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Example sentences for "passionless"

Lexicographically close words:
passionately; passionateness; passione; passioned; passionis; passions; passioun; passit; passive; passively
  1. Elsie Farrar goes straight to the heart not only of John, but also of every reader who starts out to follow her on the "passionless quest.

  2. There is no danger of offending him; for a passionless god is not capable of anger.

  3. If, then, your petitions are addressed to the bodiless, passionless god of modern christianity, you must not be surprised if the true God does not pay any attention to it.

  4. The pale, prominent, and bloodshot brown eyes examined Mr. Spokesly with passionless attention.

  5. If a passionless historian of the Eskimos had given his attention to the Adriatic, I believe he would have come to my conclusions.

  6. Earth, heaven, shall pass away Ere for your passionless peace we pray!

  7. Across the moonlit Thames It rang contemptuously, cold as cold steel, And passionless as the judgment that ends all.

  8. Mejnour is purely intellectual, and spends his life in contemplation; while Zanoni, though he must avoid love and friendship which are unknown to the passionless Intelligences, feels sympathy with human beings.

  9. Bentham took no comfort from the passionless voice, though his heart leaped at the words.

  10. Made by this seemingly passionless and apathetic man, the secret movement shocked Charnock.

  11. He could not help looking as if to take leave of his father; but Anlaf stood as mute and passionless as a statue.

  12. O the contrast--the calm passionless aspect of the heaven and the human pandemonium beneath.

  13. He felt already, in the terrible storm of agitation which this confession had aroused within him, that nature was not dead, and that he was infinitely farther from the victory of passionless calm than he had supposed.

  14. Passionless perfection and repose seem to be their uniform character.

  15. And still the passionless process went on, with a sense of untold ages having been spent already on mere preliminaries.

  16. Then he read it again, the words imprinting themselves on his senses with a slow deliberation that seemed to him as passionless as Scranton's utterances on that fateful night.

  17. De Lancey, after which, his features became as passionless and immoveable as if they had been fixed in a vice.

  18. There was no expression in his countenance; he stood perfectly passionless and calm.

  19. The lip that had been fortified by recent prayer, trembled with human emotion;--the soul that had expatiated in the passionless realms to which its allegiance was due, acknowledged a power from which it is perilous for the holiest to revolt.

  20. Could this passionless stranger, this Irish politician, looking at her as indifferently as the judge on the bench, be Horace?

  21. To Meredith, her shy submission to his caresses, and her passionless response were the surest guarantee of her virginal past, and he was in no hurry to awaken the sleeping beauty to a deeper knowledge of herself.

  22. What right had she to imagine him a bloodless being, as passionless as a stone?

  23. She had been drifting into the dull, passionless life of a middle-aged woman.

  24. Once more the thrall of that quiet life of passionless sweetness held him.

  25. I know I slightly chilled to it--it was so exquisitely sweet and yet as passionless as the ring of steel on a frosty night.

  26. Your place is aft on the poop, Mr. Mellaire," said the cold, passionless voice.

  27. Utterly confounded, she leaned back, both hands tightening on the hand-rail behind her, and as she comprehended the passionless reproof, a stinging flush deepened over her pretty face.

  28. He at length learns to look into her calm, soft eyes, and sees through the passionless surface of her character some precious things gleaming in its depths.

  29. The fields are damaged by weeds, mankind is damaged by passion: therefore a gift bestowed on the passionless brings great reward.

  30. Forests are delightful; where the world finds no delight, there the passionless will find delight, for they look not for pleasures.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passionless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anesthetized; arctic; autistic; blunt; catatonic; chill; chilly; cold; cool; dispassionate; drugged; dull; frigid; frosted; frosty; frozen; heartless; icy; immovable; impassive; inhibited; insusceptible; loveless; nirvanic; objective; obtuse; passionless; soulless; spiritless; unambitious; unemotional; unfeeling; unimpassioned; unloving; unresponsive; unsusceptible; unsympathetic; untouchable