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Example sentences for "withdrawal"

Lexicographically close words:
withaat; withaht; withal; withall; withdraw; withdrawals; withdrawe; withdrawen; withdraweth; withdrawing
  1. The Tartars, with their enormous crowd of captives, could not winter in Russia, hence their timely withdrawal "without ostensible cause" on several occasions.

  2. To commemorate the withdrawal of Tamerlane, Vasili founded the monastery of the Sretenka (Meeting).

  3. On the withdrawal of these counsellors again commenced the murders and massacres in which Ivan delighted.

  4. It is held that the withdrawal of the Russians disconcerted Napoleon; but he had already met other armies than the English, so to him this retreat of his enemy was not new.

  5. Another grievance was the papal patronage, and, as early as the fourteenth century, Parliament passed the statutes of provisors and praemunire to prevent the withdrawal of money from the realm.

  6. A re-coinage took place under William, but then paper came in to give relief, and the money in circulation continued to degenerate, as there was no provision for the withdrawal of light pieces.

  7. What the dramatic poets produced from the period of Garrick's withdrawal to the end of the century will be best seen by a reference to the Supplement, which I append to this volume.

  8. Great was the confusion in, and small the prosperity of, the theatres after the death of Wilks, and withdrawal of Cibber.

  9. It is just possible that the player was a proximate cause of Fox's withdrawal from the administration, and his becoming in permanent opposition to the Court.

  10. The withdrawal of the legal tenders had not been long under way before protests began to come in upon the Treasury and Congress from the West.

  11. This involved the withdrawal from circulation of the greenbacks, and the destruction of that amount of the money used in business.

  12. Perdriel proceeded at once to Mendoza, but the leading men of the city assembled in open Cabildo and, supported by the mass of the people, refused to accept this new Governor, and insisted upon the withdrawal of his resignation by San Martin.

  13. The charge of affairs, at the withdrawal of Christiern, had been placed in the hands of a wretch scarce less contemptible than his master.

  14. Further, withdrawal from one extreme seems to precede approach to the other.

  15. In successive movements withdrawal from one extreme precedes approach to the other, in point of time; and also in the order of nature, if we consider the subject, i.

  16. So also was this useful for our withdrawal from evil.

  17. Hence in the same place he adds that "Jesus' withdrawal to Egypt decreed by the Father is announced to Joseph by angels, and again His return to Judaea from Egypt.

  18. The royal messenger sent to reconcile the northern tribes after their withdrawal was so speedily stoned to death that the king fled for safety to Jerusalem.

  19. Napoleon was quick to see its opportunities during his Egyptian campaign and set his engineers to work upon the plan, which was abandoned upon his withdrawal from Africa.

  20. The company's treasury was again empty; it chose to hold the viceroy responsible for the predicament caused by the withdrawal of the peasants and brought him a bill for damages.

  21. The kingdoms which centered at Damascus began to reach out for territory, and harassed Israel until the imperial growth of Assyria caused the withdrawal of Syrian troops to protect their own land.

  22. The threatened withdrawal of Clarence Copperhead was more to him than the impending ruin meant by that bill which was so nearly due.

  23. Her shy silence and withdrawal from him went to his heart; never had her society been so sweet, never had he had her so completely to himself.

  24. A sharp and obstinate skirmish with a heavy picket-line of the Sixth Corps grew out of this manoeuvre, and resulted very much in our favor, but the quick withdrawal of the Confederates left no opportunity for a general engagement.

  25. The ideal as presented by Christ is no anaemic state of reverie or ascetic withdrawal from human interest.

  26. The kingdom of God finds its realisation, not in a withdrawal from human interests, but in a larger and fuller participation in all that makes for the highest good of humanity.

  27. No rest is to be found by an indolent withdrawal from the world of reality.

  28. The probability that this would happen had been foreseen by Sir Colin, and was one of his reasons for determining to limit the operations at Lucknow to the withdrawal of the garrison.

  29. This insignificant augmentation was subsequently more than neutralized by the withdrawal of six British regiments from India to meet the requirements of the Crimean and Persian wars.

