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Example sentences for "dishearten"

Lexicographically close words:
disharmonic; disharmonies; disharmony; dishcloth; dishclout; disheartened; disheartening; disheartenment; dished; disher
  1. We've all been up against the game ourselves and know how many things the young fellow runs up against to dishearten him.

  2. I came to West Point, notwithstanding I had heard so much about the Academy well fit to dishearten and keep one away.

  3. Nothing is done to make it unpleasant or in any way to discourage or dishearten me.

  4. She all to befooled me for, as she called it, my intended desperate adventure; she also urged what she could to dishearten me to it; the hardship and troubles that my husband met with in the way, but all this I got over pretty well.

  5. Of this Satan will be sure to take advantage, as far as he is permitted, and will suggest gloomy imaginations, not only to distress them, but to dishearten others by their example.

  6. Ignorance of the Indian language, the want of sails for the boat, and of clothing for the men and their small force, were discouraging impediments, but they did not dishearten him.

  7. Ardent in pursuit, sanguine in expectation, with this impression what obstacles would obstruct what difficulties dishearten the youthful devotee of science.

  8. Should a mere whim of the Countess really be able to dishearten your Grace?

  9. Disease and death as they did not dishearten them, so neither ought they to dishearten us in this work, even if they stared us in the face.

  10. Let not obstacles and disappointments, which are inevitable, dishearten you and whenever you are faced with trials recall our Beloved’s innumerable sufferings.

  11. Do not let any person dishearten you by saying, ‘You can buy cheaper than you can make.

  12. No one denies that war is a terrible business, but that is no reason why a man should not be treated to the sight of a firing-party when he comes trying to dishearten people who already have enough to do to keep their courage up.

  13. But I am not trying to dishearten anyone, Lieutenant," Weiss answered in astonishment.

  14. He could only insist that Tillie "dishearten him," and that she dismiss him not later than ten o'clock.

  15. Her departure would tend to dishearten those who have already sufficient to try them; but you may ask her.

  16. He takes it so heavily that I think I must be friends with him again; but pray hereafter seal your letters, so that the difficulty of opening them may dishearten anybody from attempting it.

  17. To know it to a certainty, would only tend to unnerve and dishearten us.

  18. Well, there can be no great loss in thee; for thou wouldst do nothing here but howl, bray, weep, and dishearten the good soldiers.

  19. This did not dishearten or deject the golden party; far from it.

  20. The first failure of his plans did not dishearten Huskisson, and the prosperity of the year 1824 enabled him to carry Bills for the relief both of the wool and silk trades.

  21. Then we shall have means of transporting men and provisions to these vessels, and the sight of them upon their upper river will further dishearten the citizens of Quebec, who have been very well punished already by our guns.

  22. We must try conclusions with them somehow, and by a concerted attack, both from Montmorency and from the strand, seek to effect something, even if it be only to affright and dishearten them.

  23. It may not bring the capitulation any nearer, but it will harass and dishearten the citizens.

  24. They would not speak a word to dishearten the troops; but they knew, far better than the raw levies or the English regulars could do, the nature of the obstruction to be encountered.

  25. For which reason, and because they thought that to such persons the mere ignominy of defeat was in itself punishment enough, they would not dishearten their generals by inflicting on them any heavier penalty.

  26. What a sublime spectacle it is to see a youth going straight to his goal, cutting his way through difficulties, and surmounting obstacles which dishearten others, as though they were but stepping-stones!

  27. The weary years in preparatory school and college dishearten them.

  28. The difficulties which dishearten one man only stiffen the sinews of another, who looks on them as a sort of mental spring-board by which to vault across the gulf of failure to the sure, solid ground of full success.

  29. What a sublime spectacle it is to see a youth going straight to his goal, cutting his way through difficulties, and surmounting obstacles, which dishearten others, as though they were but stepping-stones!

  30. All these rules, separately worth studying, if taken together may easily bewilder and dishearten you.

  31. Well I would not dishearten you by telling to what a shred of conceit, even of hope, a man can be reduced after twenty-odd years of the discipline.

  32. So she come, Anny; and you see how lively she keeps, just because she don't want to dishearten you none.

  33. No man has a prosperity so high or firm, but two or three words can dishearten it.

  34. Do not dishearten me, Letty; you know we must live, and what other plan can you suggest?

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dishearten" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anticipate; avert; awe; bar; chill; damp; dampen; darken; dash; daunt; debar; deflect; deject; demoralize; depress; desolate; deter; disappoint; discontent; discourage; dishearten; dismay; disparage; displease; exclude; faze; fend; forbid; foreclose; forestall; get; help; lour; lower; obviate; oppress; overawe; preclude; prevent; prohibit; repel; sadden; save; shake; sink; stop