Dear Sir, Being struck with the extreme cold of last week, it has brought a violent gouty inflammationinto one of my legs, and I was forced to be instantly brought to town very ill.
I am very sorry Mrs. Damer is so tormented, but I hope the new inflammationwill relieve her.
I was forced to have a surgeon, who has managed me so Judiciously, that both the inflammation and swelling are gone; and nothing remains but the wound in my finger, which will heal as soon as all the chalk is discharged.
A third has inflammation of the lungs, and the doctor prescribes three quarts of rhubarb decoction and three months in the hospital.
There is thus need of a less intense current to produce the inflammation than with a wire simply stretched out.
Mr. Loiseau, the proprietor of this apparatus, employs a very fine platinum wire, flattened into the form of a ribbon, and it takes only the current from a single element to effect the inflammation of the wick.
A blind woman walked along, her head erect, her face pale like marble, displaying the acute inflammation of her poor, ulcerated eyes.
A week later he died, carried off by inflammationof the lungs.
He was dying of inflammation of the liver, contracted in Senegal.
Common examples of inflammationare boils, sore throat, and the swollen, painful condition resulting from sprains and fractures.
Inflammation may be treated by means of hot applications, cold applications, or counter-irritants.
A process called inflammation sometimes occurs in tissues that have been injured or invaded by bacteria.
Characteristic symptoms of inflammation are heat, redness, swelling, and pain.
It is an inflammation of these bronchial tubes, which are within an inch or two of the lungs.
The inflammation leads to the pouring out of a secretion, which by degrees becomes thick like matter, or even very tenacious, almost as tough as though it were a thin layer of skin.
The pain of inflammationin any degree and of any kind is aggravated by them.
It is not possible for anyone, without medical experience, to discriminate between pneumonia, or inflammation of the substance of the lung, and pleurisy, or inflammation of its covering.
There is still another form of inflammation of the brain, concerning which a few words will suffice.
In bronchitis inflammation affects the lining of the air-tubes, travelling from the larger towards the smaller, and in bad cases extending even to their termination in the minute air-cells.
When used to relieve pain in the stomach, or as a warm application in cases of inflammation of the chest, they should be covered with some impermeable material, and will then not require to be changed oftener than every six hours.
Really acute inflammation of the brain is of so rare occurrence except as the result of accident or injury, and its symptoms are of so serious a character, even from the first, that medical advice is obviously needed at once.
It caught cold, like the rest of the camp, in that swamp at Lahore, and died of inflammation in the stomach, so violent that no medicine was of the slightest use.
Mr. Eppes's last letter informed me how much you had suffered from your breasts; but that they had then suppurated, and the inflammation and consequent fever abated.
They are often caused by chill producing some inflammation of the ear, and stoppage of the internal or external air passages.
Where inflammation comes on, the tepid pouring recommended below for bad eyes will greatly help.
Sometimes mere internal inflammation is mistaken for this disease.
When inflammation has gone on for some time on the eyeball itself, portions of whitish matter form on the glassy surface and soon interfere with the sight.
Is simply an inflammation due to impurity of the blood.
Often inflammation occurs in the centre of, or beneath, a mass of muscle, as the hip or thigh.
When inflammation has set in, and the patient is fevered, the opposite treatment is applied.
Where inflammation has gone so far as to lead to suppuration, or even to ulceration of the eyes, there is grave danger of blindness, and this is often the case with infants and children who have been wrongly treated or neglected.
Inflammation of the liver will readily yield to this treatment.
If anything like inflammation sets in in any part of the chest, treat as recommended in Bronchitis or Lungs, Inflammation of.
This may be repeated frequently, until the inflammation is subdued.
In such a case the treatment is on the same principle as that given in Lungs, Inflammation of the, which should be read.
Many persons are distressed by some form of eruption or inflammation in the skin in spring.
The first consists of inflammation of the fauces with the classic symptoms, the second presents no inflammation of the mouth nor of the fauces, but is complicated by a sense of suffocation--apparently our croup.
Headache, as the first symptom of inflammation of the brain, is often the forerunner of convulsions, delirium, and sudden death.
He says, "Inflammation of the throat may, under certain circumstances, belong to the severest diseases.
He recognizes this as an inflammation of the membrane covering the ribs, and its symptoms are severe pain, disturbance of breathing, and coughing.
He thought that one form of epulis was due to inflammation of a chronic character, and suggests that if remedies do not succeed it should be removed.
The third consists of external and internal inflammation of the mouth and throat, extending towards the chin.
Gurlt also calls attention to Alexander's careful differentiation of certain very dangerous forms of inflammation of the throat from others which are rather readily treated.
