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Example sentences for "fever"

Lexicographically close words:
feuille; feuilleton; feus; feutred; feux; fevered; feverfew; feverish; feverishly; feverishness
  1. That and the fever which they caught in crossing the swamps prevented their numbers from increasing too much.

  2. The fever must have run its course by now, and if he is about to die I will recover him.

  3. Two days after I had ascertained this the man died of fever contracted in crossing the swamps, and I was forced by want of provisions and by symptoms of an illness which afterwards prostrated me to take to my dhow again.

  4. He will sleep for twelve hours and then the fever will have left him!

  5. As for the rest, they soon died of fever and starvation, not a blow being struck at them.

  6. We could not stop where we were, to be baked by the sun and eaten up by the mosquitoes, till we died of fever in that dreary marsh.

  7. He's not dead of that fever yet," said I.

  8. Rachel went for Mrs. Lansing, for she and her sisters grew frightened as the mother's fever increased.

  9. The Prairie" was begun in the winter of 1826, in the New York, Greenwich-Street home, while Cooper was under the weather from the old fever effects.

  10. Its writing, however, was delayed by a mild return of the old fever that was induced by the summer sun of Italy.

  11. Any diagnosis would have revealed spring fever incipient and trout fever acute.

  12. Joe Pye weeds blush at what they hear, as if guilty of some flagrant wrong, although they took their name from Joe Pye, the Indian who cured typhus fever in New England by means of these plants.

  13. By dint of trading and practising his art, Agnolo had amassed considerable wealth when he came to die in the sixty-third year of his life, succumbing to a malignant fever which carried him off in a few days.

  14. He edged past the table in the back-parlour to the window, and stood there looking out with a suppressed fever in his veins, biting his lip, and bearing his lecture.

  15. In the fever of her anxiety, always startled with an expectation that at last this was Susan, she did not enter into the darker question where Susan might really be, and what had befallen the unhappy girl.

  16. Vincent leaned his throbbing head against the door, and waited in a dull fever of impatience and excitement, as these noises gradually came nearer.

  17. Even at this dreadful moment, in all the fever of such a discovery, the touch of his mother's hand upon his arm brought him back to his lot.

  18. It was not wonderful that the young man gradually grew into a fever of excitement and restless misery.

  19. I was dangerously ill with fever in that place, when he generously gave up his own bed to me, and slept himself on my mat, watched over me with parental assiduity and tenderness, and ministered to all my wants.

  20. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, and to the yellow-fever were the passengers by the Ariel indebted for an uninterrupted voyage, and her owners for the preservation of their valuable vessel.

  21. We praise Thee, God, that Yellow Fever here His horrid banner has not dared to rear, Consumption's jurisdiction to contest, Her dagger deep in every second breast!

  22. Had the Democracy planted itself firmly upon honest ground and fought this corruption because it was corrupt and not from a fever of excitement to win at all hazards, it might have been defeated--probably would have been.

  23. By the time she reached home she had worked herself into quite a fever of appreciation, and she had a glowing account of the operation to give to her mother, who listened with great interest.

  24. When the race shall deem the chase of gold a thing as base as rapine, as vile as lust,--then will the fever of thy soul abate.

  25. If we do not hurry to Wady-Feiran, the fever will settle in my belly.

  26. The popular notion amongst the negroes appears to be that the ebb and flow of the tides are caused by a 'fever of the sea,' which rages for six hours, and then intermits for as many more.

  27. But in spite of this preliminary success the doctor predicted an inflammatory fever of the worst kind.

  28. She had spent the last waning strength of fever in decorating her room to receive him whom in that final hour she loved above all things else.

  29. Sick with the first fever of the heart I wandered through the rooms, unable to find mine Unknown, until at last I went home to bed, another man.

  30. For it is apt to fever us and exhaust our nervous force, even when it does not turn our heads with its praise,--to distract us and to draw us more and more into the enervating habit of paying attention to popular opinion.

  31. If we feed life only by the news of the markets, by the interest of traffic, by the excitement of competition, by the fever of speculation, by the passions of cupidity and pride, we may feel healthy and powerful for a time.

