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Example sentences for "icterus"

Lexicographically close words:
iconographic; iconographie; iconography; iconostasis; icons; ictu; ictum; ictus; icumen; icy
  1. Brazilian Troupial 284 This species (Icterus vulgaris) is that most frequently seen in captivity; the pattern of colour is found in several other allied forms.

  2. By the 25th the hepatic tumour was less, and the icterus was disappearing.

  3. Bearing in mind these facts, one would hesitate before giving a decided opinion as to the presence or absence of icterus from a mere inspection of the urine.

  4. However, Bullock's is not merely a variety or subspecies, but a well-defined species of the oriole family, his scientific title being Icterus bullocki.

  5. Defn: Any one of numerous species of bright-colored American birds belonging to Icterus and allied genera, especially Icterus icterus, a native of the West Indies and South America.

  6. In Rouis's collection icterus was present in 17 per cent.

  7. A mitral murmur is a recognized symptom in the icterus of gall-stones, but Potain[179] has shown that the real seat of this murmur is the tricuspid, and that the affection of the heart is a dilatation of the right cavities.

  8. As was shown by Hilton Fagge, xanthelasma occurs more especially in the milder cases of catarrhal icterus that had been protracted in duration, but it is also occasionally seen in the jaundice of obstruction.

  9. When icterus comes on in a few days after birth and persists until death ensues by convulsions and coma, there can be no doubt regarding congenital absence or impermeability of the common duct.

  10. Simple icterus may exist without any other obvious symptoms than the yellow discoloration of the skin.

  11. Especially does the morbid anatomy of phosphorus-poisoning nearly agree in all its details with icterus gravis--so nearly that by many German authorities they are held to be identical.

  12. There is a form of jaundice known as icterus menstrualis, and attacks of hepatic congestion are not uncommon at the climacteric period.

  13. A slight degree of icterus may be present in both acute and chronic cases.

  14. In severe cases of icterus dependent on structural changes the cholaemia may produce stupor, delirium, convulsions, etc.

  15. It seems, therefore, in a high degree probable that organic muscular elements exist in the walls of the hepatic ducts, and that spasmodic icterus may therefore occur.

  16. In the acute or quickly-developing form above described of catarrhal icterus the symptoms of gastro-intestinal disturbance precede the first indication of jaundice from five to eight days.

  17. It has been called icterus gravis, malignant icterus, hemorrhagic icterus, malignant jaundice, etc.

  18. Icterus and its consequences are owing to pressure on the common bile-duct; the liver and other organs may be displaced and the aortic circulation obstructed by fecal compression.

  19. If icterus accompany duodenitis and catarrh of the bile-ducts, all treatment must be directed to the duodenum.

  20. Other species of icterus also frequent the vast cattle-herds of the South American plains.

  21. There is no singing-bird in New England that enjoys the notoriety of the Bobolink (Icterus agripennis).

  22. As soon as the cherry-tree is in blossom, and when the oak and the maple are beginning to unfold their plaited leaves, the loud and mellow notes of the Golden Robin (Icterus Baltimore) are heard for the first time in the year.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "icterus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.