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Example sentences for "fatigue"

Lexicographically close words:
fathomes; fathoming; fathomless; fathoms; fati; fatigued; fatigues; fatiguing; fatis; fatlings
  1. Hardly, however, had I gone five hundred yards on it, when I seriously regretted the horse I had forsaken, so much fatigue had I to endure keeping my legs crossed and maintaining my equilibrium.

  2. I shall thus escape the fatigue and the cost of the land journey.

  3. In spite of the fatigue of this day (the day when a woman is bored by a lover) Beatrix trembled with fear at the thought of a possible meeting between La Palferine and Calyste, a man of courage without assertion.

  4. His skin, marbled with red blotches appearing through his wrinkles, showed a powerfully sanguine temperament, fitted to resist fatigue and to preserve him, as no doubt it did, from apoplexy.

  5. The baron, worn out at last by fatigue consequent on this spasm of exertion, was forced to return home, bringing Calyste in a state of exhaustion almost equal to his own.

  6. Alice, busy all day, complained of fatigue and went to bed soon after tea.

  7. My excuse of fatigue she readily accepted, for she thought I still looked ill.

  8. Mother came toward us, pleading fatigue as an excuse for retiring, and Cousin Charles called Cousin Alice, who went with us to our room.

  9. It is not necessary that you should fatigue your mind with abstractions concerning her.

  10. Yet, at Majesfontein they had risen to the occasion, and flung themselves into the hurlyburly of battle as though a hint of fatigue were unknown.

  11. It was dangerous to over-fatigue troops who might be required to leap to arms at any moment; it was also risky to allow active men in a hot sun to give way to inertia.

  12. But fatigue must overcome the finest warriors, and ours had done prodigious work in circumstances of the most trying and varied kind.

  13. Everybody knows that, no matter how tired one may be, so tired as hardly to be able to stand, all fatigue is forgotten directly the boar turns at bay.

  14. She was sleeping, in spite of the cruel cold, in an attitude of frightful fatigue and exhaustion: her poor little head and tiny shoulder pressed as if they had sunk into an angle of the wall, and reposing on the icy stone.

  15. He was always half dead with fatigue and three-quarters dead with hunger; and he was not at all contented with his lot.

  16. It was always rather wonderful how he would make use of every moment, even when ill-health and the fatigue of travelling might seem a good reason for idling.

  17. He was a little dispirited after the fatigue of the day before and the long, empty vigil on the top of the day.

  18. I am so afraid of fatigue for her," madame whispered to me one day, when she seemed especially anxious.

  19. The incessant hunting about was bringing its reaction on Tod, and the fatigue of body and mind began to show itself.

  20. Very soon after he had only thirty, and those so worn by fatigue and want that they could not hunt, or even walk, and as each one died he was eaten by his far more wretched survivors.

  21. The fatigue and the hardship associated with mountain climbing is a portion of the essence of the pleasure in it.

  22. It is the unusual in muscular effort that gives rise to the extreme fatigue which becomes positive pain if it is allowed to continue.

  23. Their fatigue from chewing is, indeed, likely to be so disturbing that it is advisable to furnish patients as far as possible with such food as requires no chewing.

  24. There may have been very little mental work, but somehow the fatigue of the general physical system is reflected through our central nervous system on the mind as well as the body.

  25. Fever, for instance, produces lassitude and great fatigue on exertion, and patients are prone to think that this means weakness or exhaustion.

  26. Unusual tiredness, or some special exertion of the muscles, may produce a sense of fatigue readily exaggerated by attention to it, into severe pain.

  27. This accounts for the intense general sense of fatigue that many of these patients have.

  28. With regard to the influence of the mind over the body in the matter of fatigue Mueller is especially emphatic.

  29. This was accomplished by exercise and resisted motion, with care never to fatigue the muscles, but at the first sign of tiredness to stop, taking up the exercises at first twice, and then three and four times a day.