  32. There was no appearance of fever until to-day.

  33. She went on with her art-studies with renewed vigour, as if there had been a Raffaelle fever in the very air of the place, and made plans for copying half the pictures in the Vatican.

  34. She was not quite out of the doctor's hands yet; that fever had tried her sorely, and the remnant of her cough still clung to her.

  35. It was a weary long way to St. James's Park on foot; and the young mother had a horror of omnibuses--in which she supposed smallpox and fever to be continually raging.

  36. Well, no, it scarcely seemed possible to associate the fever of jealousy with that serene temperament.

  37. In the night the fever abated, if only ever so little; and Dr.

  38. There's burning fever here, and something now and then to which I fear to give a name.

  39. Next morning, the old man was in a raging fever accompanied with delirium; and sinking under the influence of this disorder he lay for many weeks in imminent peril of his life.

  40. The blood of the Mahomedan princes of India was at fever heat.

  41. Fever and scurvy were rife among them; and it appeared that the enemies outside the gates were less terrible than the viewless ones within.

  42. There were semi-starvation and fever in every ship.

  43. The news that King Philip's Great Armada had been beaten back by the wild Biscay gales reached England when the whole country was in a fever of preparation for resistance.

  44. Every ship that arrived told of the many buried at sea, and landed scores of dying and fever and scurvy-stricken men, so that all the northern ports were like great hospitals.

  45. Some trusty petty officers were given arms to distribute among the American and French seamen who had not been infected with the fever of mutiny.

  46. Sir Thomas Hardy, the commander of the "Ramillies," was kept in a constant fever of apprehension, lest some night his ship should be suddenly sent to the bottom by one of the insidious torpedoes.

  47. In a few days his fever subsided, and he recovered to the clear recollection of all that had passed previously to his illness.

  48. Exchange Alley was in a fever of excitement.

  49. He was arraigned at the Old Bailey for the murder of Lord Mohun, the whole political circles of London being in a fever of excitement for the result.

  50. Hence come fever in the feet, diseased livers, fatty degeneration of the heart, and a host of ailments that often shorten the lives of their victims and always injure their constitutions.

  51. If fever manifests itself it is generally in the fore feet; while side-bone, ring-bone, and the like are incidental to the front coronets.

  52. Indeed, quite a geologic fever raged in me most of the time.

  53. The fever showed no signs of abating, and he tossed upon his bed hour after hour, while with ice and fan and cooling applications Mrs. Lloyd and Mary strove hard to give him ease.

  54. It was an unspeakable comfort to them all that his reason continued perfectly clear, no matter how high the fever raged; and not only his reason, but his faith was clear also.

  55. Day by day Bert grew worse, until each breath became an effort; and the fever burned all through his veins, as though it would consume him.

  56. In all his young life he had never been in such a fever of expectation, and long before dawn he was wide awake, with no hope of again closing his eyes, and tossed and tumbled about until it was light enough to get up and dress himself.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abscess; ague; amok; anemia; asphyxiation; asthma; atrophy; attack; bluster; boil; boiling; burning; bustle; catch; chill; churn; colic; collapse; commotion; constipation; contract; convulsion; craze; cyanosis; delirium; diarrhea; discomposure; disorder; disquiet; disturbance; dizziness; dropsy; dysentery; dyspepsia; ebullition; edema; embroilment; erupt; excitement; fatigue; ferment; fermentation; fever; fibrillation; fidgets; fire; fit; flap; flurry; flush; fluster; flux; foment; frenzy; fume; furor; fury; fuss; get; growth; heat; heating; hectic; hemorrhage; hubbub; icterus; indigestion; inflammation; inquietude; insomnia; itching; jaundice; lumbago; maelstrom; malaise; moil; nausea; necrosis; nervousness; overdose; pain; paralysis; paroxysm; perturbation; rage; rash; remittent; restlessness; rheum; rout; row; rut; sclerosis; seething; seizure; shock; sicken; sore; spasm; stir; swirl; tabes; tachycardia; take; trepidation; tumor; tumult; turbidity; turbulence; turmoil; twitter; unrest; upset; vertigo; vomiting; warmth; wasting

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fever bird; fever heat; feverish excitement