He then points out various other forms ofinflammation of the throat, acute and chronic, suggesting various names and the differential diagnostic signs.
The first consists ofinflammation of the fauces with the classic symptoms; the second presents no inflammation of the mouth nor of the fauces, but is complicated by a sense of suffocation--apparently our neurotic croup.
The seat of inflammation was centered around it, as he had foreseen, and the patient was still alive, even though the greater part of the day had passed since the tormenting piece of cloth was removed.
The violent agitation produced in this way, together with a copious discharge from the nostrils, often relieves catarrh, headache, and incipient opthalmia or inflammation of the eyes.
In dropsy, dysury, gravel, and nephritis calculosa or inflammation of the kidneys, the infusion and tincture were given by him with astonishing success.
In many cases of fever, however, there is no poison in the blood; thus, the local irritation of a boil or other inflammation may cause what is well termed "irritative fever.
After her awakening the young woman developed inflammation of the legs, which was regarded as a very serious condition for her to be in.
Apparent death caused by inflammationof the lungs.
The doctrine of present surgical pathology is that suppuration will not take place if pus-forming bacteria are kept out of the wound, which will heal by first intention without inflammation and without inflammatory fever.
There was no inflammation to amount to anything, nor had there been.
There was now considerable inflammation of the integument, over a large part of the sinus, the skin appearing tense, and the small blood vessels distinct and purple.
The inflammation over the left ilium is much better; but there is now as much inflammation over the right ilium as there was over the left.
Owing to the color of the blood, the rubor, or redness, is not produced by inflammation here as it already exists.
The inflammation was but little influenced by this or any other treatment.
The inflammation extends over a surface as large as the two hands.
The inflammation over that part of the sinus to the right of the spine is still about the same as yesterday; also that over the left ilium.
The inflammation that has now existed for two or three days over these parts of the sinus, led me to conclude that the blood which was left and that which had accumulated, had undergone decomposition and was now pus.
During pregnancy with my first child, after about three months, I started with inflammation of the bladder.
Then I had inflammationof the bladder, and finally inflammation of the kidneys, besides other complications.
I had inflammation in the varicose veins; the doctor told me I should always lay with my legs above my head.
Meanwhile I had had several attacks of inflammation inwardly, but the last attack was so severe I myself was frightened.
The womb had got twisted, and was lying on the back passage, and inflammation set in.
With neither of my children was I troubled with sickness, but was troubled a great deal with inflammation and heartburn, with which I had to be very careful, and it prevented me getting about much, especially the last three months.
Then inflammation took place, and he only lived four days.
Parke informs me I suffer from sub-acute gastritis, which I judge to be something of an inflammation of the stomach; am under the influence of morphia.
It was evident from the symptoms that inflammation had set in, and if that could not be speedily checked the end could not be far off.
Erysipelatous inflammation of the dropsical limbs; "vomiting may happen at any stage, even the earliest; it is often incontrollable.
I was well drugged, but when they stuffed me on cod-liver oil and beefsteak I would have inflammation of the stomach and liver and, of course, grew worse, with such a terrible ache at the base of my brain.
There are few disorders which are more under the influence of medicine than is the catarrhal inflammation of the kidneys.
Harry's wife had stoppage and inflammation of the bowels--a deadly sickness for six months, entailing infinite distress on the large family that needed her about so much.
With children, inflammation of one or other of the organs of respiration is the most fatal tendency of the disease.
Irritation and inflammation of the alimentary canal occur so often and so suddenly from natural causes, which are sometimes apparent, but often hidden, that no especial weight can be attached to them.
Certain substances, the so-called irritant poisons, such as arsenic, tartar emetic and the like, induce their toxic effects by causing irritation and inflammation of the alimentary canal.
Spencer was considerably relieved, and those of the party who had inflammation of the eyes no longer felt that painful irritation of which they had before complained.
These had been brought on by overloading his stomach with food, and were followed by high arterial excitement and inflammation of the brain.
With a view of suppressing the secretion of milk, irritating applications to the breast were resorted to, which brought on aninflammation of that organ.
Extensive divisions of the peritoneum are not necessarily fatal by inflammation or otherwise, and probably not generally so.
In all cases, care must be taken to prevent the surrounding inflammation from transcending the adhesive stage.
Thus the fluid, discharged under the cuticle in erysipelas or in inflammation induced by heat or a blister, or in cases of pemphigus, is a secretion, and resembles in all respects the fluid found in dropsy.
Following up this opinion, and generalizing still more than the French pathologists, our author asserts that anasarca invariably consists in an inflammation of the cellular membrane of the body, with a serous effusion as its result.