Autistic thinking gratifies some desire and that is enough for it.
At this point the "weak brother" is tempted to give up trying, and take refuge in autistic thinking, but the stronger individual accepts the challenge of reality.
Autistic thinking, indulged in by every imaginative person in moments of relaxation, is carried to an absurd extreme by some types of insane individuals.
Bleuler summarises the causes of negativism as follows: (a) The autistic retirement of the patient into his own phantasies.
Autistic withdrawal into one's own phantasies[170] is what I formerly designated as the obvious overgrowth of the phantasies of the complex.
The attention being given wholly to fantasies, the subject lies motionless, mute and placid, although passing through varied autistic experiences.
The first is the mechanism of that which is called autistic thinking and its relation to religious experience: the second, the laws of suggestion and their bearing upon the spiritual life.
Such autistic thought is dominated not by logic or will, but by feeling.
It is, in psychological language, the region of autistic as contrasted with realistic thought.
Such inward dialogue, one of the commonest spontaneous forms of autistic thought, is perpetually resorted to by devout minds to actualize their consciousness of direct communion with God.