It is essentially in this region, insusceptible of any absolute classification, that the above-named conditions play their part.
But it applied, besides this, both to the words and to the music in a manner wholly insusceptible of expression.
Castillian genius has nowhere imprinted a haughtier effigy of its invincible pride and fanaticism, insusceptible to the humiliations of decay and defeat, impervious to the encroachments of progress and enlightenment.
Did it make the patientinsusceptible of the effects of a second inoculation with purulent matter?
Defn: The quality of being insusceptible of feeling, pain, or suffering; impassiveness.
The first of these is, that yellow fever is strictly a self-limited disease, and therefore is insusceptible of jugulation.
On this point no argument is needed, for the cow is insusceptible to syphilis.
One is, to use non-humanized lymph, since the lower animals are insusceptible to syphilis.
The atmosphere of such a town would be like that of the country, insusceptible of the miasmata which produce yellow fever.
And he explains this resurrection of bodies to be only of the original stamen of Leibnitz, or the human calus in semine masculino, considering that as a mathematical point, insusceptible of separation or division.
The editor must have been utterlyinsusceptible of shame, or else must have been in the habit of deadening his moral feelings by artificial means.
On the whole, it would appear that, while women are not apt to be seriously affected, in the absence of any preliminary excitation, by crude body odors, they are by no means insusceptible to the sexual influence of olfactory impressions.
Men Comparatively Insusceptible to the Specifically Sexual Influence of Music.
They may conclude too hastily, that nature has formed man insusceptible of any other government than that of force, a conclusion not founded in truth nor experience.
These disputes are the most insusceptible of determination, because they have no foundation in reason.
Children, again, are susceptible to certain diseases and insusceptible to certain others to which older people are susceptible.
If they are present in large numbers and active, the animal is insusceptible to certain diseases; if they are few and inactive, the animal is susceptible.
A fourth, but rarely necessary, method is to pass it through the tissues of an insusceptible animal.
It is therefore the natural representative of the inorganic kingdom of nature, which is insensible, insusceptible to fine impressions, and only determinable according to general laws.
It seemed as if his mind were insusceptible of the idea of danger, and he set about all his proceedings for going out to meet Arthur Hargrave as calmly and tranquilly as he had made his preparations on the preceding day for going to Oxford.
It is insusceptible of rust, as gold and silver are, none of the acids affecting it, excepting the aqua regia.
It is from fifty to one hundred and fifty yards wide, always rapid, rocky, and insusceptible of navigation.
They have done it, in many instances, with a boldness they were thought insusceptible of.
It is insusceptible of rust, as gold and silver are, none of the acids affecting it, excepting the aqua regia.