Therefore are we, the working men of New Zealand, naturally incensed, and at the next election we will shake these worthless people out of office, and we will elect men like Fish, who know what neutrality really means!
Here was a government so crassly wicked and purposely blind as to profess neutrality and yet refuse to fight our battles!
That is as far as our neutrality will allow us to go.
As yet, so far as I am aware, there has been no violation of our neutrality rights, which, as well as our duties in that respect, it shall be my endeavor to maintain and observe.
It has been the endeavor of the Administration to execute the neutrality laws in good faith, no matter how unpleasant the task, made so by the sufferings we have endured from lack of like good faith toward us by other nations.
The people, thus acquainted in advance of their duties and obligations, have assisted in preventing violations of the neutrality of the United States.
Neutrality of fact the Government was decided to observe, and most of all to view in a disinterested way the carnage in Europe.
There is little doubt that if, at this juncture, Monroe had maneuvered more skillfully, if England had showed less arrogance in her treatment of the United States, she could have secured at least the benevolent neutrality of America.
I do not see, however, that in any important circumstance he departed from the strict line of neutrality which he had traced for the country.
Thus was fixed not in theory but in practice a policy ofneutrality fraught with risks.
In order to preserve even a sneaking neutrality a fight is necessary in every council for our votes are generally two and a half against one and a half.
B very far exceeds all other documents in neutrality of text, being in fact always, or nearly always, neutral.
B very far exceeds all other documents inneutrality of Text.
They asserted that the United States was under solemn obligations to recognize the principle of neutrality as applied at Suez and offered the express terms of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty in proof of their contention.
We have seen the last of neutrality in such circumstances.
From the beginning of the Great War to a point not much earlier than our own entrance into the struggle, he counselled neutralityand inaction, with what motives one must judge from his statements and from events.
It is now our duty to show what true neutrality will do to enable the people of Mexico to set their affairs in order again and wait for a further opportunity to offer our friendly counsels.
We stand firm in armed neutralitysince it seems that in no other way we can demonstrate what it is we insist upon and cannot forego.
They desire themselves to maintain an attitude of neutrality in their relations with both parties, so long as these act strictly within constitutional limits.
Nor need we really depart from our time-honoured principle of neutrality in religious matters.
He believed in the principles of that party which had supported the financial policy of Hamilton and his own policy of neutralitytoward foreign nations.
As it happened, the theory of neutrality was destined at once to receive rude tests of its soundness in practice.
But there was another side to the neutrality question even more full of difficulties and unpopularity, which began to open just as the worst of the contests with Genet was being brought to a successful close.
The French minister was held back, privateers were stopped, the English minister's complaints were answered, every effort was made for exact justice, and neutrality was preserved.
The truth is, neither neutrality nor advocacy would avail a rush.
He shall not injure an honest man for me, nor shall I promise him even neutralitywith respect to his proposal for my sister, whom I would rather see dead a hundred times than the wife of such a fellow.
They had constantly been in sympathy with France and many of them had broken their neutrality in the recent conflict.
In 1777 James Willing, a former resident of Natchez, obtained permission from Congress to make an expedition down the Mississippi to secure the neutrality of the Tories in the Southwest.
Incapable of rendering assistance, they attempted to maintain neutrality until the contest in England was decided.
Difficulty experienced by, as President, in preserving neutrality and excluding foreign influence, 82.
This belligerent demonstration in the peaceful harbor of a neutral power alarmed both the governor and the admiral, who demanded assurances that the sovereignty of Brazil and itsneutrality should be strictly observed by both parties.
The condition of neutrality can not exist unless there be two belligerent parties.
The Governor of Cardenas, under his view of the neutrality proclaimed by his Government, refused to send a physician aboard, and warned the steamer that she must leave in twenty-four hours.
The Governments of Great Britain and France accordingly signified their determination to confine themselves to recognizing the self-evident fact of the existence of a war, and to maintain a strict neutrality during its progress.
She was towed to sea amid the execrations of the Brazilian forces, army and navy, who, completely taken by surprise, fired a few ineffectual shots at the infringer upon the neutrality of the hospitable port of Bahia.
Further instances need not be adduced to show how detrimental to us, and advantageous to our enemy, was the manner in which the leading European power observed its hollow profession of neutrality toward the belligerents.
Perhaps it may not be out of place to present a few examples by which to show the true nature of the neutrality professed in this war.
In the existing state of Europe a war with Great Britain would have involved the United States in the long-continued agitations of Europe and deprive them of all the advantages of neutrality and undisturbed commerce.
Neutrality and peace were what they desired, but neutrality and peace were denied them.
Upon these two questions the opinion of the Cabinet was unanimous in the affirmative--that a proclamation of neutrality should issue, and that the minister from the French Republic should be received.
The proclamation of neutrality was approved in guarded terms, and the topics of the speech were noticed in a manner which indicated dispositions cordially to cooperate with the executive.
And yet strict neutrality between belligerents is enjoined as much by philanthropy as by national honor; for while it protects national independence it restricts the limits of war.
We complain of England and France, first for the proclamation or profession of neutrality, and then for the violation of the neutrality thus professed.
It has been said that if a new dictionary were now to be published in England, another definition of neutrality would have to be given.
The Chancellor, in the course of our talk, proposed a formula of neutralityto which I will refer later on.
Bismarck declared that, in case of an Anglo-Russian war, our policy was contained in the simple words: neutrality as regards Russia.
In only one way could he manage this, and that was by getting me to agree to a formula of absolute neutralityunder all circumstances.
The duty of neutrality which arises from the preceding article has no application in so far as it may not be reconcilable with existing agreements which the High Contracting Parties have already made.
And he adds that he believed neither in the possibility of localizing the war nor in the neutrality of England.
But, I added, if France were attacked and an attempt made to occupy her territory, our neutralitymust not be reckoned on by Germany.
This must be so, in order to secure to the common parent of all the faithful that neutrality which is indispensable to him amid the frequent wars between Christian Powers.
The Imperial government forbade the violation of the neutrality of the Papal States; and to this the Piedmontese government responded by occupying the Romagna.
All the Great Powers have observed strict neutrality here, inasmuch as they have not been present at any ceremony which could be looked upon as a recognition of the existing government.
Finally, I require that the neutrality of the Pope and the integrity of his territory be respected; for the Pope is my ally, as a sovereign, and as the Chief of the Church, my Father.
Grey to "look to the great central interests of humanity and civilisation," and to preserve the neutrality of England in those interests.
In April, 1817, the governments of Great Britain and the United States came to an important agreement which ensured the neutrality of the great lakes.
THE APPAM Sir,--It is satisfactory to learn that the United States Neutrality Board has decided adversely to the contention that the Appam is a German ship of war.
I have long thought that the form of the Proclamation of Neutrality now in use in this country much needs reconsideration and redrafting.
By lending his assistance to Russia in the East, he calculated on Russian neutrality in regard to his own plans, as was the case during the late war with France.
I suppose Bismarck would be ready to buy the neutrality of Russia with Constantinople, and that France will give Russia anything even for a little help.
These points were certainly not favourable to England receiving any support from France in defending her menaced interests in Asia Minor, as the absolute neutrality of France was the point most insisted upon.