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Example sentences for "deterrent"

Lexicographically close words:
deterministic; determinists; determyned; deterred; deterrence; deterrents; deterring; deters; detest; detestable
  1. It cannot be denied that, for deterrent effect, punishment at times must be sudden as well as sharp; but the justification in each case rests upon attendant circumstances.

  2. The deterrent effect of their own fleet, "in being," seems not to have prevented either of them from believing that the attempt upon Tuscany by sea was seriously intended.

  3. It is clear that Nelson, in his day, did not attach absolute deterrent effect to a fleet in being, even to such an one as the British then had in the Mediterranean.

  4. The weakest deterrent influence among us is, 'It is wrong.

  5. The strongest deterrent influence of all is, 'Everybody will laugh at you.

  6. A stronger deterrent influence is, 'Heaven will punish you.

  7. But, for the failure of power to act as a deterrent upon our desire for it, we must perceive the failure.

  8. The folly of a given course of action will only be a deterrent to the degree to which men realise its folly.

  9. But this action instead of being deterrent was provocative.

  10. Other outbreaks occurred at other points, all of which were suppressed with difficulty, but with great severity, many of the leaders being summarily shot as a deterrent example.

  11. The length of this extract will be pardoned for the sake of its deterrent drift in respect to the wanton maiming and massacre of our feathered fellow-creatures by the firearms of sportsmen and missiles of thoughtless children.

  12. We have been assured that such a regulation was, at an early day, in force at York, as a deterrent from drunkenness.

  13. All nations seem to have had supreme confidence in the deterrent power of threatened and inflicted pain.

  14. Still less does such a punishment act as a deterrent to other addicts, if for no other reason than that each individual cherishes the conviction that he will not be found out.

  15. It was with deep regret that I confirmed these several sentences, but it was necessary that a deterrent example should be made.

  16. And even in the President none of the officials had hit upon this deterrent device.

  17. Condemned to be shot, the sentence was confirmed and duly carried out--not with the idea of vengeance, but as a deterrent to other cosmopolitan rogues who infest the shores of the Levant.

  18. Mr. Longley was told to prepare an elaborate report on indoor relief in the Metropolis, and in this he expressed his emphatic opinion that "the deterrent discipline .

  19. As an adjunct of the policy of the deterrent workhouse for the able-bodied, we have to note the coming-in of compulsory detection.

  20. But the heart and conscience of the community will not tolerate the subjection of all the million paupers indiscriminately to deterrent conditions, especially as these have now been proved to be seriously detrimental in their effects.

  21. Such compulsory treatment may have for its object deterrent punishment, reformation and cure, or mere isolation from the world.

  22. On the contrary, the basis of the new policy of 1871 was the universal establishment of the deterrent casual ward for all wayfarers, and the exclusion from the workhouse of even the worthiest among them.

  23. In fine, it is impossible to prevent, and only great simplicity can hope to prevent, human nature doing what it has once set its mind upon, by force of law or by any other deterrent force whatsoever.

  24. He knew, moreover, that to a man of Flannagan's type a little concentrated physical pain was far and away a better deterrent than any other form of punishment.

  25. He believed in using the terror of the stick as a deterrent rather than in employing the weapon itself, and as a consequence the junior midshipmen were never beaten really hard unless they misbehaved themselves.

  26. Besides this the burden of taxation resting upon the middle classes that Schiller thought unbearable in 1914 has been multiplied and will act as a deterrent to large families more strongly than ever in the future.

  27. Recently this prohibition has been removed, but the antiquated social organization of the colleges acts as a practical deterrent of marriage.

  28. Punishment appears to fanatics who long for the martyr's crown, no longer a deterrent but an atonement.

  29. For these also punishment loses its deterrent effect.

  30. The only person who need have any fear was one who ignored guidance of the existing standards of his profession, and to this extent the law was, at least in part, a deterrent against laxity of practice.

  31. In either case it acts as a powerful deterrent from child-bearing, although it is doubtful whether those who are influenced by this fear would resort to abortion where contraception had failed.

  32. I have seen no reason thus far to change my mind on this point, nor in regard to the further belief that probably the interests of China in the end will be best served by the continuation of this deterrent function.

  33. They say now that if it does little good to the offender, it is deterrent as to others.

  34. It is patent to the most superficial observation that our present method does not protect society, and does not lessen the number of the criminal class, either by deterrent methods or by reformatory processes, except in a very limited way.

  35. It has a greater deterrent effect, in my opinion, to put one rich and influential man in prison than to put a thousand poor ones there.

  36. Such conviction, the Prosecution held, would have greater deterrent effect against bribery of public officials than the confinement of 500 bribe-taking Supervisors in the penitentiary.

  37. I wish there was some other way to secure a proper deterrent effect without causing these men and their innocent families to suffer, but unless the laws are enforced, Doctor, our republican form of government cannot continue very long.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deterrent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.