In suppressing the establishment at Amelia Island no unfriendliness was manifested toward Spain, because the post was taken from a force which had wrested it from her.
I never obtained his forgiveness for my success in that contest, and his unfriendliness was afterward aggravated by his failure as a Republican leader to supplant me in the district, and it continued to the end.
Although loyal to his party, he seemed to have little sympathy with the extreme men among its leaders, and no unfriendliness to me on account of my decided anti-slavery opinions.
I was going away so soon and I couldn't bear to go with any unfriendliness between us.
Not that there was any unfriendliness between them, but she was teaching in the primary school and, as her father had not been well, spent most of her evenings at home.
It was the fixed purpose of General Grant to defeat this; not fromunfriendliness towards Thomas, but from a profound admiration of the military genius of Sheridan, quickened by a very strong personal attachment to him.
But whatever the feeling towards foreigners in the mass, the individual foreigner seemed to meet with no unfriendliness on the part of the people in Yunnan-fu, and apparently official relations were on a cordial footing.
Later in the day I went for a stroll to inspect the shops, accompanied by my interpreter, and it was on this occasion that I met with the only instance of unfriendliness (that I recognized) in all my journeying in West China.
This cannot be considered an act of unfriendliness because our nation adopts the same principle in dealing with its own people.
Extreme secrecy and all possible mystification of the enemy were necessary, and on account of Worth's unfriendliness Scott had special reasons for not opening his mind fully to him.
Major Beckwith, the aid-de-camp of Governor Carleton already mentioned, expressed his surprise that the pamphlet should have been published under such auspices, because it seemed to imply unfriendliness toward his government.
Unfriendliness to our veterans is a charge easily and sometimes dishonestly made.
Nor can the presentation made of such considerations be with any degree of fairness regarded as evidence of unfriendliness toward our manufacturing interests or of any lack of appreciation of their value and importance.
The foregoing categorical replies to specific complaints is sufficient answer to the charge of unfriendliness to Germany and Austria-Hungary.
One can not be justly charged with unfriendliness to any section or class who seeks only to restrain violations of law and of personal right.
Although the unfriendliness between Jefferson and himself grew through the years into unrelenting hatred on both sides, Marshall did not express the intensity of his feeling.
This unfriendliness after their baptism shows that they were hated less as followers of Judaism than as a different race, and an active, industrious, superior class.
Starvation, pestilence, and the unfriendliness of the Mahometan people vied with each other in inflicting misery upon the Jews.
There was the faintest accent, a little drawl of unfriendliness in the remark.
They serve a useful purpose in that, taking on their shoulders all the ills of life, they leave the clan gods free from the suspicion of unfriendliness to men.
Instead of complete friendliness and unfriendliness in early tribes we find more commonly between the two a middle ground of self-regarding equipoise.
But for the unfriendliness of Mr. Conkling, Mr. Blaine no doubt would have attained the acme of his ambition in reaching the Presidency of the United States.
This did not necessarily mean opposition or unfriendlinessto Senator Alcorn.
Too long have we endured each other's roughness, comrade, for you to think that unfriendlinessis in my mind because I foam over in this way.
There is no unfriendliness in my mind at this, but I can command myself no further.
I did not like the thought of starving you, and I hope your father will overlook the unfriendliness of it.
But did his unfriendliness go so far as to prompt him to intervene with untruths?
If I'd only listened to her there'd never have been them years of unfriendliness between us.
Longfellow had little to say of foreign unfriendliness which was still disturbing Irving and Cooper and Bryant (see pp.
In "O Mother of a Mighty Race" he alluded again to the envy and unfriendliness of the older nations, which disturbed him as it did Irving and Cooper.
It had relied on Chase, knowing the unfriendliness there was between him and the President, but Chase said "No," and that was the end of it.
Timid, fussy, and pedantic people have charged Mr. Roosevelt with all sorts of crimes because he had the courage to speak out, and have even accused him of unfriendliness to this country because of his criticisms.
Unfriendliness soon became Hostility after the Chesapeake affair had sharpened the sting of the Orders-in-Council, which had been issued at the beginning of the same year, 1807.
Unfriendliness began with the new century, when Jefferson first came into power.
Unfriendliness then began with President Jefferson and the Democrats.
The British at home were a good deal irritated by so much unfriendliness and hostility behind them while they were engaged with Napoleon in front.
The unfriendlinessof Great Britain and France was a most serious and ever-present danger to the United States throughout the whole period of the war, and was prolific of injury to American interests.