When hyperostosis andsclerosis of the bone is attended with severe pain which does not yield to blistering, the periosteum may be incised and the sclerosed bone perforated with a drill or trephine.
All the coats are thickened, chiefly by an increased development of connective tissue, and in some cases changes similar to those of arterio-sclerosis occur.
Syphilitic Hyperostosis and Sclerosisof Tibia, on section and on surface view.
This type of sclerosis preceding death of the bone is highly characteristic of tuberculosis.
When there is a central gumma, the shadow is interrupted by a rounded clear area, like that of a chondroma or myeloma, but there is sclerosis round about.
The primary cause of arterio-sclerosis is not definitely known, but its almost constant occurrence, to a greater or less degree, in the aged suggests that it is of the nature of a senile degeneration.
Re multiple sclerosis, Lépine remarks that there are numerous army cases of pseudo multiple sclerosis which are actually hysterical or hystero-traumatic cases of hypertonus and tremor.
Any movement, such as laying hold of an object, carrying a spoon or a glass to the mouth, led to an exaggeration of the tremors in such wise that the tremor of multiple sclerosis in its most extreme form was recalled.
These stages of acute inflammation are followed in a few years by sclerosis (hardening) of nerve matter and blood vessels, resulting in paresis, locomotor ataxy or paralysis agitans.
But this is infrequent, and in cases of cardio-sclerosis has only happened in advanced life, and the patient should on no account be frightened by being warned of the possible occurrence of this unlikely contingency.
The man, for instance, who is already suffering from arterio-sclerosis must be warned that worry and work will surely hasten the process and that his nervous symptoms cannot be cured, but must be palliated.
Some of them have heard of multiple sclerosis {584} and are much disturbed.
With these substances, they succeeded in artificially provoking arterio-sclerosis in the organs of animals, and also other modifications similar to those which are observed in senility.
Norden had told me that I had symptoms of arterio-sclerosis inherent to my age (53).
An American gentleman, aged fifty-eight years, was under my care for slight symptoms of angina pectoris, pointing to sclerosis of the coronary arteries.
In the senile arterio-sclerosis calcareous deposits occur, which render the vessels rigid.
Arterio-sclerosis is an inflammatory and degenerative condition of the arterial system, primarily of the intima, although later degenerative changes may involve the whole structure.
The long-continued distension of the central vein leads to sclerosis of its walls,[42] and the neighboring hepatic cells undergo atrophy in consequence of the greater pressure.
In chronic peritonitis the cells are often converted into amorphous pigment matter, with increase and sclerosis of the ganglionic connective tissue.
In the same way, organic affections of the brain and spinal cord, especially acute myelitis and spinal sclerosis and lesions of the vertebral bones, excite intestinal pain.
Sclerosis of the liver is, conspicuously, a disease of adult life and onward.
Fibroid induration of the stomach; Hypertrophy of the walls of the stomach; Chronic interstitial gastritis; Sclerosis of the stomach; Plastic linitis.
The neighboring connective tissue may undergo hyperplasia and a more or less extensive sclerosis occur.
Segoud found the ganglia and some of the fibres of the sympathetic hypertrophied and indurated,[13] and "in recent times Kussmaul and Maier have published an example of sclerosis of the coeliac and superior cervical ganglia.
In the brain the sclerosis consists in chronic pachymeningitis, adhesions of the dura, etc.
Sometimes the deposits are still larger, and are apt to change the appearance and weight of the skull considerably after recovery has taken place and eburnation and sclerosis have taken the place of the normal osseous tissue.
The terms interstitial hepatitis and sclerosis of the liver express the nature of the malady: they signify an inflammation of the intervening connective tissue, resulting in a sclerosis--an induration of the organ.
In this sense the term is applicable indiscriminately to the gesticulations of choreic, athetotic, or tic patients; to the ataxia of tabetics and others; to the tremor of disseminated sclerosis or paralysis agitans, etc.
As rigorous a distinction must be drawn between the gestures of chorea and the gesticulations of the sufferer from tic as between the tremor of insular sclerosis and of Parkinson's disease.
It amounted to an effort to make your mental sclerosis infectious, and it was all the worse because, in you, the stiffening of the tastes had taken the form of aversions rather than preferences.
It may also lead to sclerosis or increase of fibrous tissue, especially in the kidneys, when it may result in the condition known as arterio-capillary fibrosis.
If it occurs in younger patients, valvular disease is apt to be a cause; if in older patients, sclerosis or myocardial degeneration is generally present.
This may not be due to narrowing of the aortic orifice; it may be due to a sclerosis of the aorta.
It goes quickly to the liver, irritates it, and little by little causes congestions of the liver, so that sooner or latersclerosis of this organ develops.
Not infrequently insclerosis of the arteries, especially of the coronary arteries, the blood pressure is not high, but low, and the heart is insufficient.
Necropsics on patients who died of this condition showed coronary sclerosis and arteriosclerotic kidneys.
