So also of those who have had the ague badly and got well.
Riverside, near Chicago, to hunt up the ague plants.
Very few plants and no ague were found where they both were rife in 1871.
He speaks of finding ague plants in the blood, one-fifteen-hundredth of an inch in diameter, of ague patients.
The only species, however, I found of theague plants was the Gemiasma verdans.
Found none, and also that the ague had existed there from 1871.
In January, 1874, he published in the Chicago Medical Journal a paper on a marsh plant from the Mississippi ague bottoms, supposed to be kindred to the Gemiasmas.
In a consideration of its genetic relations to malarious disease, he states that at Keokuk, Iowa, in 1871, near the great ague bottoms of the Mississippi, with Dr.
From his account one would infer that, notwithstanding the excellence of the ague pad, when he is attacked, he uses blue mass, followed with purgatives, then 20 grains of quinine.
Then he found the best effect from the use of the Holman liver ague pad in his own case and that of his children.
Yet since all love is fever, who to trees Doth talke, doth yet in loves cold ague freeze.
Thinke thy selfe parch'd with fevers violence, Anger thine ague more, by calling it Thy Physicke; chide the slacknesse of the fit.
But this must never bee, nor is it fitt An ague or some sickenes lesse then itt Should glory in the death of such as hee, 105 That had a heart of flesh and valued thee.
He shook like one in anague fit, as well he might, for the threats Pierre made carried with them such a ring of truth that he would have been dull indeed had he failed to understand how far we would go in order to save our own skins.
She looked like a large pale icicle, standing up on its broad end, and cold enough to give you the ague to look at her.
So they keep up a sort of artificial fever and ague all day.
The's likely to be aguein a place like this, it bein' so nigh the water.
My aguedistressed me so much, that I was confined to the convent for several days: I did not however weary.
My ague was now become so violent that it got the better of me altogether.
On one of the days that my ague disturbed me least, I walked from the convent to Corte, purposely to write a letter to Mr. Samuel Johnson.
My ague was sometime of forming, so I had frequent intervals of ease, which I employed in observing whatever occurred.
But the ague took a fresh hold on Lucy, and she remained completely under the power of the disease until the sickness in Commerce had so abated that Joseph was able to make us a visit.
We put her immediately into a dry bed, and soon after she had an ague fit.
The bitter winds that blow in spring from the north and north-east, bringingague and rheumatic inflammations in their train, are set down by the simple Esthonian peasantry to the machinations of the Finnish wizards and witches.
He or she who does so will be free from ague throughout the year, and the flax will grow as high as the young folks leap.
A lock of the sufferer's hair was pegged into an oak; then by a sudden wrench he left his hair and his ague behind him in the tree.
Bumpus shuddered as though he had suddenly been taken with a chill that foretold a visitation of the ague or malaria.
But that which troubles me is that my Father has now got anague that I fear may endanger his life.
So home, and staid late writing at my office, and so home and to bed, troubled that now my boy is also fallen sick of an ague we fear.
He caught hold of the tumbler with fingers that shook as though an ague were upon him, lifted it to his lips and drank.
Monty was breathing hard and his fingers trembled, as though the ague of the swamps was already upon him.