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Example sentences for "edema"

Lexicographically close words:
eddies; eddying; eded; edel; edelweiss; edematous; edentates; edentulous; edere; edes
  1. Dagonet remarks about this last--a lesson not learned in fifty years by the profession--that demonstrable edema does not produce the typical symptoms of stupor.

  2. Frequently there is slight edema of the ankles associated with a glossiness of the extensor surfaces of the legs.

  3. Not infrequently he appears well nourished, an appearance which is heightened by the slight edema of the face.

  4. Edema of the lungs is not uncommon, as we should expect, especially as a terminal condition.

  5. Generally there is some edema about the ankles, and in children a somewhat characteristic puffiness about the eyes.

  6. It may be fairly well nourished, but is pale or sallow, with perhaps slight edema of the upper eyelids.

  7. Pneumonia is a frequent complication and edema a terminal event.

  8. The first case of infantile scurvy described in America, that of Northrup, had marked edema of the scrotum.

  9. We do not refer to the edema in connection with subperiosteal hemorrhage or separation of the epiphyses of the long bones, but a mild and peculiar form which is seen early in the disease.

  10. Marked edema may be added to the picture as the result of starvation, so that the legs become swollen, and even the face becomes bloated.

  11. This infiltration differs from ordinary edema in being firm and not pitting on pressure.

  12. It is true that the limbs may show slight edema in scurvy, and that the pericardial and the pleural sacs, and even the peritoneal cavity, occasionally contain a small quantity of serum, but it is comparatively an insignificant amount.

  13. This edema may extend upward along the tendon sheaths.

  14. It rarely is as large as one would expect from external appearance, as much of the swelling is due to edema and hemorrhage into the soft parts.

  15. The application of pressure so as to cause the disappearance of the hernia is best made immediately after the occurrence of the accident, or when the edema which accompanies the swelling has disappeared.

  16. The general symptoms are those of heart weakness, accompanied with edema and congestion of the lungs.

  17. The local tumor in malignant edema contains gas bubbles, which are absent in anthrax swellings.

  18. When the cause can be ascertained and removed we may expect to see the edema disappear.

  19. It is rare that one sees a generalized edema in slaughtered cattle as a result of fluke invasion, and even in the heaviest infections of young cattle only emaciation is noticed.

  20. Edema may be distinguished from erysipelas or anthrax by the absence of pain and fever.

  21. Edema generally results from a weakened state of the system arising from previous disease.

  22. The inflammatory edema of the mouth extends to the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi, producing an extensive thickening and a yellowish infiltration.

  23. Edema of the lungs leaves these organs distended.

  24. We may now find some enlargement and peripheral edema of the lymphatic glands, which are fed from the affected part.

  25. An edema is observed in the submucosa of such cases.

  26. If edema of the intestines has occurred, the membrane is found four or five times its normal thickness, reddish in color, with hemorrhages on the free surface.

  27. Internal edema may occur in the throat, lungs, or intestines.

  28. Edema of the viscera is a most serious complication.

  29. Secondary symptoms are edema and such complications as joint infection, colic due to embolism, and accidents from falls, hemorrhage from ruptured aneurisms, or perforation at the site of abscess.

  30. The left lung also showed extensive confluent bronchopneumonia at the base as well as disseminated areas and edema of the middle and apical portions.

  31. He re-enlisted in August, 1914, and had an attack of orthopnea and edema after exposure at a review.

  32. In this case, therefore, a wound of the back of the hand produced an immediate inhibition of muscular action in the forearm, a rapid edema of the hand and arm, lasting for eight months and followed by reflex disorders.

  33. Three hours after the wound, the hands swelled and the edema spread as far as the middle of the forearm.

  34. In the case above, of Lebar, Babinski calls attention to the fact that the edema and the contracture diminished though they did not entirely disappear after the scarifications.

  35. The edema disappeared in five weeks, but it was impossible for him to look at light.

  36. The forearm and hand were possibly slightly increased in volume from a blue edema of the dorsal surfaces.

  37. Afterward his right hand refused to move, and there was edema of the right wrist, with pain referred to the shoulder joint.

  38. At Alexandria he was anemic and showed an edema of legs which had been present for six weeks.

  39. Edema of the larynx may be at the glottic level, or in the supraglottic or subglottic regions.

  40. This applies especially to the subglottic edema associated with arachidic bronchitis in children under 2 years of age.