  30. This painful fatigue is most likely to be felt around the knee, though it may extend to the hip and even the lumbar {410} region of the well side if the foot continues to be spared for a number of days.

  31. There are pathological conditions, like hysteria, in which the pain and fatigue sense may, for a time at least, be quite in abeyance.

  32. I know of priests who have not said Mass publicly for years and others who can only say it in a small chapel before a few people because of the intense discomfort of the fatigue caused by this state of mind.

  33. Nerves of steel, and a frame of adamant could alone have resisted the constant anxiety and the consuming fatigue to which he had so long been exposed.

  34. I can bear fatigue and welcome privation, and have seen some of the noblest views in the world.

  35. Jackson is here, and I must fatigue myself into spirits.

  36. This was a work of considerable fatigue to the few who remained healthy; and therefore our commodore, according to his accustomed humanity, not only assisted in this himself, but obliged all his officers to give their helping-hand.

  37. This was a prodigious fatigue to our men, who were so universally ill that we could hardly find any one able to steer the ship.

  38. But this interval of forty days was not free from the displeasing fatigue of often setting sail, and being as often obliged to return, nor exempt from dangers greater than have been sometimes undergone in surrounding the globe.

  39. When the dawn broke, La Lutine was in vain looked for; she had gone to pieces, and all on board unfortunately perished, except two men who were picked up, and one of whom has since died from the fatigue he has encountered.

  40. He did not long survive her; and my uncle soon afterwards lost her equally-beloved sister, whose health had been destroyed, first by the fatigue of attendance on her sick children, and then by grief for their loss.

  41. It was impossible that I could know either of them, they were really so pale and haggard through fatigue and suffering; and I shrunk frightened and averse from their embraces.

  42. His remedy for fatigue is a slice of melon, which refreshes him so effectually, that he is instantly enabled to pursue his toilsome journey.

  43. On the ground is seated the disengaged traveller, solacing his fatigue with his nargillai, and behind him a pious Mussulman, preparing by ablution for the namaz, or evening prayer.

  44. Their fierce and unsubdued courage, their endurance of fatigue and privation, their skill in warlike weapons, caused them to be looked up to with great respect.

  45. He cannot conceive why a man should break in upon the sleepy repose of a dozing life, and fatigue himself by climbing mountains and exploring caverns, which can yield him no profit.

  46. But it was not heat or fatigue that had made him pause.

  47. For this mood of deadly fatigue the remembrance of all the intellectual joys and conquests of the last few years has no savour whatever.

  48. In its mortal fatigue her memory soon lost hold of words and ideas; but she had the strength not to wake him.

  49. From the Observatory, those who would spare any unnecessary fatigue may take mules a mile farther to the foot of the cone, but our party preferred the excitement of the walk after our long ride.

  50. But a church near by overlooks it, and whoever will take the fatigue to climb to the top, may look down into the forbidden place.

  51. But I would not recommend others to follow my example, as the fatigue is really very great, especially to one unused to mountain climbing.

  52. She was a much more powerful animal than mine; and, besides, I did not wish to fatigue my horse, wishing to enter Dublin that night, and in reputable condition.

  53. The fact that Joan did not seem to feel fatigue hardly reassured him.

  54. She had an idea that bodily fatigue might weaken her power of thought.

  55. Fatigue tied tiny knots high in their guts so that their stomachs hung like stones.

  56. Fatigue had washed into something unpleasant and hard in his belly that had little to do with tiredness.

  57. It was midmorning of the third day and he had been dozing fitfully in the saddle since dawn, fatigue deep in his bones.

  58. The silver veil was removed and he performed the teslim, the fatigue in his face beginning to show.

  59. He was tall, with lines of fatigue etched down his angular face and smoke residue laced through his unkempt hair and short beard.

  60. Hawksworth turned to Shirin, who stood waiting, a light smile erasing some of the fatigue in her face.

  61. She tried unsuccessfully to diguise the fatigue in her voice.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fatigue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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