a German, had been fought in another existence, It was incredible to him that the unassuming lawyer he knew, so wholly Americanized, had been the hero of it.

  11. He is just as unassuming and democratic as "my general.

  12. She pointed out how modest and unassuming he was, in spite of the fact that he was "controlling an immense business" and in his own particular trade "a perfect Napoleon.

  13. And, indeed, Brahms's behaviour proved unassuming and good-natured, but he showed little vivacity and was often hardly noticed at our gatherings.

  14. Are they so hugely interested in the performances of my unassuming penna?

  15. The actual and whole truth would indeed have seemed a preposterous assertion beside this plausible one, by reason of the lofty demeanour of the Lady Caroline and the unassuming habits of the late villager.

  16. Had she been only the heiress to his own unassuming little place at Falls, how much better would have been her chances of happiness!

  17. She was no longer little, unassuming Belita; here stood no child, but a beautiful, blooming maiden.

  18. But with all this rising importance he was ever the plain, unassuming William Nicholson, and when Mayor or M.

  19. We all called him the Prince, but he was equally courteous and unassuming whatever way we addressed him.

  20. Then he calmed down, returned to his soft manner of speech and to that unassuming quiet bearing which had been usual with him even in his greatest days.

  21. There, in thy scanty mantle clad, Thy snawie bosom sunward spread, Thou lifts thy unassuming head In humble guise; But now the share uptears thy bed, And low thou lies!

  22. But here the younger man was no longer in the plain and unassuming garb of an artist.

  23. Somehow, as Grand Duchess she seemed an entirely different being to the plain, unassuming woman I had known as Ella.

  24. I have seen many dignitaries in my time, but none who quite equalled this eminent being; who was good enough to answer to the unassuming name of Dawson.

  25. His distress was laughable to witness: his own choice of an unassuming nickname had been Claude Duval!

  26. However nobility was not so unassuming in those days as it is now.

  27. The desertion of the best narrator broke up the party, and the unassuming Denys approached the meditating mijauree, and invited her in the most flattering terms, to gamble with him.

  28. My mother has a little property, which takes the form of a small life annuity, upon which she lives in an independent though unassuming manner in the Old Street Road.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unassuming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affable; artless; authentic; bashful; bucolic; candid; casual; childlike; cordial; direct; easy; easygoing; familiar; folksy; genuine; good; gracious; guileless; homely; homespun; homey; honest; humble; inartificial; inconspicuous; informal; irregular; lawful; legitimate; lifelike; literal; loose; lowly; meek; mild; modest; native; natural; naturalistic; offhand; original; pastoral; plain; pure; real; realistic; relaxed; retiring; rightful; rural; simple; sincere; sociable; sterling; straightforward; sweet; unadorned; unadulterated; unaffected; unambitious; unassuming; uncalculating; unceremonious; uncolored; unconstrained; unconventional; undesigning; undisguised; undistorted; unexaggerated; unflattering; unimagined; unobtrusive; unofficial; unpretentious; unqualified; unromantic; unspoiled; unstudied; untrimmed; unvarnished; verbal; verbatim