  41. A and B show an annular edema above the foreign body, F.

  42. Edema of the larynx occasionally occurs, and might necessitate tracheotomy.

  43. Disregard of this rule will cause subglottic edema and will limit the lateral motion of the tip of the bronchoscope.

  44. In some cases the swelling is so great as to necessitate tracheotomy, or intubation of the larynx; and if the edema involve the bronchi, occlusion may be fatal.

  45. Even at the predisposing age subglottic edema is a very unusual sequence to bronchoscopy if this region was previously normal.

  46. Pneumonia and pulmonary edema may exist before tracheotomy, but they are rare sequelae.

  47. Edema may accompany inflammation of either the superficial or deep structures of the larynx.

  48. Subglottic edema occurring in a previously normal larynx may result from: 1.

  49. Angioneurotic edema manifests itself by a pale or red swollen mucosa producing stenosis of the lumen.

  50. If an endolaryngeal operation is needed by a nephritic, preparatory treatment may prevent laryngeal edema or other complications.

  51. Slower fatalities may result from suppuration extending to the trachea or bronchi with consequent edema and asphyxia.

  52. It is necessary to be certain that the axis of the bronchoscope corresponds to the axis of the trachea, in order to avoid injury to the subglottic tissue which might be followed by subglottic edema (Fig.

  53. To quote: The only local anesthetic that produces edema and sloughing is quinin and urea hydrochlorid.

  54. Such administration induces dyspnea; and when it is given in large quantities, acute and fatal pulmonary edema ensues within twenty-four hours.

  55. It is claimed that Hydropsin affects “favorably all forms of dropsy or Edema that are at all amenable to medical treatment.

  56. When respiratory disorders are present at the time of administration, the fatal edema supervenes very quickly.

  57. A disease somewhat analogous is edema neonatorum, which is a subcutaneous edema with induration affecting the new-born.

  58. Boyer cites a case of edema of the prepuce, noticed on the fifteenth day of the fever, and which was followed by gangrene of the penis.

  59. The symptoms are vague, possibly palpitation, vertigo, edema of the limbs and eyelids.

  60. The patient lived five weeks and two days after the injury, the immediate cause of death being edema of the lungs.

  61. There was extension of the blood-cavity to the thigh, with edema and incipient gangrene, necessitating amputation of the thigh, with a fatal termination.

  62. The patient was kept absolutely at rest in bed and the edema of the left leg cured by position.

  63. Post speaks of a very peculiar case of edema of the arm alternating with the menstrual discharge.

  64. A purely serous sputum is fairly characteristic of edema of the lungs.

  65. In nephritis the {57} kidneys are less permeable to the chlorids, and it is probable that the edema is due largely to an effort of the body to dilute the chlorids which have been retained.

  66. Cyanosis comes on, the pulse becomes weak, irregular or intermittent, heart failure sets in, and the patient dies with edema of the lungs.

  67. The edema is greater, there may be signs of edema of the lungs, effusions into the serous cavities may occur.

  68. When the heart is embarrassed and edema of the legs and effusion into the serous cavities have taken place, then it becomes necessary to use the drastic purgatives that cause a number of watery movements.

  69. So that if after trial the urine becomes scanty and the edema increases, recourse must be had to other drugs.

  70. Slight edema of the ankles and legs is seen.

  71. It seems unwise to keep such a patient in bed, even though the edema be considerable.

  72. The patient had three convulsions and died with edema of lungs about 30 hours after the attack of ventricular fibrillation.

  73. Once on his back in bed he becomes weak, and the danger of edema of the lungs or hypostatic congestion of the bases, with subsequent bronchopneumonia, is very great.

  74. There is dyspnea on slight exertion, possibly some precordial distress, slight edema of the ankles and lower legs and possibly scanty urine.

  75. There is increasing dyspnea, increasing anasarca, and the patient usually succumbs to edema of the lungs, drowned in his own secretions.

  76. Sometimes with serious edema and after serious hemorrhage the heart becomes very slow, unless some exertion is made, when it will beat more rapidly than normal.

  77. If the edema is pendent in feet, legs and perhaps genitals when the patient is up, with its disappearance at night, and more or less backache and pitting of the back in the morning, it is the heart that is most rapidly failing.

  78. The disturbed circulation is evidenced by imperfect peripheral circulation and capillary sluggishly, with at times pendent edema of the feet and ankles, but, perhaps, little congestion of the lungs.