This condition may be due to irritants circulating in the blood, to nervous tension, to incipient chronic interstitial nephritis, or may be the first stage of sclerosis of the arteries.
The cardiac lesions which cause a pulse to be slow are sclerosis or thrombosis of the coronary arteries, fatty degeneration of the myocardium, and Stokes-Adams disease.
It has sometimes seemed that high blood pressure has caused the left ventricle to act with such force as to irritate this mitral valve, and later develop from such irritation a sclerosis or narrowing, and stenosis occurs.
The term "chronic endocarditis" should be reserved for a slowly developingsclerosis of the vavles.
Sclerosis of the meshwork of the iris angle is the predisposing factor because it hinders free access of aqueous into the venous sinus of Schlemm.
In advanced cases of glaucoma after the congestive period has subsided the cornea becomes somewhat condensed, the lymph spaces contracted; a condition of sclerosis obtains.
The changes that occur in the filtration angle before it is encroached upon by iris tissue are sclerosis of the ligamentum pectinatum in adults to which Henderson (Trans.
On the other hand, if Fischer believes that sclerosis of the meshwork of the iris angle is a result and not a cause of glaucoma, then it would seem that Henderson has the better of the argument.
He gave his reasons--the comparatively slight progress which the sclerosis had made, and the absolute soundness of the other organs.
They talked for some time longer, discussed a remarkable case ofsclerosis of the heart, which they had seen at the hospital at Plassans.
Except for symptoms on the part of the heart there is no way to make the diagnosis of sclerosis of the coronary arteries.
The etiology of the former is sclerosis and the prognosis is grave because of the liability, nay the probability, that the orifices of the coronary arteries will become narrowed.
That is, there may be a marked degree of sclerosis in the aorta and coronary arteries with very little, if any, change in the radials.
When the sclerosis has affected the cerebral arteries to such an extent that symptoms result, the case is, as a rule, exceedingly grave.
On microscopic examination, there was found widespread sclerosis of the vessels of the cord to a marked degree with only slight thickening of the vessels of the brain.
Fibrous sclerosis of these vessels causes them to become enlarged and tortuous and to lose much of their elasticity, which is essential for the even distribution of blood.
This is most often found in syphilitic sclerosis where the lesion is confined to the ascending portion of the arch of the aorta.
In the primary group the kidney disease antedates the sclerosis of the arteries, and the sclerosis is most probably dependent on the constant high tension.
A history of severe infection in the past is frequent, especially smallpox, and accompanying aortic sclerosis with insufficiency of the mitral valve or stenosis of this valve is the rule.
Should this artery be felt then very probably sclerosis is present.
The tip of the finger is exceedingly sensitive and, moreover, it is a firmer palpating surface than the ball, thus enabling one to appreciate degrees of sclerosis which could not be differentiated by palpation with the soft yielding ball.
This develops most often in cases of Arterio-sclerosis or chronic interstitial nephritis, (one kind of Bright's disease).
Nephritis is one of the most certain causes, because arterio-sclerosis (hardening and decaying of the walls of the arteries) and hypertrophy of the heart are associated with nephritis, etc.
It seems to produce a sclerosis of the pyramidal tracts of the cord.
A case of multiple sclerosisin a young man of twenty-eight who had been ill seven years and unable to walk for six years was greatly benefited by Lathyrus [Latin: ezh]x.
High tension and sclerosisof the radial artery were respectively found in about one-half of the cases.
This is probably the effect of undue pressure on the fœtus diminishing the arterial supply to the central part of the muscle, with the result that the muscle fibres undergo degeneration with subsequent sclerosis and contraction.
If the sclerosis is extreme and the secretory tissue undergoes atrophy, myxœdema may result.
There is wasting of muscles from disuse, and later a tendency to contracture and the development of deformities, as a result of sclerosis or descending degeneration of the cord.
Since 1937 a rapidly increasing sclerosis of the vessels was to be noted which occurred in particular in the vessels of the brain.
There can be traced an advanced emphysen in the lungs and a distinct myocardic impairment on the basis of a coronary sclerosis of the heart.
From the instances given, I have selected that of an old lady of ninety-five years, afflicted with severe sclerosis of the arteries, with no appetite, a bad digestion and constipation.
Now sclerosis of the arteries appeared in so marked a form that he died from it before he had reached the age of fifty years.
The most remarkable circumstance was the absence of sclerosis of the arteries, although such degeneration is usually believed to be a normal character of old age.
It was most remarkable that the old lady showed no traces of sclerosis of the arteries.
This may be added to the list of facts which point to a close association between sclerosis of the arteries and the functions of the digestive tube.
There was little or no sclerosis visible in the secondary arterial branches and but few patches in the larger arteries.
Coronary sclerosiswith calcification throughout, aortic and pulmonary valvular calcification hypertrophy of heart.
I was also taught that arterio-sclerosis was another disease of old age, and all men were heir to it.
After impotency is well on its way arterio-sclerosis or hardening of the arteries is noticed, then the mental inefficiency, as well as physical weakness.