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Example sentences for "dispassion"

Lexicographically close words:
disparate; disparities; disparity; dispart; disparted; dispassionate; dispassionately; dispatch; dispatched; dispatcher
  1. Devotion causes Dispassion and makes easy the path of Yoga.

  2. I have learned from it dispassion and discrimination.

  3. By such devotion, dispassion and wisdom are both acquired.

  4. When the mind is pure and free from distractions, man perceives Atma in himself, by Wisdom, Dispassion and Devotion.

  5. Therefore freedom from attachments or dispassion is not possible.

  6. Dispassion argues superior self-control; sublime patience is the very hall-mark of divine knowledge, and to retain an unbroken calm amid all the duties and distractions of life, marks off the man of power.

  7. But not instantly, by one supreme effort, by one endeavour, can this great quality of dispassion become the characteristic of the man bent on Yoga.

  8. In your anxiety to acquire dispassion do not kill out love.

  9. He must practice dispassion constantly and steadfastly.

  10. Dispassion is the non-attraction to matter--a very different thing.

  11. How shall this dispassion be brought about?

  12. These things, by their pettiness, fail to attract attention, and in waiting for the large thing, which does not come, people lose the daily practice of dispassion towards the little things that are around them.

  13. Practice" does not mean only meditation, though this is the sense in which the word is generally used; it means the deliberate, unbroken carrying out of dispassion in the very midst of the objects that attract.

  14. It is true that it is comparatively easy to acquire dispassion in that way.

  15. Thus We look down with Consummate dispassion upon Our hallucinations--Our worlds.

  16. And it is this dispassion that men worship in Us, unable to understand Our lack of interest and terrified by Our aloofness they prostrate themselves before an infinite mystery.

  17. Thus the devotee does everything by faith, and dispassion and enjoyment are to him alike swallowed up in faith].

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dispassion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnegation; abstinence; anesthesia; apathy; blah; calm; calmness; carelessness; chill; coldness; conservatism; constraint; continence; control; cool; detachment; dispassion; disregard; dullness; evenness; gentleness; hebetude; hopelessness; impartiality; inattention; indifference; insouciance; judiciousness; lethargy; listlessness; mildness; negligence; neutrality; nonchalance; numbness; objectivity; pacifism; passivity; patience; philosophy; phlegm; prudence; recklessness; repose; resignation; restraint; selflessness; serenity; sloth; sobriety; sopor; stability; stoicism; stupor; temperance; torpor; tranquillity; unconcern; unselfishness; withdrawal