  79. Also, an increased abdominal pressure, especially if there is any edema or dropsy, is bad for the circulation.

  80. The location of the edema will aid in deciding which condition is most in evidence.

  81. While angina pectoris and edema of the lungs were not infrequent causes of death in men, it was a rare cause of death in women.

  82. When the left heart begins to fail, pendent edema readily occurs.

  83. Sooner or later some edema of the feet and legs occurs in the latter part of the day.

  84. Chemical agents that attack lung tissue (choking agents) and cause pulmonary edema are classed as lung damaging agents.

  85. Initially hypoxemia occurs and is followed shortly by hyperventilation when the frothy edema fluid fills the bronchioli and CO{2} expiration stops.

  86. The experimental production of edema as related to protein deficiency.

  87. In the other, the most marked symptom is excessive edema which may affect trunk, limbs and extremities.

  88. The bacilli of tetanus, malignant edema and the organisms of "gas gangrene" are widely distributed.

  89. The animal shows more or less reaction, increased temperature, pulse and respiration and frequently an edema at the point of injection, unless this is made intravenously.

  90. He realized, however, that the edema and false membrane would force their way around the wires, and so gradually occlude the throat passage in spite of the presence of the spring.

  91. In 1820, Patissier suggested that some such remedy as this should be employed for edema of the glottis.

  92. If these last signs are present in a woman who has some edema and nephritis, the eclampsia will certainly occur, if proper means to relieve the condition are not promptly taken.

  93. Edema of the lungs is a very grave symptom, but recovery is possible.

  94. There may be edema of the lungs, hypostatic pneumonia, dropsy, insomnia, albuminuria, and other serious symptoms.

  95. His face became much swollen, the edema affecting particularly his eyelids and his lips and hundreds of wheals appeared all over the body.

  96. Fortunately the edema did not affect the larynx, or the issue might have been fatal, or would surely have required intubation.

  97. Under active stimulation and elimination the symptoms rapidly passed off so that the only noticeable edema the next morning was in the eyelids and lips, which, however, also disappeared within twenty-four hours.

  98. Many authorities claim that the uremia manifested in acute nephritis is the result of the retention of end-products of the protein metabolism already mentioned and that the edema is due to a like retention of water and salts.

  99. It is used in certain cases of nephritis when edema is present.

  100. In many cases of heart disease, as in certain nephritic conditions, edema is a prominent symptom, so that it is necessary to direct our efforts toward overcoming that particular condition.

  101. When edema is prominent, it is treated as already described in the treatment for the like condition in nephritis by the Karell or salt-free diet.

  102. After the edema has receded, the limb should be wrapped in a towel containing crushed ice.

  103. In severe cases the tension due to edema obstructs venous and even arterial flow, in which case bacteria may multiply rapidly in the necrotic tissue and gangrene can occur.

  104. He believes that dionin not only does not reduce the tension but hinders the filtration through the anterior lymph channels by the pressure of the edema which is produced on the veins and by the increased secretion of the ciliary processes.

  105. Fischer criticizes the Henderson theory on the ground that increased blood pressure alone does not lead to edema--edema is thwarted by high blood pressure.

  106. In cases of simple chronic glaucoma there is but little evidence of edema of the iris.

  107. There is edema of the ureal tract, apparently from transudation of serum.

  108. During her last pregnancy, which she had delivered ten days before, she became greatly swollen with edema (severe kidney disease).

  109. On a rare occasion a dry beriberi patient would develop edema in his feet and legs; strange as it may seem, the edema seemed to relieve the pains of the dry beriberi.

  110. Tropical ulcers often developed in swollen legs, and continued to weep as long as the edema existed.

  111. After being up for several hours, the edema slowly returned to his legs and feet.

  112. When the edema became extensive, the patient became nearly helpless unable to get about.

  113. Beriberi: Wet beriberi cases were bloated with edema usually beginning in the feet and gradually progressing upward to the head.

  114. A patient with edema of the feet and legs, after lying in bed all night, frequently found that the edema had spread to his chest and face in the morning.

  115. If the edema had been caused by salt intake, it could be, controlled by eliminating salt, but for the most part salt was not a factor, because we rarely had any salt in our diet.

  116. The edema occasioned by constipation, if not exclusively confined to one side, will in all probability be decidedly greater in one leg than in the other.

  117. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "edema" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.