  30. But if Valenciennes had ever been thought of, it was rejected on that very account; for Louis had learned from English history that the withdrawal of James II.

  31. The withdrawal of the Italian delegates was construed as an act of insubordination, and punished as such.

  32. Bratiano, despatched a message "to the government in Bucharest" enjoining on it the withdrawal of the Rumanian army.

  33. Advantage was taken in other ways of the withdrawal of Italy's representatives from the Conference.

  34. Withdrawal of people of sense and occupation.

  35. Intimidation and withdrawal of the Conservatives.

  36. But he has indeed after the solemn withdrawal of Sophocles looked for a moment through life and death, and seen in his hour of highest success his depth of failure.

  37. Michal occupies, as is right, but a small space in the history of Paracelsus, yet her presence in the poem and her silent withdrawal have a poignant influence.

  38. At the withdrawal of the Serbian Army only the barest necessaries were left behind, and the Austrians gave hardly anything beyond bread, and at times a little meat.

  39. Inglis in the month of August advising the withdrawal of the Unit, but leaving the decision in her hands, to which she replied: "'I am grateful to you for leaving decision in my hands.

  40. It was no mere expression such as absent-mindedness might produce, but was, as she herself was aware, a voluntary action of withdrawal from all participation in what was going on.

  41. Withdrawal of the Germans from Prague, § 119, 3.

  42. Their number then amounted to thirty-eight, but in the course of time by death or withdrawal were reduced to thirty-four.

  43. This dissolution of the world consists in the complete withdrawal of the will into the absolute as the only unconscious, so that at last the wrong and misery of being produced by the irrational will are abolished in this withdrawal.

  44. Zinzendorf’s monarchical prerogative was surrendered to the eldership, and Spangenberg prudently secured the withdrawal of all excrescences and extravagances.

  45. The opposing congregations now declared, in 1877, their withdrawal from the state church, and constituted themselves as a “free Lutheran church in Hesse.

  46. After the withdrawal of the English the country was desolated by civil wars, and at the close of these troubles in A.

  47. The conference ordered the withdrawal of this unlawful act, and on the bishop’s refusal, deposed him in January, 1873.

  48. Lindsey now resigned his clerical office, announced his withdrawal from the Anglican church, founded and presided over a Unitarian congregation in London from A.

  49. But in August, 1870, their own national exigencies demanded the withdrawal of the French troops, and after the battle of Sedan the Italians to a man insisted on having Rome as their capital, and Victor Emanuel acquiesced.

  50. The commission of inquiry sent down, under the presidency of Professor Luthardt, demanded the absolute withdrawal of this proposal, which aimed at perfect doctrinal freedom.

  51. An impeachment was framed against him, and either before or after his withdrawal from Rome, Caius Gracchus himself formulated and carried through the Plebs the bill of interdiction which doomed him to exile.

  52. This withdrawal of a large portion of the infantry was a cause, or a part, of a general slackening of the Numidian attack; and it was the breathing space thus afforded which gave Metellus his great chance.

  53. They would have witnessed with pleasure his withdrawal from the school.

  54. It was never definitely stated who had pulled down the statue, but the withdrawal of Hiram, Luke and Sam was confession enough.

  55. Of course that unfortunate collection of players was weakened by the withdrawal of Joe, Ward and Tom, but even with players of equal strength it is doubtful if they could have held the school nine down.

  56. Her withdrawal was tactfully achieved; but there followed an awkward silence.

  57. He did not like the withdrawal of ten million acres of land from the operation of the homestead act.

  58. Upon the withdrawal of the regular garrison the year before, six pieces of artillery of various patterns had been left behind with Ordnance-Sergeant John Jones in charge.

  59. As I understand the matter, our president does not insist on Kurzbold leaving the guild, but merely announces his own withdrawal from it.

  60. He therefore directed a general withdrawal to the camp.

  61. After the withdrawal across Trichardt's Drift, a week was allowed for repose after the seven days' fighting just undergone.

  62. Sir Charles Warren, and up to that hour the idea of a withdrawal had not been entertained.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "withdrawal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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