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Example sentences for "chill"

Lexicographically close words:
childun; chile; chilen; chiliasm; chiliastic; chilled; chillen; chillens; chiller; chillern
  1. I trust Ann will take no chill walking through the mud.

  2. He said he thought you'd taken a chill walking round the garden.

  3. Through the open port came the smell of sea and land, and with it a chill air which Alan drank in deeply as he stretched himself for a few minutes after awakening.

  4. Mary could feel it as they picked their way through the chill and gloom that lay in the silent passages between the Gargantuan rocks.

  5. He lay huddled at the window, and the chill of death was creeping over him.

  6. A glacial stream would be milky blue or milky green from glacial silts; and while game seeks the cool heights in summer, the animals prefer the snow-line and avoid the chill of the iced masses in a glacier.

  7. She took to hugging herself violently against a sudden chill that rushed over her, rattling her frame.

  8. A general chill pervades the domestic virtues: hospitality is aguish, and charity becomes more than proverbially numb.

  9. We have no comfort in the parlour yet: even the privileged kitten, wandering in vain in search of a resting-place, deems it but a chill dignity which has withdrawn her from the warm couch before the kitchen-fire.

  10. The morning wind from the Jamuna grew suddenly chill against his skin.

  11. Hawksworth examined the room once more, its close air still damp with the chill of dawn.

  12. The damp, chill air purged the torch smoke from his lungs and began to sweep away the haze of brandy from his brain.

  13. This time she did reach and touch his hand, and her touch was strangely warm in the chill of the room.

  14. The chill of early dawn penetrated his face and hands, and his hair sparkled with light jewels of dew.

  15. He forgot the chill of her voice in the beginning, and he dwelt greedily upon the fact that once more she had called him Ford.

  16. Certain it is that he had no intention of drinking whisky when he closed the door upon the chill wind; and yet, he involuntarily walked straight up to the bar.

  17. After that his anger cooled imperceptibly, and he hurried a little faster because the day was waning with the chill haste of mid-autumn, and he recalled what she had said at first about being afraid of coyotes.

  18. Chill dawn spread over the town, dulling the light of the fires and bringing into relief the sodden tramplings in the snow around the jail, with the sharply defined paths leading to Tom Aldershot's lumber-pile.

  19. Josephine thought--just what she said, probably, upon the chill day when she calmly asked Ford at the breakfast table if he would let her go with him.

  20. The chill of it affected Ford sufficiently to keep him away from the house as much as possible, and unusually silent and unlike himself when he was with the men.

  21. He hunched his shoulders at the chill of the morning and walked around the jail, inspecting it with half-hearted interest.

  22. Besides, whenever the dew is copious, there is a chill in the atmosphere which it is not always safe to encounter.

  23. Very true; yet I would not advise you for this reason to be too confident of escaping all the ill effects which may arise from exposure to the dew; for it may be deposited on your clothes, and chill you afterwards by its evaporation from them.

  24. No; not a hot bottle and a fire combined could drive the chill out of it.

  25. He could not have invented a more cruel torture than this daily life of chill intercourse between them, and Salome felt that it was becoming insupportable.

  26. Still feeling elated he steamed into his office and cursed the overly-efficient character who had turned on his air conditioner to chill the room again.

  27. Brion shivered in the sudden chill of the air, and wrapped the coat tighter around him.

  28. This is an outgrowth of our passion for bedrooms that are so be-windowed they become sleeping-porches, and we may leave their chill air for the comfortable warmth of luxurious dressing-rooms.

  29. The modern drawing-room is intended, primarily, as a place where a hostess may entertain her friends, and it must not be chill and uninviting, whatever else it may be.

  30. Although early in November, there were wandering flakes of snow in the air, and a chill wind from the northwest was sweeping over the Mississippi valley.

  31. It was a chill night, and there was a wind blowing from the west which seemed to cut into his bones, but Clay sat down not far from the camp and awaited the opening of the drama!

  32. I feel the chill of that fragment of Greenland freeze my marrow.

  33. I stood smiling, and strangely cold, leaning against the mantel-shelf, while my heart beat as though it would have leaped from my throat, and I could feel the pallor of my face as chill as marble.

  34. The very name sends a chill through my bones!

  35. The animal was now coughing painfully, and the chill of the night air seemed to strangle her breathing.

  36. She dared not open it; and when at last she did so, the words sent a chill over all her body.

  37. The peace of Wolfpits could tempt him no longer when the chill autumn air stimulated him to action and the natural violence of youth.

  38. There's a chill in my bones that tells me I'm going to meet up with him one of these days.

  39. He spoke without violence, as always, but she knew that he was intensely angry, and that familiar chill passed through her body.

  40. The leaves of the elm above her were turning yellow; the sun-laden wind that came between the spruce shades seemed chill to her; she felt cold, an unusual thing for her, and the time seemed terribly long.

  41. However, as he walked back, the chill frost striking his bare head, he felt more diffidence and perplexity about his next action than was at all usual to him.

  42. It was in the afternoon, and a chill north breeze ruffled the leaden surface of the lake and seemed to curdle the water with its breath; patches of soft ice already mottled it.

  43. Besides, who knew how such a chill would develop?

  44. The morning's crimson stain tinges their ashen brows As they part the last boughs and slowly step again On to the village grass, and chill and languid pass Into the huts to sleep.

  45. As soon as she thought of her distress a cold chill crept over her, and she felt as if stung by an iron arrow.

  46. The chill morning air, the curling smoke, the song of the lark as it soared into the blue heaven, the snort and neigh of the tethered horses, the sounds of waking life and reality seemed to bless me.

  47. Over her shoulder I saw a pale face peer out--Marie Wort's; and on the instant I felt my rage die down into a miserable chill, the chill of despair.

  48. The chill of disappointment took its place.

  49. The solemn air of the room, the silence, and the privacy of the proceedings, all contributed to chill me.

  50. Anger gives place to pain and the chill of apprehension.

  51. Deep flowers, with lustre and darkness fraught, From glass that gleams as the chill still seas Lean and lend for a heart distraught Heart's ease.

  52. In one tent, where a young mother was shaking with the chill of a severe attack of fever, Miriam asked the pallid Milcah to bring her medicine chest, and the desolate wife went on her errand with joyous alacrity.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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